blood record

Chapter 286

Chapter 280 The Sixth Zong Formation

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This is the last chance, Yang Yi knew that if he didn't agree, he might face the thunderous wrath of the head teacher, but he has the Milky Way star map and the ability to travel through space, so he is not afraid.

When he came back this time, he publicly exposed the Tianhe star map, just to establish his prestige, to confirm his status, and to completely eliminate the unfavorable factors in the entire Hualong Palace. This is the purpose of his return this time.

Now many elders have jumped out, Yang Yi at least already knows what the situation in the upper echelons of Hualong Palace is like. [

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "The Tianhe Star Map has recognized the disciple as the master, and the disciple can do anything!"


After Yang Yi finished speaking, he immediately felt a terrifying aura. This aura soared to the sky, as if it was going to crush Yang Yi into pieces. This was the anger of the high-ranking head teacher.

Only then did Yang Yi know why the headmaster was able to suppress the heroes, so many elders obeyed him, even the Great Elder, Changshengtian, Law Enforcement Elder and other Sun-Moon Realm masters dared not disobey his will. Yang Ji's cultivation has reached the limit of the second level of the sky, and his aura is even mixed with many mysteries of space.

Yang Ji's power is even stronger than that of the Great Elder, and there seems to be a terrifying treasure hidden in his body, which is so powerful that he can't bear it now, but once it is displayed, it will shake the world and shake the world.And even if someone in Hualong Palace is promoted to the third level of Tongtian within a hundred years, it must be Yang Ji, the head teacher.

This aura is so magnificent that it is almost irresistible, Yang Ji said loudly: "Yang Yi, as a disciple of my Hualong Palace, you should respect and treat your elders with courtesy, but not only did you not do what a disciple should, What you do is to be aggressive and arrogant, today, I will imprison you and make you reflect on yourself!"

Yang Ji didn't even move, two flashes of light appeared in his eyes, and a big hand grabbed Yang Yi in an instant, and thunder was shining on this big hand, which was terrifying.

Yang Yi's unbroken body was even suppressed, and Jin E's brilliance seemed to want to struggle, but under this terrifying power, there was nothing he could do!

Moreover, the power emanating from Yang Yi's huge Dharma Body is not at all a match for this palm, this hand is enough to crush Yang Yi to pieces.

"It's so powerful, it really deserves to be the leader of a faction!"

There was a flash of brilliance in Yang's eyes, Yang Ji was indeed powerful, but he underestimated it a bit.However, no matter how powerful he is, he still hasn't reached the sky-reaching triple sky-shifting state, and he doesn't know how to travel through space, so Yang Yi is not afraid.

"Tianhe star map, space shuttle!"


The Tianhe star map suddenly emitted a burst of starlight, ready to travel through space, but suddenly, Yang Yi felt that the Tianhe star map shook, and the light around him became more and more bright, but he did not travel as he wished. space.

"This... this is a space blockade!"

Yang Yi was shocked, the space seal is something that even the masters connected to the sky and the sky can not do, and he has only seen Bi Luo block the space with his own domain.

But here, Yang Yi didn't notice the power of the domain.

But at this time, I can't think of so much, the huge palm has come down, the terrifying power is enough to crush Yang Yi, Yang Yi roared: "Large starlight array, town!"

Although the Tianhe Star Map can no longer travel through space, Yang Yi can mobilize the large formations inside. This kind of large formation is extremely powerful, and there are hundreds of large formations connected one after another. This is what Yang Yi can display now. The only attack force that came out of the Milky Way star map. [


Huge force slammed into the big formation of the Tianhe Star Map, and the bursts of starlight kept flickering and rippling, as if even the space trembled, and the traces of starlight began to break, but they still resisted the palm after all. .

At the beginning, Yang Yi displayed a huge array of stars in front of the radiant scepter, but how fierce the radiant scepter was at that time, it was an existence that had almost reached the peak of the quadruple realm. Naturally, one scepter shattered Yang Yi. The amount of stars array.

This is not to say that Tianu Star Chart's Quantum Starlight Formation is not powerful, on the contrary, it is very powerful, as can be seen from Yang Ji's palm, there is no way to break the Quantum Starlight Formation.

Yang Ji's eyes flickered continuously, it seemed that Yang Yi was able to resist his palm, and he didn't think it was too much of a surprise.

"That's right, the power of the Tianhe Star Chart is really strong, but your biggest reliance is the space shuttle of the Tianhe Star Chart. Do you think that I have this power in the Dragon Transformation Palace? This is the deepest part of my Dragon Transformation Palace. I am in charge of the Dragon Transformation Palace. , and then took charge of the Qiongda Formation here, which can block the space, not to mention that you are here, even if you are a real master of the sky-reaching triple-layer air-moving realm, you will never think about space shuttle here."

Yang Yi sensed it for a while, and he really felt a great force, sealing the surrounding space tightly, and Yang Yi has no ability to break the space right now.

Yang Ji was not in a hurry to act, but said again: "I haven't mobilized the power of the big formation yet. This Dragon Transformation Palace was personally arranged by my ancestor of the Dragon Transformation Palace. The enemy will use it, which is enough to kill many powerful existences. You are my disciple of Hualong Palace, I will give you another chance, whether to repent or let me mobilize the power of the big formation to kill you, yourself Choose."

The entire Hall of Hualong fell into silence in an instant, and everyone's eyes were focused on Yang Yi.

Yang Yi is the first one who can make the head teacher threaten with the Zong Dazheng!

Yang Yi secretly felt the power around him, and indeed felt a terrifying power. Once this power erupted, he might only be reduced to ashes. This is a powerful faction with tens of thousands of years of experience. What is so powerful about it is that once the power of these large formations is mobilized, the power is simply earth-shattering.Tens of thousands of years have passed, and Hualong Palace has not yet reached the time to use such a large formation.

"Haha, teacher, how dare a mere disciple of Yang work with this grand formation? But once again, the disciple has already recognized the master of the Tianhe Star Map, and the disciple can do anything. As for the relationship with the fourth elder and other elders The grievances between the two, I believe the head teacher is obvious to all, and I know in my heart that if the head teacher insists on believing that it is the disciple's fault, then the disciple will resist at all costs!"

At this time, Yang Yi was still standing in the void in fear of volleying, but he also had a convincing aura.

Yang Ji's face sank, he shook his head slightly, and said lightly: "You do have some backbone, but you have used it wrongly. If you can agree, you will contribute to my Hualong Palace in the future to resist other factions. Maybe you can still become the pillar of my Hualong Palace, but now? After you die, you can only be cast aside by my Hualong Palace and become an unworthy disciple who betrayed your ancestors!"

Yang Ji was very disappointed, he waved his hand, and when he was about to mobilize the power of the formation, he suddenly stood up abruptly: "Teacher, Yang Yi entered my water blue star, he held the Milky Way star map back then. The old man also knows, but the disciple's magic weapon is that the disciple is destined to get it, how can we as elders take advantage of it? Doesn't this lose our majesty as elders?"

The law enforcement elder also stood up and said: "That's right, brother in charge, except for the Tianhe Star Map, Yang Yi is loyal to Hualong Palace and has no rebellious heart. He not only killed the god of the Jidao Sect Elder Feng, he also killed Ning Wujian, a disciple of the Eight Swords of the Nine Swords Sect, my mortal enemy in Hualong Palace, and even got his Eight Swords. Moreover, the old man also heard that Shinichi in the Jidao Sect is very promising to achieve the Sun Moon Realm , also died in the hands of a mysterious master. It is rumored that the master auctioned off the most important part of the galaxy sand in the Tianhe Star Chart at the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce. Now it seems that the mysterious master is probably Yang Yi. Let me ask , How can such a disciple betray my Hualong Palace? As for the conflicts between some elders and Yang Yi, I believe the head teacher can see clearly.

At this time, Changshengtian and the law enforcement elders were still speaking out to defend Yang Yi, Yang Yi also nodded secretly.

The head teacher's face also sank, and the fourth elder hurriedly said: "Senior Changshengtian, elder law enforcement, you keep talking about right and wrong, don't you tell right and wrong, senior teacher? I think you are being rebellious by Yang Yi." Aberdeen bought it!"

The law enforcement elder suddenly released a terrifying coercion, his eyes were sharp, and he said coldly: "Fourth elder, what did you just say? This elder has been in Hualong Palace since he was a child, and now he is in charge of law enforcement in Hualong Palace. As an elder, Behavior is disorderly, and it has caused a catastrophe, today this elder will exercise the power of law enforcement and arrest you!"

The Great Elder's expression sank, and he snorted coldly: "Elder Law Enforcement, you are so majestic, what kind of disaster is a disciple like? You think highly of him too, and besides, what the Fourth Elder says is true, I don't think there is anything wrong with it No, everything is decided by the head teacher."

The head teacher Yang Ji's face darkened, and he shouted in a low voice: "Okay, Elder Law Enforcement, Changshengtian, I know your feelings, but if you think about the current situation of my Hualong Palace, you will know what I mean. Yang One, today's matter is all caused by you, and this seat will kill you completely to fight against the wind!"

With a wave of the head teacher's hand, the power of the formation is activated. With the tens of thousands of years of inheritance of the Hualong Palace, if there is no protection formation in the faction, no one will believe it. The power of this protection formation is simply unimaginable. Yang Yi's expression also became serious, as long as he made a slight mistake, he would immediately get into the Milky Way star map. [

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly reached everyone's ears: "Headmaster, the Zong Dazhen is for foreign enemies, and it's just a shape-changing disciple. How can you be forced to such a degree?"

Although the voice was very soft, there was a hint of horror in the eyes of almost all the elders. ! ~!

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