blood record

Chapter 289

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Changshengtian stood up and said to Yang Yi in a low voice: "Okay, okay, okay! I didn't expect you to get along with Bi Luozhang. This is my blessing in Hualong Palace. Now that you are in Hualong Palace, your position is already stable. It's like a mountain, but there is one more sentence that the old man wants to send you off, you will not die if you kill a tiger, but you will suffer from it!"

Immediately, Changshengtian and the law enforcement elder followed the Supreme Elder into the depths of Hualong Palace.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, Changshengtian was really irritable and murderous, he was reminding Yang Yi that God must not be soft on God, if it can be solved, it must be solved thoroughly. [

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he murmured: "If you don't die by killing a tiger, you will suffer from it instead, good! God bless this person is also very lucky, it is not so easy to die, but this time, no matter how old he is His luck will also die!"


Yang flew out of Hualong Palace in an instant.

Bi Luo followed Long Fengyun, but she had heard rumors about Long Fengyun from her former master. Long Fengyun even pursued his master with some young talents from some sects when he was young, but they failed to fulfill their wish. But from the master's tone, Bi Luo could still tell that the master admired Long Fengyun quite a lot.

Seeing it now, judging from Long Fengyun's method of turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain just now, it is indeed not simple, Bi Luo can't even do such methods in Yaochi Palace.

Not long after, Long Fengyun's footsteps stopped. At this time, everyone has entered a sky. This sky is in the space, and there is a lot of space power shining around. Without strong power, they can't live in the sky. Open up the sky in the space.

Suddenly, Bi Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a man sitting cross-legged in the very center of the sky. This man's whole body was shining with terrifying sword intents. These sword intents were extremely powerful. Feel terrified.However, this man's cultivation is not very strong, and he is only at the peak of the first level of Heaven and Earth Realm.

Bi Luo had heard about it a long time ago, and immediately stepped forward, bowed to this man who was not very cultivated, and said, "Junior Yaochi Palace Master Bi Luo pays respects to Senior Sword Demon!"

It turns out that this man is the sword demon Ouyang Xin. He has been practicing time reversal in the Dragon Transformation Palace. This is the full force of many elders in the Dragon Transformation Palace. The speed of Ouyang Xin's cultivation is greatly accelerated. Bi Luo also heard that Yang I only heard about it once I said it, but now I look at it, it really is true.

Ouyang Xin is the reincarnation of the sword demon. Except for a few people in Hualong Palace, no one else knows about it. This is also the secret of Hualong Palace.At all costs, Hualong Palace gave almost all the resources in the faction to Ouyang Xin to restore its strength, so that one day, Ouyang Xin could repel the Ji Dao Sect for him.

Hearing Bi Luo's words, Ouyang Xin opened his eyes slowly, and said lightly: "Yaochi Palace, Tianhe Xingjun and I have met on several occasions! You have sealed all the essence of a seventh-level creation master in your body, You may have practiced very quickly in the early stage, but you will stop there, if you don't have a big chance, you will become a fairy!"

It was rumored that Ouyang Xin was ascended to become a fairy queen and reincarnated again, but he didn't know why.But Bi Luo listened to his words, she nodded slightly and said: "At that time, the master also said so when he was teaching the younger generation's cultivation, but this is what the younger generation is willing to do, and I can't blame others."

Ouyang Xin looked at Bi Luo, nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, if you don't have a great chance, you can become a fairy, but your master, although his cultivation level is not high, does have a little skill, and he can calculate it." Yang Yi is extraordinary, yes, perhaps, with Yang Yi around, you will have hope!"

Bi Luo's expression shook, and he felt horrified in his heart. He couldn't imagine that this sword demon was so powerful. Except for Yang Yi, she never told anyone what her master told her. Where did you know?

Ouyang Xin seemed to see the suspicion in Bi's heart and said lightly: "I just reincarnated and recultivated, my memory has been completely restored, and my Taoist heart is already in the state before my reincarnation. It is nothing to be able to see through the past. Yang Yiyi People, even I can't see through, and even his past has become blurred now, but one thing is for sure, he is not an ordinary person, following him will bring great benefits!"

The Supreme Elder Long Fengyun next to him smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Sword Demon, why didn't I say that when I went out just now?"

Originally, Long Fengyun still had some grievances in his heart, and he only temporarily used the means of wooing Yang Yi because of the Tianhe star map and Bi Luo's intervention, but now after the sword demon Ouyang Xinyi said, Long Fengyun's heart is just now. There has been a radical change.

Ouyang Xin shook his head slightly and said, "Whether you say it just now is the same as now!"

Ouyang Xin's words are always somewhat inscrutable and elusive. [

"Okay, I won't participate in your affairs until I recover a certain level of cultivation, Long Fengyun, there is a gentleman's agreement between us, don't forget, I will only make one shot!"

Long Fengyun nodded and said: "Of course the old man has not forgotten, in fact, it is a great honor for me to get senior to make a move once. Fellow Daoist Bi, let's discuss this side!"

Immediately, Changshengtian, the law enforcement elder, the great elder, the head teacher and others began to use their means again to reverse the time and help Ouyang Xin recover his strength.

What he saw just now flickered in Bi Luo's mind. Hualong Palace helped Ouyang Xin regain his strength, and Ouyang Xin promised to help Hualong Palace overcome a difficult time. This matter is just what they need.

Long Fengyun smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Bi, what's the matter with you coming to my Dragon Transformation Palace this time?"

Seeing that the topic was getting to the point, Bi Luo said indifferently: "Naturally, it is for the sake of the Extreme Dao Sect. I believe that Fellow Daoist Long already knows that the family master was wounded by the Extreme Dao Sect and could not recover, so he spent his whole life cultivating to the top. They are all sealed on me. If it weren't for the fierce competition between Jidao Sect and Jiuding Sect at this moment, I am afraid that the first one will destroy my Yaochi Palace. This time I got the scepter of glory by luck, and opened the master's Sealing, I believe that it will not be long before I can cultivate to the realm of the sixth level of emptiness, and then relying on the radiant scepter, I might be able to compete with Ji Daozong. But I know that only I, Yaochi Palace, can't make it if I think about it What's the matter, so I want to discuss it with Fellow Daoist Long, maybe our two factions can form an alliance, and then ascend to the top and get the promise of other factions, and then we can form a rivalry with Jidao Sect and Jiuding Sect .”

After a while, Long Fengyun said calmly: "Friend Bi Daoist's suggestion is good, but the Ji Dao Sect is not the same. Their three Supreme Elders have the realm of reaching the heavens and breaking the mortal realm, and they are only one step away from becoming immortals." The distance is far from what we can compare. Unless we can produce a master who can compete with it, everything will help!"

Bi Luo said indifferently: "That's not necessarily the case. At present, the Jidao Sect and the Jiuding Sect are in the same situation, and the strength of the Jiuding Sect is also very different. The Jidao Sect will not be able to clean up the Jiuding Sect in a short while. Yang Yi's Milky Way star map will grow. Maybe you don't know the importance of the Milky Way star map. This treasure is to suppress the entire Milky Way star field. Once it is fully recovered, the power it can exert will be earth-shattering. At that time, We don't necessarily have the power to counter the Jidao sect."

"Oh? You mean Yang Yi?"

Long Fengyun's eyes kept flickering, and no one knew what decision he would make.

When these masters were discussing the situation of the Tianhe Star Region in the depths of the Dragon Transformation Palace, Yang Yi had already flown out of the Dragon Transformation Palace and returned to Feng Yiyi's mansion.

Feng Yiyi and Yan Zhenzhen were both more worried at this time, and when they saw Yang Yi's safe return, they all gathered around Yang Yi with a huff.

"Yang Yi, how are you? Did those elders make things difficult for you?" Yan Zhenzhen asked first.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly and said: "I'll talk about these things later, now send someone to deliver a letter to Shen Tianyou, saying that I will ask him to settle grievances at the Broken Dragon Terrace of Hualong Palace tomorrow."

"What are you talking about? He Shen Tianyou, but Shen Tianyou has rarely come out since he cultivated to reach the sky, and it is rumored that his way of reaching the sky has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and now it is far from what the Fourth Elder and others can compare."

What Shen Tianyou practiced was Qingtian Dao of Taoist Qingtian, who was also rumored to have ascended to the Immortal Realm, and the Taoism he passed down was extraordinary, far beyond what the Fourth Elders could compare to.

Yang nodded and said: "You don't have to worry. Since I asked Shen Tianyou to settle the grievances, I must be sure. Don't worry, just go to inform Shen Tianyou. I believe he has also seen the fight between me and the fourth elder, but he Still proud, he will definitely settle this grievance with me."

Yang Yi has always had a knot in his heart, that is Shen Tianyou, he has been practicing, practicing hard, and has gone through many tribulations. In the end, he actually stepped on Shen Tianyou completely.

He and Shen Tianyou are both geniuses, but they don't know how to cherish each other. To be honest, Yang Yi and Shen Tianyou are actually the same kind of people. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Between them, only one person can win.

Seeing that Yang Yi had made up his mind, Feng Yiyi knew it would be beneficial to say more, so he sent someone to deliver a message, and after a while, Yang Yi's message was brought to Shen Tianyou's ears.

"Oh? Yang Yi asked me to have a duel on the Duanlongtai tomorrow? He probably wanted to settle the grievances between us as soon as possible. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. This Yang Yi is getting more and more interesting."

Shen Tianyou murmured in a low voice. [

In front of Shen Tianyou, several disciples changed their faces, and hurriedly said: "Brother God, you must not agree, this Yang Yi is now in full swing, he beat the fourth elder body to collapse with the state of primordial spirit, Even the Third Elder, the Fifth Elder, and the Seventh Elder can't do anything to him, and now it is rumored that this Yang Yi has a complete map of the Tianhe Star on his body, he is the descendant of the Tianhe Xingjun, and his power is poor."

These people follow Shen Tianyou wholeheartedly. If Shen Tianyou falls, it is conceivable that their status will also plummet, and they have to act according to Yang Yi's face, so they have to persuade Shen Tianyou not to agree. ! ~!

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