blood record

Chapter 292 This Is Just the Beginning

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"Sky tower? Break it for me too, measure the starlight array, kill!"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate at all, he held the Milky Way star chart in his hand, and mobilized the big formation in the Tianhe star chart, the rolling big formation gathered the power of the stars, like a silver Milky Way, rolling towards God Tianyou, This kind of power is simply earth-shattering.

"Hmph, the Sky Tower, the Power of the Sky, Nine Levels of Suppression!" [

The primordial spirit in Shen Tianyou's body quickly vibrated and poured terrifying power into the tower. At this moment, the nine floors of the tower seemed to be shining, and the terrifying power was waking up. , with an ancient atmosphere.

"The way to lift up the sky, seal, break it for me!"

Shen Tianyou's eyes shone with incomparable brilliance, his power was unbelievably powerful, pouring into the Qingtian Tower, as if it had touched a layer of restriction in the Qingtian Tower.

At this moment, this layer of restriction was shattered abruptly, and a terrifying force rushed towards him.

"Oh my god, this... the Qingtian Tower is still sealed, and now Shen Tianyou broke through the seal, how fierce must it be?"

"Taoist Qingtian is really powerful. He actually hid himself for so long. I believe that Shen Tianyou must know something. That's why he vowed to break up with Yang Yi on the Broken Dragon Platform."

"Shen Tianyou and Yang Yi are both people with great luck. It's not that simple. They are people who can get adventures immediately after encountering danger. Look at Shen Tianyou's Qingtian Tower, which broke through the seal and is still rippling. With an aura of 'immortal', this Sky Tower is actually a half-immortal treasure."

"It's unbelievable, the Qingtian Pagoda blessed by God is also a half-immortal treasure, how fierce must it be?"

"No, this Sky Tower is not complete. You can see that there are still eight phantoms around the Sky Tower. That is to say, there are nine pieces of this Tower, and God Tianyou only got one of them. We still need to obtain the other eight pieces, and when they are combined in this way, it is truly a Half Immortal Treasure that can suppress the Quartet!"

Shen Tianyou laughed loudly and said: "Haha, good, good, good! Although I have already expected that there is a seal in the Qingtian tower, I have never opened it, just want to break it at the most suitable time Unexpectedly, when I opened it today, it turned out to be such a surprise. The Qingtian Tower turned out to be a half-celestial treasure. Yang Yi, did you see it? Who is the real genius? Today is the day of your death !"

The Qingtian Pagoda in Shen Tianyou's hand indeed exudes a terrifying "immortal" aura, which is unique to the Banxianbao. Yang Yi had some accidents, but thinking carefully, Taoist Qingtian is not an ordinary person , is an existence older than Tianhe Xingjun, it is impossible to ascend by himself without leaving even a half-celestial treasure.

Although it was somewhat beyond imagination, it did not exceed Yang Yi's expectations. Besides, Yang could see clearly that this Qingtian Pagoda was just one of the nine pieces, and it was not a real half-immortal treasure.

"God Bless, you are too happy, your tower is not complete, today, you are destined to be trampled under my feet, measure the star power, and suppress!"


At this moment, Yang Qian's Tianhe Star Map displayed the power that a real half-immortal treasure should have, that kind of terrifying power that dominates the world and suppresses everything suddenly erupts.

A huge Milky Way rolled and swept away, wrapping the huge Sky Tower in it, and the power of countless stars was continuously transformed into attacks of various forces, making the Sky Tower tremble, As if unable to withstand the blow in general.

Shen Tianyou's whole body was also suppressed by the Tianhe Star Chart, and his face was in a mess.


Yang Yi took back the Tianhe star map, his whole body was like a giant, shining with golden light, and punched Shen Tianyou fiercely. [

"This punch is our end, die!"

Yang Yi didn't have the slightest sympathy or hold back, he knew that he and Shen Tianyou were old enemies, they couldn't be together, it must be life and death, now that he had the chance, if he held back, it would be cruel to himself.

Yang Yi's punch has already reached the peak of the first level of the sky, and it is still shining with a trace of starlight. This is still the concentration of the power of the Tianhe Star Chart. This punch has reached the horror of the second level of the sky. Power, only one punch is needed to directly smash Shen Tianyou to pieces, and the primordial spirit will be shattered.

Shen Tianyou encountered a strong crisis. He didn't expect Yang Yi's Tianhe Star Map to be so powerful. Even if Qingtian Tower unlocked the seal, he was no match for Tianhe Star Map. But facing this punch, he directly threw The Sky Tower blocked the front.


This punch hit the Sky Tower hard, the huge Sky Tower's aura dimmed, and it quickly shrank.


There are traces of cracks densely covering the Qingtian Tower, as if it is about to be completely broken. Yang Yi is about to smash a half-celestial treasure with one punch. At this moment, Yang Yi is the overlord above, as if the only one in the world God!

"Senior Brother Yang is amazing, he is so fierce, he beat Shen Tianyou so hard that he couldn't fight back!"

"Is this the Milky Way Star Map? It's such a terrifying power. If Shen Tianyou's Qingtian Tower is complete, I'm afraid I won't lose to Yang Yi. It's a pity that I lost to the magic weapon."

"Hmph, why lose in the magic weapon, Shen Tianyou is still a master of the first level of Tongtian? Senior brother Yang has only cultivated to the realm of the primordial spirit. In the future, senior brother Yang will also be promoted to Tongtian. Hmph, I don't know how fierce it will be."

"That's right, that's right, only an overlord like Senior Brother Yang can lead our Hualong Palace to prosper."

Many disciples were talking about it, they were all shocked by the shocking duel between Yang Yi and Shen Tianyou, it was even more exciting than Yang Yi's confrontation with the fourth elder.

One is that Shen Tianyou has always been recognized as the number one master among the disciples of Hualong Palace, and the other is that the current Shen Tianyou is definitely much stronger than the fourth elder, but even so, he was still directly defeated by Yang Yi.

But the fight was not over yet, Yang Yi was like a cannon, and flew towards Shen Tianyou again, not giving Shen Tianyou a chance to breathe, he wanted to kill Shen Tianyou in one fell swoop.

Gradually, Yang Yi's heart became more and more complete. Just now he released his power recklessly, watching Shen Tianyou being hit by himself like a sandbag. At that time, his heart had faintly reached perfection. A sign of promotion to Mahayana.

Just wait for Shen Tianyou to be completely defeated, Yang Yi will be promoted to Mahayana, and his strength will be improved again, reaching a terrifying situation!

Shen Tianyou looked at the cracked Qingtian Tower, his eyes were surprisingly not angry, instead, he showed a smile, this smile appeared so strange that everyone's heart trembled.

Including Yang Yi, his heart froze for a moment, this smile appeared on Shen Tianyou's body, which made him suspicious.

"Haha, Yang Yi, God thanked you for finally smashing the Sky Tower. Don't you know that God has been using you all the time? Use your Tianhe star map to completely smash the Sky Tower , All of this is for me to completely refine the Qingtian Pagoda into my own magic weapon. From now on, I, God Bless, can be regarded as truly inheriting the Taoist Taoist Qingtian's lineage!"

I saw that Shen Tianyou violently raised the Qingtian Tower with cracks everywhere, and swallowed the Qingtian Tower in one gulp.

Yes, it was really swallowed, and the next moment, Shen Tianyou's body exuded bursts of terrifying aura, as if at this moment, his strength had climbed again, faintly reaching the limit of the first layer of Tongtian, Even, as long as he is willing, he can step into the sky-reaching double sun-moon realm at any time. [


Yang Yi stopped, and he looked at Shen Tianyou coldly. At this moment, a huge figure appeared behind Shen Tianyou. Yang Qian had seen this figure before, and it was the one who broke Yang Yi's curse at Jin's house. The old man is the Taoist Qingtian who protects the gods.

At this time, the phantom of Taoist Qingtian appeared, making Yang Qian stop.

Yang Yi also understood that all of this was indeed as Shen Tianyou said, that Yang Yi helped him and broke the Qingtian Tower, so that Shen Tianyou could completely integrate the Qingtian Tower, and thus obtained the support of Taoist Qingtian. He admitted that he became the true successor of Taoist Qingtian.

The entire Broken Dragon Stage was silent, only the huge figure behind Shen Tianyou seemed to be moving.

"Yang Yi, the battle between you and me has just begun. On the Broken Dragon Platform, it's just the beginning! When I gather the nine Sky Towers, I will return again. At that time, you will be trampled on by me!" Under my feet, even the entire Hualong Palace, the entire Tianhe Starfield will be trampled under my feet, haha!"

After Shen Tianyou finished speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and immediately behind him, the huge phantom of Taoist Qingtian stretched out his hand and ruthlessly tore into the void, a huge hole in space appeared instantly, and Shen Tianyou flew away Go in and disappear.

Shen Tianyou just disappeared, left like this, leaving only one cruel word behind!

All the disciples looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on.

"Could the phantom behind Shen Tianyou just now be Taoist Qingtian, Taoist Qingtian protected him and walked through the space. He said that he will return. Could it be that he is going to have an adventure again?"

"That's right. I'm afraid that Shen Tianyou really got an adventure this time. Daoist Qingtian is very special. It is rumored that Taoist Qingtian also has a secret place called Qingtian Treasure House. Shen Tianyou was probably sent there. Continue. He will concentrate on his cultivation, and he will return when he gathers the nine Sky Towers."

"On the Broken Dragon Stage, this is the first time that there is no winner or loser. But now that there is no Divine Blessing, I don't know how long it will be before he returns. Now the entire Hualong Palace disciples are led by Senior Brother Yang!"

For a moment, all Hualong Palace disciples looked at Yang Yi. At this moment, Yang Yi was the biggest winner! ! ~!

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