blood record

Chapter 295 The Thick Heaven and Earth Barrier

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Yang Yi was sitting on the big chair at this time, in front of him were Lin Yangxi, Feng Yiyi and others, as well as some newcomers, such as Lin Jue, Wu Gan, Zhang Miao, etc. The seven-fold escape masters who cultivated were moved by the news at this time, and they all specially came to follow Yang Yi.

However, people like Wu Ziao had already been directly purged by Yang Yi without mercy, even if such people were kept, it would be a disaster.

Yang Yi glanced down, and immediately saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and was satisfied in his heart. These people came to follow Yang Yi because of Yang Yi's generosity and poor means. Their purpose was very It is because he wants to cultivate to a higher level, Yang Yi has nothing now, but the pills are constantly flowing. [

After the Milky Way Star Chart has recovered to [-]%, the original power that can be swallowed every day is almost impossible to calculate, it is like a flood, rolling down, these pure original power can be directly converted into Dan Yi to supply Hualong Palace number Disciple's practice.

And for Yang Yi, this is just one of the nine bulls. With the magic of the Tianhe Star Map, even a faction that is ten times larger than Hualong Palace, Yang Yi can supply it.

This is the power of the Tianhe Star Map. The Tianhe Star Map can be said to be a treasure house that can move. Once obtained, not to mention its power, the wealth generated can make Pai several times stronger.

Of course, Yang Yi was not complacent about this. After he integrated the entire Hualong Palace, almost all the disciples of the entire sect were practicing non-stop, and because of Yang Yidan's supply, the strength of countless disciples soared. The effect is comparable to that of those who practiced for several years before.After everything was on the right track, Yang Yi also handed over these things to Lin Yangxi, and he began to comprehend the way of reaching the sky.

Yan Zhenzhen, Feng Yiyi and others have all cultivated to the seventh level of escape, and they all want to enter the Tianhe Star Chart to practice. Yang Yi naturally agrees, and there are a few who have been observed by Yang Yi for a long time. After the confidants in the confidants, this also allowed them to enter the Tianhe Star Map to practice.

These people are Yang Yi's future family property, and when these people have cultivated Yuanshen, or even reached the sky, the strength of Hualong Palace may be raised to a terrifying level.

When Yang Yi was cleaning the faction, in the depths of Hualong Palace, Bi Luo and Long Fengyun also talked about the key.

Yang Yi's actions in the faction, naturally escaped the eyes and ears of these two masters, Bi Luo smiled slightly: "Fellow Daoist Long, with Yang Yi in your palace, if you can survive the catastrophe of the Ji Dao Sect I am afraid that the future will be limitless!"

At the beginning, Long Fengyun also wanted to see what Yang Yi would do, but at the end, he found that Yang Yi was decisive in killing and attacking, but he was definitely not reckless, but he had drawn many masters to his side, and then gave the poor Fortune and Dan make a courtship.The one who deserves to be killed, the one who deserves to be rewarded, in this way, many people in Hualong Palace who had objections to Yang Yi have completely changed their views and become Yang Yi's supporters. of no use.

Of course, what makes Long Fengyun more satisfied is that Yang Yi really puts Hualong Palace as the most important thing. He knows the original power in the Tianhe Star Chart. The role is irreplaceable by God Bless.

It's a pity that he has valued God's blessing for many years, and arranged many methods, but now all of them have come to naught.

Bi Luo is so shrewd, she couldn't see what Long Fengyun was thinking, and said lightly: "Friend Long, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, besides, Shen Tianyou and Yang Yi are both fierce tigers that want to fly to the sky at both ends. Shen Tianyou has long been a Taoist Qingtian You are now the heir to the Taoist lineage. For so many years, Fellow Daoist Long has valued the treasure house left by Taoist Qingtian? It is a pity that the treasures of Taoist Qingtian are only left to God. No matter how magical the treasures there are, how can they be compared? Is it possible to gain access to the Tianhe Star Chart, a treasure that can be continuously supplied to the disciples of the school?"

Long Fengyun was silent for a while, then nodded, he was indeed for the treasure house left by Taoist Qingtian, so he protected Shen Tianyou more, but he is the Supreme Elder of Hualong Palace, and everything is for the interests of the faction , Bi Luo is right, no matter how powerful a treasure is, which one can compare to the Tianhe Star Chart, which can improve the overall strength of the faction?

Bi Luo smiled slightly and said, "Besides, Tianhe Xingjun didn't just leave a map of Tianhe Star."

Long Fengyun's expression changed, and he said calmly: "Oh? Could it be that Tianhe Xingjun really left behind a treasure house?"

Bi Luo nodded and said: "That's natural. How magnificent was Tianhe Xingjun back then? He traversed many star fields and plundered the wealth of countless star fields. Could it be that all the wealth has been lost? Tianhe Xingjun left a treasure house Only the descendants of my Yaochi Palace lineage know a little bit about the secret."

Long Fengyun took a deep look at Bi Luo and said, "It's no wonder fellow Daoist Bi Luo defends Yang Yi more. Long has been speculating about the reason. It turned out that it was for the treasure house left by Tianhe Xingjun."

It wasn't until this time that Long Fengyun suddenly realized that he knew that such a master as Bi Luo would not defend Yang Yi just for a single sentence, and there were interests behind all of this.

Of course, Long Fengyun didn't know that Bi Luo was already Yang Yi's wife, no matter how daring a person would dare to imagine. [

Bi Luo changed the topic, and said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Long, I don't know what the suggestion I made earlier? Your Hualong Palace and my Yaochi Palace have formed an alliance for the time being, and then you can recruit some sects. The three old immortals are still condensing the Jidao map for the time being, and cannot be easily dispatched. With our strength, it is very possible to become the third force besides Jidao Sect and Jiuding Sect. At that time, there is no need to be so passive .”

Long Fengyun pondered for a while, then smiled slightly: "The old man of Hualong Palace can be the master alone, but the Yaochi Palace of Fellow Daoist Bi is probably not that simple. It's not too late to discuss it when Fellow Daoist Bi integrates Yaochi Palace."

Bi Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, this Long Fengyun seemed to know Yaochi Palace very well, Yaochi Palace does not need to transform Dragon Palace, Yaochi Palace's inheritance is very ancient, even when Master Bi Luo was around, it was impossible to be arbitrary.

"That's fine, once I've dealt with the matter of Yaochi Palace, I believe Fellow Daoist Long will have thought about it very clearly. Then I will leave."


Bi Luo's figure flashed, tearing apart the void and disappearing.

Yang Yi is currently cultivating in the mansion. His mind has reached Dzogchen at this time, and he can become a Mahayana master at any time, so his dharma body is frantically devouring and refining the original power. It swelled up again.

Of course, no matter how powerful the Dharma body of a transformation master is, it cannot surpass the power of a master of heaven, because this is a hidden rule, and it is imprisoned by its own barrier of heaven and earth.

So even though Yang Yi's dharma body swelled again, its power didn't increase much, it just had more endurance. The power in his dharma body became more surging and more durable. The dharma body in the body will no longer be exhausted.

The original power in the Tianhe Star Chart is even more surging. It seems that several big holes have been split in the void, and the original power like a flood is flowing down from it. This is the performance of the Tianhe Star Chart becoming stronger and stronger. At this time, Yang Yi was able to see through the Tianhe Star Chart that the original power in the void was rapidly decreasing, and they were all flying towards the Tianhe Star Chart. Only a trace of the original power would be absorbed by the Ji Dao Chart.

The Ji Dao Sect wanted to replace the Tianhe Star Chart by refining the Ji Dao Chart, but it failed completely.

However, Yang Yi also vaguely felt that the Jidao Sect's Jidao map was about to be completed. Although because of the restoration of the Tianhe star map, the Jidao map could not replace the Tianhe star map at all, and could not suppress the power of the Tianhe star field, but The existence of the three old antiques has been refining the Jidao map for thousands of years. Once it is completed, it must be the existence of the semi-immortal treasure.

I'm afraid that at that time, when the Jidao Sect's Jidao map will be completed, the Jiuding Sect will completely collapse. The current Jiuding Sect will only be supported by the semi-celestial treasure of the Qiankun Jiuding.

Yang Yi also felt more and more the urgency of time, he had to improve his strength, otherwise when the Ji Dao Sect swept the Jiuding Sect, he would go to heaven and fall to the earth.


Suddenly, Yang Yi's dharma body let out a loud roar, like a dragon, its hundreds of feet long body swelled again, and Yang Yi's body was like a whirlpool, crazily devouring the original power.

At this moment, Yang Yi's primordial spirit became more condensed, and his cultivation had finally risen to the level of Mahayana. Yang Yi vaguely knew that his strength had reached its peak.

In his body, there seemed to be a huge moat, this moat was like an abyss, and like a solid and unbreakable mountain range, it was daunting.

"Is this the heaven and earth barrier?"

Yang Yi was thoughtful in his heart, he knew that this was the barrier of heaven and earth that blocked the transformation cultivators, and if he wanted to become a master of heaven, he had to break the barrier of heaven and earth.

Everyone has their own barrier of heaven and earth, and it doesn't depend on its size. It all depends on the depth of their own accumulation, but the barrier of heaven and earth like Yang Yi is as huge as a mountain range. believe.

The bigger the barrier between heaven and earth, the more powerful it is to break it. The barriers of ordinary monks are similar, only about the size of a fist, but it is already extremely difficult. [

A terrifying heaven and earth barrier like Yang Yi is as thick as a mountain peak, and it is afraid that several people will faint from fright. ! ~!

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