blood record

Chapter 310

Chapter 310 The Controversy of Geniuses

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In the vast starry sky, a group of monks quickly flew towards the distance.

Among them, three disciples flew in front, and ten disciples followed closely behind.

"Senior Brother Yang, we will be able to go to Jiuding to teach in two days' flight."

It was Lin Yuan who spoke. Yang Yi appointed him as the deputy captain of the team. Along the way, Lin Yuan and Xia Hai were helped by Yang Yi, and they also established some prestige.

Yang glanced at Lin Yuan, nodded slightly and said, "Yang has never been to the Nine Cauldrons Sect. Has any of you ever been to the Nine Cauldrons Sect?"

Xia Hai beside Yang Yi said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, I have been to Jiuding Sect before."

"Oh? Xia Hai, you have been to Jiudingjiao. It's very good. Tell Yang about all the Jiudingjiao you have seen, and Yang is also somewhat prepared."

Xia Hai nodded and said: "When I went to Jiudingjiao, it was still 1000 years ago. At that time, I still went to celebrate the birthday. The elder of Jiudingjiao was celebrating his 9000th birthday. , they each offered their own treasures, and if anyone got the affirmation of the Supreme Elder of Jiuding Sect, then the Supreme Elder would bestow many benefits, which are enough to make many disciples envious. So this is a Meicha, Senior Brother Yang can lead me and others to celebrate the birthday of the Supreme Elder of Jiuding Sect, which shows the importance that Hualong Palace attaches to Senior Brother Yang."

"Oh? Young talents from all factions, hmph, who can steal Yang's limelight this time? Yang is destined to be appreciated by the elders of the Jiuding Sect. Not only is there a crown of blessings for Yang, but Yang also I have prepared a Heaven-reaching Pill and a hundred bottles of Wind-fixing Pill!"

Yang Yi had already made up his mind, the Supreme Elder of the Jiuding Sect is no small matter, he is a super master who can reach the heavens and break through the mortal realm, if he is appreciated, it will be enough for Yang Yi to uproot the Supreme Elder of the Jiuding Sect casually Poor, so Yang Yi spent a lot of money this time, and he must beat the pack.

"By the way, who was appreciated by the Supreme Elder of the Nine Cauldron Sect last time?" Yang Yi asked suddenly, his heart moved.

Xia Hai's expression was a little weird, and he smiled wryly, "Brother Yang probably couldn't have imagined this person. Thousands of years ago, it was Shinichi of the Jidao Sect who was appreciated by the Jiuding Sect! It was embarrassing, so Shinichi, as the real proud son of heaven at that time, challenged a master of the sky at the birthday celebration. Thanks to the elder's appreciation, he called him a few words. It was these few words that made Zhenyi feel happy, and then he broke the barrier between heaven and earth at the Jiuding Sect's birthday celebration, and was promoted to become a master of the sky, which is also a good story."

Naturally, Yang Yi didn't need to think about all the things that followed, and it was no wonder that Xia Hai's face was so weird. It had already been spread by now, and many of the things Yang Yi did had already been heard by the disciples of Hualong Palace. He just died in Yang Yi's hands.

"Really? He is indeed a genius, but it's a pity that he can only die when he meets me!"

Yang Yi looked calm, and his heart turned sharply. With his current accumulation, he was still far from being promoted to become a master of the sky, so he would never be promoted just by a few words of advice.

But this also indirectly shows that there are many benefits to celebrating the birthday of the Supreme Elder of Jiuding Sect.

After flying peacefully for about two days, I finally saw the belt of stars exuding majesty.

There are hundreds of stars in this belt of stars, I don't know how many times more than Yaochi Palace and Hualong Palace, and there are monks flying in and out of these stars constantly.

The most amazing thing is that around the largest main star, there are also nine great tripods.

These nine great cauldrons are huge, stretching across the void, as big as a star, constantly revolving around the main star, and there is a trace of "immortal" aura. Obviously, this is the treasure of the Jiuding Sect, Qiankun. Jiuding.

Only the Half Immortal Treasure has such power, Yang Yi can even imagine that if a master comes, the power of the Nine Cauldrons will be aroused, and immediately blast the invading master into nothingness.

Even the masters of the Heaven-reaching Nine Layers have to be a little bit jealous, and it is precisely because of the presence of the Qiankun Jiuding that the Jiuding Sect can last for tens of thousands of years. [

"Senior Brother Yang, this is the treasure of the Nine Cauldron Sect's Suppressing Teaching. The Universe Nine Cauldrons are extremely powerful. Under the Nine Cauldrons, many masters of the sky have already been suppressed to death. It is truly terrifying."

Xia Hai introduced to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi's expression changed, and he said indifferently: "The power is poor, is Yang's Tianhe star map powerful?"

Xia Hai shook his head slightly and said: "Of course not. Although the Qiankun Jiuding is powerful, it has not yet reached the point where it is as close as possible to a fairy treasure. How can it be compared?"

Yang Yi nodded slightly, looked at Xia Hai and said, "You are very good at talking, and you are also impeccable in doing things, very good, these ten bottles of Origin Pills are given to you, if you perform well in the future, there will be benefits that you can't imagine. "

Xia Hai hastily took the pill with a smile on his face. The original pill is directly condensed from the original power, and only Yang Yi can refine the original pill. This kind of pill has been regarded as the best for cultivation by the disciples of Hualong Palace. Dan So when the other disciples saw that Xia Hai had obtained several bottles of Yuanyuan Dan at once, they couldn't help showing a hint of envy in their eyes.

"Thank you Senior Brother Yang for the reward."

Filled with joy, Xia Hai put away the Yuanyuan Pill, which made him more determined to follow Yang Yi.

Naturally, Yang Yi could see the expressions of these disciples clearly. The disciples he selected in Hualong Palace were all of the kind with high cultivation and strength, and they were the future of Hualong Palace. Now Yang Yi used some small means to completely win over their hearts. It is of great advantage for Yang to take charge of Hualong Palace one day later.


Under the leadership of Yang Yi, everyone quickly flew to the main star of Jiuding Sect.

At this time, many monks gathered in the square of Jiuding Sect. Most of these monks came from various sects to celebrate their birthdays, and there were many powerful beings among them.

"That's Zhou Zishan of Wuyun. It is rumored that he has reached the peak of Mahayana hundreds of years ago. This time Wuyun prepared a precious congratulatory gift for him, allowing him to be appreciated by the elders of the Jiuding Sect. One time, become a master of the sky."

"Hmph, what is Zhou Zishan? Look at the Dayan Sect, who actually sent Liu Yanzhong. This Liu Yanzhong is so powerful that he almost regards a Mahayana master as a thing. He once defeated the siege of five Mahayana masters. The elder's reward is also determined to be obtained."

"Whether it's Zhou Zishan or Liu Yanzhong, it's nothing. You see who the Nine Swords School sent this time. It's Feng Tianqi, who has the title of Nine Swords School and Nine Swords, and was awarded the Nine Swords The powerful magic weapon blessed by the top-grade magic weapon, with him around, neither of these two people poses any threat."

"That's right, Feng Tianqi is a genius who has never been born in the world for tens of thousands of years. It is rumored that he has cultivated the way of swords quietly and has reached a state of perfection. It is really terrifying. This time he must be the champion, and he has won the appreciation of the elders of the Jiuding Sect. "

"I don't think so. Haven't you guys heard about Yang Yi who has risen suddenly recently? He is a disciple of Hualong Palace. He will definitely come to the birthday celebration this time. If he comes, what do I think of Zhou Zishan, Liu Yanzhong, and Feng Tianqi? , it’s useless, only Yang Yi can come out on top at this birthday celebration.”

"Yang Yi? He is indeed a newcomer, and the rumors are one after another. Almost everything he did was earth-shattering. It is rumored that he and Pirate Venerable together beheaded the master of the Heavenly Dao Sect." Kamikaze, and later beheaded the genius Shinichi of the Jidao sect alone, holding the Milky Way star map, and his power is poor."

"Hmph, Yang Yi's rumors are false and true. How can he be so powerful? He has killed many masters of the sky. I think he is also a false name. If he dares to come this time, it will be his time to make a fool of himself."

"There are too many people who are worthy of their names. If Yang Yi dares to come this time, he will definitely be beheaded by the sword personally by Feng Tianqi."

These monks kept talking about it.

At this time, in the depths of the crowd, among the five clouds, there is a tall and thin man, his eyes are calm, and the aura around him is almost restrained, making it difficult for people to find him easily. A master among masters has unparalleled control over his aura. [

"Senior brother Zhou, these people dare to underestimate you, hmph, it's really disgusting, they don't know that you have already mastered Wuyun's supreme law, the small forbidden technique of the heavens, which is not even mastered by many masters." If you practice the method, you will definitely open their eyes this time, senior brother."

Beside the tall and thin man, a man in Tsing Yi said in a low voice.

This tall and thin man is Zhou Zishan, his eyes flickered slightly and said: "Let them talk, after a while, I will let them all know how powerful I am, and I want to tell the whole Tianhe here The cultivators of the Starfield have proved that I, Zhou Zishan, are the true geniuses of the Tianhe Starfield!"

Among the many disciples of the Dayan Sect, there was an unattractive cultivator. Although he just sat there quietly cross-legged, the surrounding Dayan Sect disciples were in awe of him, and their eyes were full of awe. Get close to this unremarkable man.


Suddenly, several masters descended from the sky, their bodies shone with a huge aura, and there was a faint trace of the heavenly aura echoing around them, and judging from their costumes, they were the elders of the Dayan Sect.

The elders of Tongtian glanced at the position of the disciples of Dayan Sect, and quickly came to this seemingly ordinary man. ! ~!

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