blood record

Chapter 313 Taoist Taiyi

Chapter 310: Taoist Taiyi

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At this time, among the many disciples of the Dayan Sect, there was a man with a calm look, his eyes flashed with a gleam, and an elder Tongtian next to him suddenly asked: "Liu Yanzhong, you just calculated that Feng Tianqi's shape sword with Dayan Zhi Is it gone?"

This man is Liu Yanzhong, the genius of Dayan Sect. He shook his head slightly and said: "The sword of form is really unfathomable. Even if I have the help of Dayan Zhipan, it will help. After all, if I were to fight against Feng Tianqi as a disciple just now, I would definitely lose my doubts."

"Well, that Feng Tianqi is indeed talented. He could have cultivated to reach the sky early, but he has been suppressing his cultivation all the time, just to be able to comprehend the sword of form, and then rely on the sword of form Come and break the barrier of heaven and earth in one fell swoop, so that you can be directly promoted to the sky-reaching second-level sun-moon realm.” [

This elder seems to be very familiar with Feng Tianqi's affairs.

"Do you want to directly cultivate to the second level of Tongtian? He is indeed a powerful person!"

Liu Yanzhong's eyes flashed bursts of vigor. He knew how terrifying it was for a person with such beliefs, who could resist the temptation to be promoted to the sky, and suppressed his cultivation to death. A master who has become a powerhouse passed on from generation to generation, this Feng Tianqi is definitely a genius among geniuses, and he is also a genius with perseverance.

In the Tianhe star field, there is no genius who can directly promote to the second-level sun-moon master from the form of transformation, but in those powerful star fields, where there are so many masters, there are geniuses who can be directly promoted to the second-level sky, but it is absolutely impossible. not much.

Such masters are geniuses everywhere, and they must be trained by Pai.

"Huh? Why does Feng Tianqi seem to be in trouble today, and it's unprecedented trouble. This is his calamity, the calamity that can't be changed. Who is this?"

Suddenly, when Liu Yanzhong was constantly using Dayan's calculations, he accidentally calculated Feng Tianqi's doom, and it was today.

The Elder Tongtian next to Liu Yanzhong heard Liu Yanzhong's voice, frowned and said, "The calamity? Like Feng Tianqi, is there anyone else who can threaten him? Or, some Tongtian masters want to To deal with Feng Tianqi?"

This sky-reaching master seemed to be talking to himself, but he felt that it was impossible, the sky-reaching master would not attack Feng Tianqi, and in the Nine Swords School, there were also several sky-reaching masters coming this time.

Liu Yanzhong shook his head slightly and said: "Just now the disciple calculated again, and it was still the same result, and it faintly showed that Feng Tianqi's calamity is an existence of the same level, that is to say, he is also a master of the metamorphosis realm. Could it be that in Tianhe Is there such a terrifying master in the Star Region who can beat Feng Tianqi?"

"A master of the same level? How is this possible?"

The Elder Tongtian beside Liu Yanzhong felt incredible, because Feng Tianqi's sword was invincible, and even the masters of the sky would be hard to resist, so how could there be a more powerful existence? If there is, then It can no longer be described as a genius, but a monster.

"Although it is unbelievable, according to Dayan's calculations, it is indeed true." Liu Yanzhong said in a solemn tone.

The face of the Tongtian Elder next to him sank slightly. In terms of cultivation, maybe Liu Yanzhong is not as good as them, but in terms of understanding of the way of acting, Liu Yanzhong is even stronger than these Tongtian Elders .Dayan Sect is a sect that focuses on acting, so any genius with excellent talent for acting will be vigorously cultivated by the sect.

"Then have you figured out who this person is?"

Liu Yanzhong shook his head slightly and said: "It can't be calculated at all, it's like a heavy mist, maybe it can only be calculated after the disciple has been promoted to the realm of reaching the sky and has fully practiced the Great Diffraction Technique."

The Elder Tongtian next to him nodded slightly and said: "It seems that these geniuses and monster-level characters are all possessed of great luck, so they can't be counted casually. Well, let it be, this elder also wants to see See, who is so powerful."

The crowd in the entire square became quiet again. After Feng Tianqi returned to the place of Nine Swordsmen, those disciples congratulated each one with respectful expressions on their faces.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Feng for easily defeating Zhou Zishan. I'm afraid that Senior Brother Feng will be able to get what he wanted this time, and be appreciated by the Supreme Elder of the Nine Cauldron Sect. The rewards will be innumerable."

"That's right, once Brother Feng's sword is released, how can anyone dare to come out to fight for the front? So in the end, Senior Brother Feng must be the champion, and even with the guidance of the elders of the Nine Cauldron Sect, he will immediately become a master of the sky."

"Hmph, you are really ignorant, what is Tongtian, Senior Brother Feng has already been able to step into the realm of Tongtian at any time, just because Senior Brother Feng is going to be the first genius in the Tianhe Star Region to be directly promoted from the transformation breakthrough to the second level of Tongtian .”

"Directly promoted to the second level of Tongtian? Brother Feng is really powerful. In the Tianhe Star Region, he has never been able to directly promote to the second level of Tongtian. It is really a step up to the sky and become a master. Such geniuses are only those who are too powerful Only in the big star field."

The disciples of the Nine Swords School all congratulated Feng Tianqi one after another. The Nine Swords School has produced a Feng Tianqi, and it can be said that they have put in all their efforts to cultivate it. Therefore, Feng Tianqi almost represents the honor of the Nine Swords School. .

But the words of these disciples did not make Feng Tianqi flustered, his eyes looked at the void, as if he was thinking.


Suddenly, in the Jiuding Sect, a huge bell rang. Hearing the bell, almost all the disciples of the Jiuding Sect stood up, and the densely packed disciples shouted in unison: "Welcome, Master, Supreme Elder! !"

There are at least hundreds of thousands of Jiuding Sect disciples here, who are much stronger than Yaochi Palace and Hualong Palace. So many people shouting together, what kind of spectacular scene is it?

I saw the rolling sound spread throughout the entire square of Jiudingjiao, as deafening as it was deafening.

This is the great sect, the powerful disciples of the great sect, the foundation is deep, not everyone can shake it, perhaps among so many disciples, there will be a person with amazing talent who will reach the top in the future.

Therefore, the strength of the big factions is always getting stronger and stronger. They occupy the largest cultivation resources, the largest number of disciples, and of course, the most geniuses, so these big factions will never appear to be out of reach.

On the contrary, Hualong Palace, Yaochi Palace, even Wuyun Dayan Sect, Nine Sword Sect, etc., may be out of order within a certain period of time. This is the difference between the small faction and the big faction.

"whoosh whoosh"

As the tsunami-like sound gradually disappeared, many rays of light flew directly from the inner hall of the Nine Cauldron Sect, and the leader was a person with a slightly pale face and a strong aura shining all over his body.

Beside the middle-aged man was an old man who seemed to have no strength.

As soon as these two people appeared, all the voices disappeared, and the square with hundreds of thousands of people was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

"This middle-aged man is the Supreme Ditian, the head teacher of the Jiuding Sect. It is rumored that he has cultivated to the peak of the sixth level of the sky, and is almost comprehending the mysteries of the seventh level of creation."

"Di Tian is nothing, but the old man next to him is terrifying. That is the Supreme Elder of Jiuding Sect, Taoist Taiyi. He has already stepped into the realm of immortals with half of his feet. With him in charge, even the aggressive Ji Dao Sect can do nothing."

"That's right, if Taoist Taiyi uses the treasure of the Jiuding Sect to suppress the teaching, it can almost suppress the existence of the Ninth Grade Breaking the Mortal Realm. It is rumored that the three elders of the Extreme Dao Sect are all masters of the Ninth Level Breaking the Mortal Realm, and they dare not make a move. Deal with Taoist Taiyi."

"Taiyi Taoist was rumored to have fought with the three elders of the extreme way, but with the semi-celestial treasure of the universe and nine cauldrons, no one could do anything to the three elders of the extreme way, and it was precisely because of this that the three elders of the extreme way joined forces , exhausted the years and resources to refine a semi-immortal treasure such as Jidao Tu."

"Yeah, when it comes to true cultivation, I'm afraid no one can compare to Taoist Taiyi. He is now the oldest existence in the entire Milky Way Star Region. Even the three elders of the extreme way, in terms of pure cultivation, are all Taoist Taiyi can't be compared to Taoist Taiyi, only Taoist Taiyi is a real existence with half a foot in the realm of immortals."

These disciples looked at Taoist Taiyi and Ditian with respect. [

Ditian looked at the densely packed monks around him, and the rolling voice sounded like thunder in the void: "It is my honor for all fellow Taoists to come to my Jiuding Sect to celebrate the birthday of the Supreme Elder. If the Supreme Elder takes a fancy to a certain This young talent, no matter whether he has a faction or not, no matter whether the faction is big or small, the Supreme Elder will bestow the benefits of poverty!"

In the Milky Way Starfield, there are still many casual cultivators, but these casual cultivators are not even comparable to the lowly disciples of some sects, and their cultivation is extremely slow. There are very few of them.There are a few casual cultivators like this who can get treasures, so although these casual cultivators come every time, they have never been rewarded by Taoist Taiyi.

After the head teacher of the Nine Cauldron Sect, Supreme Di Tian, ​​finished speaking, a master who reached the sky next to him immediately shouted: "Every sect and many casual cultivators, start offering gifts!"

There are also rules for the birthday celebration, and you have to follow the rules step by step. First of all, you have to offer gifts, and then Taoist Taiyi will give you some advice after he is satisfied with someone.

But at this time, there was one person who was frowning tightly, he was Feng Tianqi, he looked at the void with a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and murmured: "Yang Yi, are you really not coming?"

Apart from Feng Tianqi, many other sect disciples have noticed that the people from Hualong Palace did not come, and neither did the famous genius Yang Yi. ! ~!

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