blood record

Chapter 316 8 Sword

Chapter 310 Six Eight Swords

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Looking at the shocked monks around him, Yang Yi couldn't help showing a smile. He came here this time to lead the disciples of Hualong Palace just to confirm his reputation. He thought that, in his eyes, he didn't have any magical pills, even Yang Qian had many martial arts and techniques.

As for the empowerment, it is even more impossible. Maybe Taoist Taiyi can empower some monks to break the barrier of heaven and earth, but Yang Yi's barrier of heaven and earth is so strong that many masters who reach the sky will be scared to death if they find out.So Yang Yi had to rely on himself if he wanted to break the barrier between heaven and earth.

"whoosh" [

Yang Yi directly took out a yu bottle from his bosom, the yu bottle looked normal, everyone was looking at Yang Yi, wanting to know what was in the yu bottle.

"This is a Heaven-reaching Pill that this junior dedicated to Senior Taiyi, and I hope Senior Taiyi will accept it!"


After Yang Yi finished speaking, the minds of many monks were shocked, and they all stared at the yu bottle in Yang Yi's hand in dumbfounded.

"Tiantian Pill? How can there be a Tongtian Pill? This is something that can be encountered but not sought after."

"Two Heavenly Pills appeared in the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce before, but they were taken away by an unknown expert. Could it be this one?"

"Where is such a coincidence, it is rumored that this Yang Yi obtained the alchemy formula for refining the Tongtian Pill, and went to a dark abyss to kill the Heavenly Moat Beast. He must have refined this pill by himself."

"That's amazing. On Yang Yi's body, there must be Tongtian Pill, which is a magic pill that can help a Mahayana master to be promoted to a Tongtian master. Yang Yi actually used such a gift as a birthday gift, which is completely surpassed. The pure spring of the Nine Swords Sect."

"That's right, this Heaven-reaching Pill alone is comparable to that of the Pure Spring, and even worse. After all, the Tongtian Pill can help monks break the barrier between heaven and earth. In this sense, the Tongtian Pill is the price Treasure."

"This is the real generosity. Compared with the treasures Yang Yi sent some of the big gifts just now, they are just like rubbish. This time Yang Yi must be the champion."

"Yang Yi doesn't show up easily, but once he shows up, he will definitely set off a storm and stir up the situation. The future of such a character is unimaginable."

"Hmph, the so-called wealth is not revealed, and this time there is no master from the Hualong Palace to lead, just disciples of transformation, this Yang Yi dared to take out the Tongtian Pill in such a big way, I am afraid that he will be robbed and killed after going out."

"It's very possible. Some casual cultivators are bound by a lonely family. If they have evil intentions, they will directly kill Yang Yi, and then escape to other star fields after getting the Tongtian Pill. What can Hualong Palace do? ?”

Some of these monks are envious, some are shocked, some are purely jealous, and what's more, a strange thought has begun to turn in their minds, wanting to weigh the pros and cons, maybe when the big birthday celebration is over, Some people will take the risk.

The expressions of these monks vary.

Di Tian slightly nodded to Yang Yi and said, "You are Yang Yi? You really are a hero born a boy, Yuan'er has mentioned you in front of me a long time ago, and seeing it now, I am a little surprised. Not everyone can get this Tongtian Pill."

Yang Yi thought about it, and then he knew who the Yuan'er was talking about in Ditian's mouth, it must be the young master of the Jiuding Sect who Yang Yi beheaded and killed Zhenyi that day.

"The head teacher has won the award. Presumably, Fellow Daoist Di Yuan is about to become a master of the sky, and he is also a peerless genius!"

Yang Yi complimented, then stopped talking and looked at Taoist Taiyi. [

Taoist Taiyi stretched out his hand and grabbed the yu bottle in his hand. After a slight look, a smile appeared on his face: "Okay, very good, it really is Tongtian Pill, I accept this great gift!"

A Heaven-reaching Pill can increase the chance of cultivating the Heaven-reaching Realm, so it is naturally given to the best disciples in the sect. It is conceivable that the next geniuses in the Jiuding Sect will fight more fiercely. Fortunately, Taiyi The Taoist won a good impression in front of him, so he rewarded this Heaven-reaching Pill, in order to reach the sky in one step.

Among the disciples of the Nine Swords Sect, in an open place, Feng Tianqi, who had been in the limelight just now, was sitting impressively. Then he completely suppressed his brilliance, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on Yang Yi.

Elder Tongtian of the Nine Swords Sect had a gleam in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's unimaginable that Yang Yi was able to take out the Tongtian Pill. One grain of Tongtian Pill is enough to make one more Tongtian in the faction." Master. And seeing that he doesn't care about God, there must still be a lot of Tongtian Pills, once we get it, hmph, I'm afraid our Nine Swordsman's strength will also expand rapidly!"

The grievances between Nine Swords School and Hualong Palace have lasted for tens of thousands of years. No one knows what caused the two factions to be so hostile, but tens of thousands of years of Guangyin have made the two factions The hatred has reached the point where it cannot be reconciled.

Even the top masters of the two factions died from time to time, and they all died at the hands of the other party. Nine Swords will not make it easier for Hualong Palace. Zong must be one of them.

Feng Tianqi's eyes were always looking at Yang Yi, and after hearing Elder Tongtian's words, he said calmly: "Yang Yi is still here, but no matter how talented he is, it's useless to show off his limelight, because he will be gone soon. dying."

"Feng Tianqi, don't be reckless. This is the Nine Cauldron Sect. Just now Yang Yi was appreciated by Taoist Taiyi. If you do something, I'm afraid that I, Nine Swords Sect, won't be able to keep you."

Feeling the fierce killing intent on Feng Tianqi, the elder Tongtian couldn't help being shocked and reminded in a deep voice: "Feng Tianqi, if you want to rob and kill, you can stay outside and wait until the birthday celebration is over before robbing and killing. The Nine Cauldrons Sect can't interfere, don't do anything here, otherwise our Nine Swords Sect will be destroyed."

Feng Tianqi said coldly: "Don't worry, I have my own measure, and I will definitely let him willingly fight with me. And you all underestimate Yang Yi, since he dared to come here alone, and openly offered the Tongtian Pill , do you think he will have no way out? When the birthday party is over, I’m afraid that even Yang Yi’s shadow will be gone. I must fight with him. Only in this way can I truly break through myself and directly become Tongtian Double Sun Moon Realm."

Feng Tianqi was calmer at this time, stood up resolutely, and flew directly towards Yang Yi, his unbridled murderous intent did not restrain himself at all, but directly enveloped Yang Yi.

Yang Yi suddenly felt a burst of murderous intent, and then turned around, looking at a man in white, who was as indifferent as an iceberg, with fierce murderous intent exuding from his whole body.

The head teacher of the Jiuding Sect, Di Tian's face darkened, obviously dissatisfied with Feng Tianqi's unbridled killing intent just now, and said in a deep voice: "Feng Tianqi, what do you want to do? Do you want to do something here?"

Ditian naturally knew the grievances between Nine Swords School and Hualong Palace, and every time he saw it, it was life and death, leaving no room for it.

Feng Tianqi shook his head slightly and said: "Teacher calm down, Feng just wanted Rang Yi to return one of my Nine Swords Sect's things."

As soon as Yang looked at the man in front of him, his whole body seemed to be like a sword drawn out of its sheath, which was sharper than him.Some information about Feng Tianqi gradually emerged in Yang Yi's mind, which Yang Qian saw when refining Ning Wujian.

Regarding the Nine Swords School, Yang Yi has a very close relationship with the Nine Swords School, and now he still has the fragment of the Tianhe pillar in his Tianhe star map, which was obviously what the Nine Swords School wanted at all costs. Later, he was snatched away by Yang Yi, and Nine Swordsmen could do nothing.

And it seems that Nine Swordsmen must know about the fragments of the Tianzhu, otherwise they would not be so crazy to snatch the fragments, and there is no news recently, which means that the Nine Swordsmen still did not spread the news about the fragments of the Tianzhu In the end, I still want to find a chance to get back the fragments of the Tianzhu.

Now that Feng Tianqi came up, Yang Yi's eyes froze slightly, it is possible that Feng Tianqi came here to support the fragments of the Tianzhu.

Even though Yang Yi has obtained two fragments of the Tianhe Pillar, they have been absorbing the chaotic energy of the Underworld Immortal Realm in the Tianhe Star Map, but they are of no use to Yang Yi.

The only use is chaotic energy, but this chaotic energy is far from what Yang Yi can bear now, the last time Yang Yi absorbed the chaotic energy, his body was almost blown to pieces.

So up to now, Yang Yi hasn't used the fragments of the Tianzhu, and let it absorb the chaotic energy in it. Maybe only when Yang Yi becomes a master of the sky, the chaotic energy at that time can be absorbed and refined in a small amount. [

Although it has no effect now, Yang Yi has never thought of giving it to the Nine Swords School. It seems that this kind of treasure that fell from the fairy world, even if it is just a fragment, may have a magical effect in the future.

Thoughts were spinning quickly in Yang Yi's mind, but Feng Tianqi had already said: "Yang Yi, Feng is here to get back Ning Wujian's eight swords, which are very important to our Nine Swords School. It is the inheritance of my Nine Swords School."

"Eight Swords?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that indeed, after beheading Ning Wujian, he did obtain the Eight Swords, which were placed in the Tianhe Star Map, and they have not been used much until now. , these eight swords are useless at all, but for the Nine Swords School, these eight swords are very important, and they are the inheritance of the Nine Swords School.

In the Nine Swords School, from one sword, two swords, three swords, etc. to the Nine Swords, these flying swords are all in one set, which implies the corresponding inheritance of the Nine Swords School, and it is not as simple as re-refining.Since Ning Wujian was beheaded by Yang Yi and lost the Eight Swords, no one from the Nine Swords School has inherited the title of Eight Swords.

So this time Feng Tianqi came here to get back the Eight Swords. ! ~!

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