blood record

Chapter 326 Fragments of Nine Sword Sects

Chapter 320: Fragments of the Nine Swords School

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Generally speaking, only the body of a top-reaching master can barely bear the chaotic energy, so the last time Yang Yi absorbed a little and almost exploded his body, he no longer dared to absorb the chaotic energy casually.

But this time he wants to be promoted to Tongtian, the key will fall on this chaotic energy.

The Chaos Qi is so powerful that it is absolutely doubtful for an ordinary master of transformation to absorb it and refine it, but Yang Yi can use its huge power to break the barrier of heaven and earth and reach the sky. [

But he only has two fragments of supporting pillars, which are too few, and he needs more fragments of supporting pillars, so after thinking about it, it is very likely that there are fragments of supporting pillars in the Nine Swords School, otherwise At the beginning, he would not pay any price for that small fragment of Tianzhu.

Yang got into the Tianhe star map in an instant, seeing that the disciples of the Nine Swordsmen were bound by the power of the Tianhe star map, unable to move, he couldn't help but sneered: "How is it? It doesn't feel good, but it doesn't matter, As long as you answer one of Yang's questions, Yang will let you go."

"Bah, you're a lowly thing. You just had some adventures. You dared to kill Senior Brother Feng, and even robbed and killed us. You are an elder of the death penalty sect. If you know it, you will be smashed to pieces!"


As soon as the disciple of the Nine Swords sect finished speaking, his whole body was blown to pieces, turning into a ball of original strength and entering Yang Yi's body.

Yang Yi sneered and said: "Those who don't want to cooperate with Yang will end up like this, if anyone else thinks that they can use their words for a while, then they can only become a group of original strength and be refined by Yang. "

Seeing Yang Yi's decisive and merciless methods of killing, these disciples of the Nine Swords School dared not speak any more, they all kept silent, and they could all see that Yang Yi was so fearless, No fear of consequences at all.

Yang Yi looked at the fear in the eyes of these Nine Swords Sect disciples, and smiled and said: "Very well, if you cooperate like this, you will have hope of survival. Now Yang is asking one by one, and the others who have not been asked Speak or die!"


Yang flew in front of one of the disciples in an instant, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know the situation of the fragments of the supporting pillars in the Nine Swords School?"

There was a dazed look in the disciple's eyes. With every move, the disciple's body exploded instantly, turning into a ball of original power that was absorbed by Yang Yi's body.

Yang Yi came in front of another disciple, and the same question remained. This disciple was obviously frightened by Yang Yi's ruthless determination before, and he was cowardly and dared not speak.


Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Yi directly killed him, and he came in front of the next disciple.

This disciple was rather courageous and roared with a ferocious look on his face: "Haha, Yang Yi, you have to be buried with me when I die, explode!"

This disciple actually chose Yuanshen to explode himself in an instant.

But his face instantly showed shock, because his primordial spirit seemed to be calling it non-stop, and he couldn't move at all.A cruel smile appeared on Yang Yi's face and said: "No one can die and no one can live without Yang's consent, do you know? If you want to die, you have to get Yang's consent. Since you are so determined, then Yang has fulfilled you, but before you die, Yang wants you to taste the feeling of not being able to die!"

Yang Yi lightly pointed at this disciple, and suddenly, a starlight appeared instantly, turned into a sharp blade, and even directly wrung the disciple's skin off, immediately, it was bloody, making one feel a tumbling stomach, You may even vomit right away.

Killing is nothing more than a nod, but it is a kind of luck to die immediately. In the Tianhe Star Chart, Yang Yi is the absolute master. He has too many ways to make these disciples unable to live or die. [

The disciple's constant screams made the other disciples palpitate, and each of them looked at Yang Yi with a trace of fear on their faces, as if they were looking at a terrifying demon.

"I said, I said, I know the fragments of the Tianzhu pillar you mentioned. My father is an elder of Tongtian, so I know."

When Yang Yi walked in front of a thin man, the disciple quickly told what he knew.

"Oh? Tell me, if you satisfy Yang, you don't have to die!"

The man didn't dare to say anything else, but he watched Yang Yi kill several disciples without blinking an eye, and he immediately said: "My Nine Swords School does have fragments of pillars supporting the sky, and those elders are there every day. I am practicing with the help of the fragment of the pillar supporting the sky. I have seen that fragment before. It is taller than a towering tree. The breath emanating from the pillar of supporting the sky makes me a little unbearable. Just to feel the body They all seemed to be shattered, it was really terrifying."

Yang Yi's heart moved, and then he stretched out his hand to grab it, grabbed a trace of chaotic air from the void, and said lightly: "Is it this kind of breath?"

Seeing that Yang Yi possessed such a terrifying aura, the disciple couldn't help being surprised, nodded his head hastily and said, "Yes, yes, it's this terrifying aura."

Yang nodded and said, "Very well, you don't have to die, but everyone else will die!"

Hearing Yang Yi's words, this disciple still felt scared, but some of the other disciples also shouted: "Don't kill me, I also know the information about the fragments of the supporting pillar."

Yang Yi sneered and said: "It's already too late, I only blame you for your bad luck, die for me!"

Following Yang Yi's loud shout, streaks of starlight pierced through their bodies in an instant, and the disciples of the Nine Swords Sect died instantly, turning into original power.

The only remaining disciple looked terrified and terrified in his heart. If it was a little later, or someone else said it first, then he might end up no different from those who died just now.

Yang Yi looked at this disciple with indifferent eyes, and said lightly: "You are very sensible, what's your name?"

"My name is Li Hong!"

"Li Hong, very good, you stay here, and Yang will use you in the future!"

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he didn't care about Li Hong anymore, he couldn't find any flowers in the Tianhe star map, and then he quickly got out of the Tianhe star map, and said to the Hualong Palace disciples who were waiting outside: "Okay, now we're going back to Hualong Palace!"

Yang Yi took many disciples and quickly shuttled towards Hualong Palace.


Outside Hualong Palace, there was a burst of space ripples, Yang Yi and many disciples of Hualong Palace appeared in the void, Yang Yi said lightly: "Okay, you all go back."

These elite disciples of Hualong Palace were all extremely respectful, they had almost completely convinced Yang Yishi, and immediately flew to Hualong Palace.

Yang Yi sank for a while, and flew directly to the nearby Yaochi Palace.

The disciples of Yaochi Palace knew that Yang Yi had a special status, so they didn't dare to stop him, so Yang Yi traveled directly to Bi Luo's mansion. [

At this time, Bi Luo was continuously swallowing light, and the power of the world was rapidly shrinking and expanding, giving him a vague sense of wonder.


Bi Luo's eyes snapped open, seeing Yang Yi in front of him, he couldn't help showing a smile on his stern face and said, "Yang Yi, you've made a lot of limelight this time, beheading Feng Tianqi, receiving empowerment, fame It has already been spread, I am afraid that many elders of the Jidao Sect hate you to the bone, and they are not thinking of capturing you and dedicating you to the head of the Jidao Sect."

Yang Yihun said indifferently: "It's just right, the more heaven-reaching masters chase and kill Yang, the faster Yang's Tianhe star map will recover."

The current Yang Yi, who is waiting for a master of the first level of Tongtian, can easily kill him, even a second level of Tongtian, he can fight against him. .

And those masters who have cultivated out of the field have a high status even in the Jidao Sect, and they will not be easily dispatched. It can be said that Yang Yi can now roam the Tianhe Starfield recklessly. As long as he is not too unlucky, he is unlikely to fall.

Bi Luo smiled slightly and said, "Tell me, when have you been here?"

Yang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Could it be that Yang can't come if there's nothing to do?"

This Bi Luo has been cultivating more and more recently, his skin is as smooth as a ninja, and it also exudes bursts of world power, which makes the whole person look noble, which makes Yang Yi moved for a while, he hasn't double cultivated with Bi Luo for a while. pass.

Although Bi Luo is a majestic master of the fifth-layer realm, respected by one faction, and majestic, Yang Yi's eyes made him feel like a deer bumped into his heart, and there was a rare little girl's look on his face, whispering Said: "Don't talk nonsense, it's been a troubled time recently, I still have to work hard to practice, in order to improve my cultivation level, so as to meet the unexpected needs."

Seeing this, Yang Yi also stopped his thoughts, and said with a serious expression on his face: "Mr. Yang came here to ask you about the Nine Swords Sect."

"Nine Swords School?"

Bi Luo glanced at Yang Yidao suspiciously: "Isn't your Hualong Palace a feud with Nine Swordsmen? Why are you asking me?"

Yang Yi smiled wryly and said: "Those disciples only know superficial things, I want to know if there are any masters in Nine Swords School?"

"A master? As far as I know, there really is an elder named Song Zuming in the Nine Swords Sect. He is a master of the same generation as my master and Long Fengyun. His cultivation level should be similar to that of Long Fengyun. But this person is extremely Mysterious, she has stayed in the Nine Swords School almost all the time, and hardly shows up."

Yang Yi sneered in his heart, that unknown expert might have been staying in the Nine Swords School and relying on the fragments of the Tianzhu to practice. As for his cultivation base, Yang Qian knew with almost certainty that he must have surpassed Long Fengyun and supported him. He couldn't be more aware of the power of the fragments of the Tianzhu, which can be used by masters who reach the sky to cultivate.Since the Nine Swords School has owned the Tianzhu for such a long time, then that mysterious existence must have cultivated to the existence imagined by ordinary people. ;

Even, I'm afraid that it has reached the level of creation of the seven heavens. ! ~!

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