blood record

Chapter 34 The Dragon Transformation Contest Begins

【It's up, I hope you will like it a lot and vote a lot, thank you! 】

Yang Yi secretly glanced at Lei Tianming in the sky, this was the first time he saw a transformation master, of course, his memory of what happened to Yang Shan was sealed, so he didn't even know about it.And Lei Tianming's strength was almost beyond his imagination.

"Is this the master of transformation? It's simply unimaginable power..."

Yang Yi knew that with his current strength, in the eyes of transformation masters, he might not even be an ant.

That man who was full of murderous intent, his eyes flickering with terrifying murderous intent, stared at Lei Tianming in the sky, this courage, even Yang Yi had to admire, even the transformation master dared to be afraid If such a person is not a fool, then he is a terrifying genius. [

The crowd began to walk towards the Dragon Transformation Pagoda in an orderly manner. Everyone took out the Dragon Transformation Tokens in their hands, one piece after another. Thousands of Dragon Transformation Tokens shone with dazzling light in the sun.

At the entrance of Hualong Pagoda, there are two guards. These people are all wearing golden e armor, and the energy and blood power in their bodies is shocking. Team, in these golden e law enforcement teams, all of them are the existence of blood clotting nine layers, which can be called terrifying.

With these two guards sitting here, everyone didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction in their eyes, and they all gave the two guards the Dragon Transformation Token in their hands.

If you want to enter the Dragon Transformation Tower, you have to show the Dragon Transformation Token, and once you enter the Dragon Transformation Tower, the Dragon Transformation Token will be taken back.

Yang Yi also entered the Hualong Pagoda smoothly. As soon as he entered, he felt that there seemed to be a magical power in the Hualong Pagoda, covering the entire Hualong Pagoda.

This Hualong Pagoda, layer by layer, is relatively spacious.

The entire Hualong Pagoda is said to have ten floors, but if you have not been assigned to a specific floor, you cannot enter it casually.

Yang Yi was assigned to the tenth floor, and he got the news after he got the Dragon Transformation Token.

There were many people going up to the tenth floor with Yang Yi, all of them were monks, although the tenth floor was very high, but there was nothing there, everyone went up one after another, and after a while, they reached the tenth floor.

After reaching the tenth floor, Yang Yi turned around and found that the original flow of people had become sparse.

On the tenth floor, there are two golden e law enforcement teams. When everyone enters one after another, they have to report their names and be tagged with numbers. Yang Yi's number is 860, which means , he is the [-] ninth monk who has entered the tenth floor.

Yang looked calm and stepped into the tenth floor gently.

As soon as he entered the tenth floor, Yang Yi was stunned by the scene in front of him. The tenth floor is a relatively empty square. Around the square, there are countless guards. These guards are at least the existence of the fifth level of blood coagulation. .

There are indeed tens of thousands of monks below, but all of them are quiet, and some are just chatting in low voices.

"Could it be killing here?"

Yang Yi had heard some of the rules of the Dragon Transformation Contest that Liu Yun said, which required complete killing, but in this place, it was obviously too narrow, and it was impossible to kill here.

There are quite a few people with Yang Yi's thoughts. These monks are all looking around this place, with traces of doubt on their faces.

"Hey, do you know? This time we have quite a few masters from the tenth floor, including Xie Xuanfeng, the third son of the Qingfeng Lord, and Hua Qiankun, the eldest son of the Cliff Lord. Tsk tsk, these people have rich accumulation and many means. This time we are the best on the tenth floor."

"What are these people worth? Let me tell you, even Bai Yi, the strong contender for the top ten in this Dragon Transformation Contest, is on our tenth floor. With him, No.1 on this tenth floor, needless to say , it must be him.” [

"What? Killing God Bai Yi? How could this plague god be classified into the tenth floor? This is terrible. This plague god has no sympathy or rationality. He is simply a murderer, you know? There was a master back then. His young master offended him, so he even dared to rush forward and killed all the wives and concubines of that young master. In the end, the master got angry and wanted to kill him. Fortunately, Bai Yi's father, Mo Tianzhu, came in person. Rescue him, tsk tsk, now that Bai Yi has reached our tenth floor, we are all in danger, his cultivation method is to kill people and plunder blood, he is simply a lunatic!"

Yang Yi listened to the arguments of these people verbatim.

"Bai Yi, the God of Killing? Could it be that master who is wearing a green shirt and exudes terrifying murderous intent? Motian's main cultivation is Tongtian, and he is said to be the number one master among masters. His cultivation base has reached the ninth level of blood coagulation. This Bai Yi is his only son..."

These are all Yang Yi has heard in the city these days, being able to be called the number one among thousands of masters, it can be seen that Master Motian is tyrannical.As the only son of Mo Tianzhu, Bai Yi naturally cultivated him vigorously. I am afraid that various terrifying methods will emerge one after another. This is a formidable opponent.

Just as Yang Yi was thinking carefully, suddenly the freshman on the tenth floor opened, and a man in a green shirt with a terrifying and murderous intent walked in.

Such a strong murderous intent immediately made the people in these squares quiet down, and they all looked at the man just now.

Some people even exclaimed something like "Killing God Bai Yi" in a low voice.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, this man really is the God of Killing Bai Yi.

Wherever Bai Yi went, he automatically gave way to a passage. There were no monks within a foot of him. No one could stand the strong murderous intent emanating from Bai Yi.

Not long after, a man walked in from the outside. There was a mark on the man's forehead, but this mark was light red, which showed that this man was also a master of blood transformation.

The man stepped forward with a serious face, swept his eyes slightly, and said indifferently: "This time, there are more than one hundred thousand monks on each floor, and the tenth floor is a million. Millions of monks, this is the history of our Dragon Transformation Competition The time with the largest number of participants, after a while, you will be taken into the powerful magic weapon square mirror in Hualong Palace. There is a boundless space world inside, and you will be scattered and assigned to an independent world. In this world, only The [-] monks on the tenth floor, what you have to do is to kill, besides killing or killing. No matter what method you use, such as alliance, sneak attack, deception, etc., as long as you can kill each other, and you will be on the killing list in a month. If you rank in the top [-], then you can be promoted to the next stage and have the opportunity to strive for a higher ranking. In the future, you will enter the Hualong Palace. The better your performance this time, the higher the resources and status you will get ,understand?"

The monks below all nodded their heads one after another, and the master of transformation above nodded slightly, then turned around, stretched out his hand, and a red light flew out from the center of his brow.


This ray of light is actually a clever bird, this is the incarnation of the other party's blood, it is the true source of his blood, it has extremely magical power, any bird may even transform into a phoenix again in the future, and its power is extremely powerful .

Of course, if one wants to transform into a phoenix, one must cultivate to the realm of heaven, immortal, or even higher. These are realms that ordinary people can't imagine.

Immediately, the true source of the shape-changing master got into the smooth wall in a flash, and slowly, the smooth wall turned into a huge mirror in a flash. This is what the master said just now. , the magic weapon of Hualong Palace, the square mirror.

It was also the first time for Yang Yi to see a magic weapon, he had never even seen a magic weapon, let alone a more powerful magic weapon.


The true source of the blood of the transformation master flew back from the mirror, and entered the opponent's brow again.

Ripples began to appear on the entire mirror, and these ripples enveloped everyone. In an instant, everyone felt a force that they couldn't resist, and instantly absorbed them into it.

The entire tenth floor suddenly became empty, and it was the same on the other floors of Hualong Pagoda. Millions of monks were instantly photographed by the square mirror into the space world inside the square mirror.

The Dragon Transformation Competition, which only happens once every hundred years, has finally officially started! ! ~! [

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