blood record

Chapter 358 Hidden Deeply

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"Damn it, it's really abominable. This time, my father sent me here just to frustrate the spirit of the two empires. The master Kuishan, who was selected by thousands of people, was killed by that abominable Yang Yi. It's really abominable." , I can't swallow this bad breath."

The prince of Dongshan was so angry that his face was more gloomy. The task entrusted to him by the lord of Dongshan this time was originally a good job, but in the end it turned out that they were ridiculed by Dongshan. , I'm afraid he will be left out in the cold.

The Lord of Dongshan Kingdom also has seven sons, and he just received more favors. If this matter is not handled well and he loses the trust of the Lord of Dongshan Kingdom, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"whoosh" [

Suddenly, an old man appeared behind Prince Dongshan. This old man was elusive, and no one could clearly see how he appeared, which seemed rather mysterious.

"What are you worried about, His Royal Highness?"

The mysterious old man asked in a low voice, and the prince of Dongshan showed a slight smile on his face and said: "Dongguo worship, you were sent by my father to protect me. Now I have a deep depression in my heart. I want to let Dongguo worship you." I don’t know what Dongguo’s intentions are if I go out in person.”

The name of this old man is Dong Guo, and the aura around him is the aura of the sky-reaching double sun and moon realm. This is the lord of Dongshan Kingdom sent to protect the prince of Dongshan.

After listening to the words of Prince Dongshan, Dong Guo shook his head slightly and said: "Your Highness, you are welcome. The old man was ordered by the king to protect me. Naturally, he must obey the prince's orders. Now that the prince has been insulted, that person must death, please wait a moment, the old man will immediately go to take the life of Yang Yi."

This Dong Guo seemed to have poor self-confidence, and the whole person disappeared as quickly as a ghost.

A slight sneer appeared on the corner of Prince Dongshan's mouth, and he said coldly: "Hmph, Yang Yi, let's see what you can do this time. With Dong Guo's offering, you are dead."

The prince of Dongshan seems to be very confident about this old man, but he clearly remembers that it was Dong Guo who personally beheaded an assassin who came to assassinate the king of Dongshan, and that assassin was also a master of the double sun and moon at that time , but after only a few moves, the assassin was subdued by Dong Guo.

This is enough to make Prince Dongshan have high hopes for Dongguo.

The First Prince's mansion is now brightly lit, it is a lively and busy scene, there is a lot of traffic in front of the door, and many people are constantly coming in and out.

In a dark place, like a gust of wind, a figure disappeared instantly, and then disappeared outside the courtyard.


Yang Yi was quietly closing his eyes to rest his mind at this time, suddenly, his heart moved, he opened his eyes abruptly, and said coldly to the outside: "Which youngster is hiding his head and showing his tail outside?"

"Huh? There are some means, and I was able to find the old man."

A figure gradually formed in front of Yang Yi. It was an old man in black robes, with a calm face and the aura of a master of the sun and moon realm shining all over his body. However, what surprised Yang Yi was that the formation he arranged outside had already Unknowingly, it has disappeared, apparently destroyed by the old man.Being able to destroy the formation at the door in such a short period of time is enough to show that this old man is not simple.

"Who is Fellow Daoist? You came to Yang's room in the middle of the night, so you are so confident that Yang can't kill you?" Yang Yi's eyes were sharp, staring at the old man, as if he wanted to see through the old man.

The old man didn't show the slightest expression, he just said indifferently: "The old man was sent by His Royal Highness to take your life. Since you found out, then you should die early."

This old man is obviously Dong Guo. He did have some means, and he was able to break Yang Yi's big formation without being alarmed. If Yang Yi was not very vigilant, maybe all the formations outside were broken and Yang Yi would not have noticed. This is enough to show that the old man still has some means.


Dong Guo directly punched, this punch seems to be very random, but the power contained in it is not to be underestimated, more importantly, this punch was handed by the old man, which shows that he has honored and humiliated many martial arts. Among them, as long as his body moves, his martial arts will be displayed involuntarily.

This punch is like this, Dong Guo's casual punch showed his strength to the fullest, this is definitely the peak that has reached the second level of the sun and the moon, and he can definitely be regarded as a master.

Facing this punch, Yang Yi didn't dare to be careless, golden light flickered all over his body, his unbreakable strength erupted instantly, and he faintly exerted several times the strength.

"Extreme God Fist"

Yang Yimeng punched out the Jidao Shenquan, the strength in his body rose steadily, almost reaching the limit of his physical body, and this punch exploded with several times the strength, although it was not Yang Yi's full strength, but it was enough to shock people's hearts Yes, Dong Guo knew at a glance that Yang Yi was not easy, and he didn't spare any effort, and collided fiercely.

Yang Yi's current strength has been multiplied several times, which is enough to rival the masters of the sun and moon realm, so this fist clash did not achieve any substantive effect. Back off.

"Okay, very good, it's been a long time since no one can defeat this old man at the first level of heaven and earth, hmph, now is the real strength of this old man, just die."

The aura of Dong Guo's whole body rose again, and bursts of light were slowly flashing. Yang Yi seemed to have an illusion that this Dong Guo had almost reached the sky-reaching triple sky-moving state.

This force is really too strong, so powerful that even Yang Yi was surprised. Yang Yi didn't expect this old man to have such a terrifying power, but Yang Yi didn't retreat, but turned the primordial spirit in his body. Shouted: "Phantom of the Nine Palaces"

25 shadows appeared in an instant, and then quickly overlapped together. This is 25 times the power. It burst out in an instant, smashing Dong Guo's power to pieces, and the terrifying power directly overwhelmed Dong Guo.

"What? 25 times the power, how is this possible?"

Dong Guo hardly dared to imagine how fierce 25 times the power would be. He was full of confidence at first, thinking that dealing with Yang Yi was just a monk who hadn't even cultivated to the second level of the sun and moon, but he didn't expect Yang Yi He actually possessed superior martial arts skills, and instantly shot out 25 times the strength.

Once the power of 25 times was exerted, it was as if the momentum was broken, destroying Dong Guo's arm fiercely, and the terrifying power also smashed Dong Guo's body to pieces.


Yang Yi grabbed Dong Guo's Yuanshen in an instant, and at this time his Yuanshen seemed more flustered. Yang Yi also felt a strong and powerful aura on it, grabbed him and put him in front of him, sneering: "It's Dongshan Didn’t that useless prince of the Kingdom ask you to come here? Huh, Yang has already expected it, but Dongshan Kingdom hides a master like you. It seems that he is really secretly accumulating strength and preparing to challenge the majesty of the two empires. It is the preparation for Dongshan's rebellion against the two empires.

"Don't kill me, you can't kill me, I know many things about Dongshan Kingdom, it will definitely help you or the eldest prince."

Dong Guo was also afraid at this time. In the face of death, the higher the cultivation level, the more vulnerable the monk.

"Hmph, it's too late now"

Yang Yi directly pressed down hard, and the force in his hand instantly smashed Dong Guo's primordial spirit into pieces.


The entire air seemed to be making noises, and a more dangerous feeling appeared in Yang Yi's heart, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Tianhe star map, shuttle" [

Yang Yi's body quickly flickered with bursts of light, and there was a burst of space ripples at random, Yang Yi's body disappeared instantly, and was taken by the Tianhe Star Chart to travel through space.


The huge force shattered the entire room, but at night, there was a burst of golden light shining in the sky, which was extremely dazzling.

"Space shuttle? How can you space shuttle? How is this possible?"

When Yang Yi's figure appeared in the distance, a familiar figure gradually walked out from the darkness, it was Li Dongyang, who had been observing Yang Yi in the dark, preparing for a decisive blow.

When Yang Yi was attacked by Dong Guo, Li Dongyang had been secretly observing. In fact, he also wanted to see what kind of means Yang Yi had. Knowing that Yang Yi had exerted 25 times the power, Li Dongyang was secretly surprised. If he was faced with 25 times the power, I'm afraid it would be more dangerous than good, so he only shot when Yang Yi had just beheaded Dong Guo.

This is the time when Yang Yi is most defenseless, so it is the easiest to succeed.

Li Dongyang hid it deep enough that even Yang Yi didn't notice it. Yang Yi only vaguely knew that Li Dongyang would make another move, but he didn't know when it would be, and he didn't expect that Li Dongyang would make a move at this time. It was too late for him to make another move.

It's just that Yang Yi has the Milky Way star map and can travel through space, so he escaped this catastrophe.

"Li Dongyang? Very well, you are indeed a human being, and you have endured so deeply, but this is our destiny, and there can only be one person between us, so you must die, and your golden body of the Wu clan will also be killed. I devour refinement"

The star map of the Milky Way flickered above Yang Yi's head, and bursts of golden light shone all over his body. He appeared in front of Li Dongyang like a god, and his eyes were also sharper, full of fighting spirit.

At this time, many guards flew from outside. This is the palace of the eldest prince, so naturally there are many guards. Just now, Li Dongyang's shocking punch directly smashed the place where Yang Yi lived, and the whole palace was trembling. , these guards were naturally aware of the strangeness, and quickly rushed to surround the place. . .

More to, address h! ~!

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