blood record

Chapter 36 Dead?

In the dark night, the moonlight was a bit dark, and the mountains and forests were sparsely sprinkled with silver light.

A black shadow moved swiftly through the mountains and forests. This person was carrying a longbow, and his face was slightly delicate. It was Yang Yi.

In front, there were twenty monks, gathered around the bonfire, chatting and laughing loudly.

"Haha, today we have gained again. We actually killed a powerful existence with a ranking of more than 9000. If this trend continues, we may kill an existence with a ranking of less than [-] every day in the future. It will rise rapidly, and there may be a chance to really reach the top [-]!"

The one who spoke was a burly man. From the looks of it, he was the most powerful existence among the twenty people, and he was also the one who led the organization of the twenty monk alliances. [

"Brother Li is responsible for all this, otherwise that guy would have slipped away today. Sure enough, there is no simple existence among the top [-]!"

"Haha, yes, we are able to have today and not be robbed and killed by others because of Brother Li's command. Otherwise, how could we survive today? Come, let's toast Brother Li together!"

Holding wine glasses in their hands, these people paid respects to the burly man, Big Brother Li.

All this fell into Yang Yi's eyes.

A strange smile gradually appeared on Yang Yi's face, and then he took out the Moonfall Bow, and quietly hid on the big tree. In the dark night, no one noticed.

"Today, starting from the 20 of you, I let you live ten more days, and it should be over today!"

Yang Yi sneered in a low voice, he pulled the string like a full moon, and the five long arrows hit it instantly.


There was a sharp piercing sound, and sharp sounds flashed in the dark night.


The five people were hit in the head in an instant, and blood was spilled all over the ground. With Yang Yi's current strength, he was attacking at night again, how could these ordinary blood coagulation quadruples be able to resist it.

That big brother Li reacted in an instant, and shouted: "There are people, everyone spread out!"

"Hey, it's too late!"

Yang Yi's figure was like a ghost, and he flew out with five sharp arrows, and instantly gave birth to five fresh lives. The bright red blood, under the moonlight, looked extremely shocking.

Brother Li saw that half of his people died in an instant, his face flushed red, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who the hell is Your Excellency?"

The remaining ten people have found a place to hide, and the arrow is no longer there.

However, Yang Yi's methods were not limited to bows and arrows. He rushed out lightly, exposing his figure to the bonfire, and stared at his surroundings coldly.

Brother Li was stunned for a moment, but when he saw Yang Yi alone, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, his face was ferocious, and he shouted: "There is only one person, brothers, come out and kill this person, for brothers revenge!"


Ten monks rushed out from the hidden place quickly, and these people looked at Yang Yi cautiously, surrounding Yang Yi firmly in the center.

Brother Li laughed loudly: "Haha, I'm still a young man. I'm really a rookie. I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. Hmph, if you make cold shots in the dark, we will still be a little afraid of you, but you came out, haha, you You're looking for death, you're looking for death!"

A sneering smile appeared at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth: "Is that so? But I'm not looking for death. If I don't come out, you all hide one by one. Wouldn't it be too troublesome to kill again?"

The corner of Brother Li's mouth twitched slightly, and he was about to say something more, but he felt his expression change in an instant. There was a mysterious binding force around his body at some point, making his movements as slow as a snail.

"you you……"

Brother Li looked at Yang Yi in horror, but in an instant, Yang Yi instantly transformed into four identical figures. Brother Li's head was smashed to pieces with Yang Yiyi's fist, and the other nine people were also instantly used by Yang Yi. kill.

"The body binding technique is really powerful. It's almost effortless to face those who are weaker than me!"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, just now he used the body binding technique in the dark, making these ten people escape, and then quickly killed them with the Nine Palace Phantom.


Yang Yi quickly collected the jng blood of these 20 people, but he suddenly discovered that several yu bottles were found on Brother Li's body, and these yu bottles were actually filled with jng blood.

"Huh? This person actually wants to refine the blood, but unfortunately, he has not had time to refine it, but it is cheaper for me!"

A smile appeared on Yang Yi's face. At this moment, voices sounded in his mind. Naturally, his ranking was improving rapidly, and he was flying straight like a rocket.From the original more than 3, it was directly promoted to 930 four, which is already within the ten thousand.

"Okay, okay, so much blood is enough to increase my strength by a few percent. In this Dragon Transformation Competition, every point of strength is the guarantee of every point!"

Yang Yi's figure disappeared into the forest in an instant, leaving only twenty shocking corpses exposed to the moonlight.

Outside the Dragon Transformation Tower, the Dragon Transformation Contest has been going on for 20 days, and the top [-] monks have killed thousands of monks, which is really terrifying.

The Liu Yun brothers and sisters were frowning at this time, anxious in their hearts.

Because after 20 days, none of them saw Yang Yi's name in the top [-]. Even Liu Yun, who had confidence in Yang, had already wavered at this moment.

"Brother, it's been 20 days, and Yang Yi hasn't appeared in the top [-] yet, has he already..." Liu Jing's eyes were red, and her expression was full of sadness.

Liu Yun's face is also not good, and yin is as sinking as water. He sighed slightly: "If you don't appear on the ranking, it doesn't necessarily mean you are dead. Maybe... maybe Brother Yang just didn't make it to the top [-]... ..."

Even Liu Yun himself felt that this reason was far-fetched. In the Dragon Transformation Contest, he knew exactly how high the death rate was.His father was like this back then, he never appeared in the rankings, and he didn't come out again until the end of the Dragon Transformation Competition.

20 days is enough to explain a lot of problems.Not only Liu Yun brothers and sisters, but also many other monks, most of them have friends or relatives who entered the Dragon Transformation Contest, but as time went by, they couldn't see the familiar names from the rankings. Many monks felt ominous.

Some monks who couldn't bear it even burst into tears. [

Liu Yun stared at the rankings in the tenth area, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, are you really dead? With your ability, can't you pass the Dragon Transformation Competition?"

However, no matter how much Liu Yun expected, the long ranking did not change, and his heart became more and more heavy...! ~!

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