blood record

Chapter 365 Martial Hall

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"This Martial Emperor's star field is really amazing. Even a small ordinary royal family has immortal martial skills. So what kind of earth-shattering martial skills should be in the supreme martial arts hall?"

Yang Yi looked at the Martial Emperor's Starfield that was constantly shining with powerful auras in the distant void. He knew that the Double Empire was just a relatively weak existence in the entire Martial Emperor's Starfield, almost equivalent to a small empire.There are even bigger and more powerful empires above it, and above all these empires is the Martial Palace standing proudly in the Emperor Wudi's star field.

The Hall of Martial Arts is said to be passed down by Emperor Wu himself, and there are many secrets in it. Emperor Wu, the strongest man who shattered the void with one punch, is said to be inferior to even the immortals in the fairy world. He is almost the mythical figure of the entire Emperor Wu star field. exists.

After Yang Yi practiced the Great Mill of Heaven and Earth, he deeply felt the ferocity of these martial arts. If he wanted to enter the Martial Palace to inquire about the secrets, he might have unexpected gains. With Yang Yi's current cultivation base, he could go anywhere. [


Yang Yi immediately put away the Tianhe star map, and flew directly to Emperor Wu's star field. He refined Li Dongyang's memory, so he naturally knew the general location of Wudian.

This Li Dongyang was also very interested in the Hall of Martial Arts. He originally thought of swallowing Yang Yi and refining him to enter the Hall of Martial Arts, but he didn't expect that he would be refined instead, and he would never have the chance to enter the Hall of Martial Arts.

Yang Yi's speed was extremely fast, like a rainbow light, flying towards Wudian day and night.Finally, Yang Yi flew for more than ten days, and finally arrived at Wudian.

As soon as he came to the Martial Palace, Yang Yi felt a chilling aura. Almost everyone here is not simple. Some of the monks coming and going are in groups of servants, some have bodyguards behind them, and some are bold and unrestrained. Others are as dedicated as an ascetic.

In short, in front of the Hall of Things, these monks are in various forms, each with its own myriad.

However, they are all transformed monks, but Tongtian is relatively rare, but it is only relatively rare. There are still masters of Tongtian, and they all stay outside the martial arts hall obediently.

This Martial Palace is a huge, majestic and magnificent hall, soaring into the clouds, with a faint aura that makes people submit.

There are all monks here, but the gate of the Martial Palace is tightly closed and has not been opened. These monks outside are waiting quietly.

Yang Yi frowned, found a monk at random and asked, "Why doesn't this Martial Hall open?"

This cultivator was just a small transformed cultivator. Feeling the terrifying heavenly aura on Yang Yi, he immediately said respectfully: "Senior, the gate of the Martial Palace has always been closed, and you must report your identity before you can be let in. We are waiting outside because we want to become disciples, but this needs to be assessed one by one, so we can only wait outside."

"Huh? Why can those people go in?"

Yang Yi suddenly saw an imposing man leading a few masters to the sky and walked in without being hindered at all.

This repair

The scholar hesitated for a while, looked at Yang Yi cautiously, hesitated and couldn't speak.


Yang Yi turned around directly, threw out 1 yuan of blood crystals, and said indifferently: "These are for you."

The monk looked at 1 yuan of blood crystals, although it was not much, it was enough to make him happy for a long time.

Yang Yi walked directly to the Wudian, and when he was about to step into the gate, two guards standing on both sides of the gate stopped him and said, "Anyone who wants to enter must have a pass from my Wudian." [

Yang Yi sneered and said, "Why was that person able to go in just now? Besides, Yang didn't see any pass he took out."

"That person just now?"

The two guards sneered slightly, looked Yang Yi up and down for a while, and said with a sneer: "Hmph, why does that person need a pass just now? He is the eldest prince of the Guangming Empire, does he still need a pass?"

The Guangming Empire, Yang Yi had some impressions from Li Dongyang's memory, it seemed to be one of the three great empires, it could be said to be extremely powerful, and it was indeed a very small status.

"Okay, okay, that's how it is"

This Martial Palace is also a place where the weak prey on the strong, and it is so obvious, but the surrounding monks have expressions on their faces, as if they are used to it, and they are not surprised.

Suddenly, another group of monks flew over from a distance. This group of monks all looked domineering and aloof, and they flew to the front of the Martial Palace in an instant.

One of the male monks said loudly to the guards of the Wudian: "This is the third princess of our Tianlei Empire. His Majesty the Emperor specially sent the third princess to the Wudian to practice. Please let the two fellow Taoists go."

"Tianlei Empire? It turns out to be the third princess, please, everyone please"

When the two guards heard about Tianlei Empire, their eyes lit up, and their expressions were respectful. This Tianlei Empire is also a well-known empire in the entire Martial Emperor's star field. Naturally, it is not their two little guards who are masters. It can be provoked.

People from the Tianlei Empire walked inside, but Yang Yi stood in the middle, without any intention of avoiding it. One of the guards said coldly: "It's better to get out of the way, this is the third princess of the Tianlei Empire."

Yang Yi, however, was unmoved, and coldly swept the two guards away, and unexpectedly made a move in an instant, a terrifying power erupted in an instant, and caught the two guards almost instantly.

This accident happened so fast that no one could have expected it, and the two guards were still majestic masters, but now they were caught by Yang Yi, without the slightest resistance, Like two dead dogs.

"Things like dogs dare to block Yang, they don't know how to live or die. If you are not from the Wudian, hmph, get out!"

Yang Yi directly threw the two guards out and fell heavily to the ground.

The faces of these two guards turned red, they were all majestic masters, being directly humiliated by Yang Yi in front of so many people today was more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Do you know? You are provoking Wudian, you want to die in the place of burial"

The two guards trembled with anger and said coldly.

"bang bang"

With two loud bangs, the bodies of the two guards flew out instantly

, bleeding all over their bodies, they looked in a state of embarrassment, they had no power to resist at all, and they all looked at Yang Yi in horror.

"Things like dogs, you can also represent Wudian?" [

Yang Yi knew that this kind of villain could only bully the weak and fear the strong, so he didn't have any fear at all, so he just waved his hand and walked into the Martial Hall swaggeringly.

"So domineering, so fierce, who is this person?"

"I don't know, but it didn't take much effort for him to deal with the two masters of the sky. He is probably a master of casual cultivation."

"Hmph, these two guard dogs look down on people, and they are still masters of Tongtian. They don't know how they stepped into Tongtian with their hearts."

Many monks outside looked at the two guards coldly, knowing the bad deeds of the two guards, they all felt happier than

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