blood record

Chapter 372

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In the void, within layers of space, there are several powerful elders faintly hidden. They are surrounded by space barriers, but these space barriers can't hurt them at all. A faint glow.

This is the power of the world, and these elders are all transcendent existences who have reached the master state of the five-fold world.

"Look, is this Yang Yi crazy, or is he too confident?" [

"This Yang Yi is not simple. There is a trace of ancient artistic conception in his power, and his physical body is so powerful that it is not even comparable to us. I am afraid that it is some ancient body training method. He has obtained it. Many adventures."

"Which one of the disciples who can occupy the top ten caves in the Martial Palace has no adventures? But this Yang Yi is not only physically strong, but also his primordial spirit. I'm afraid you won't believe it. The masters are much bigger, their strength is exhausted, and even a slight movement can distort the space."

"I also think that this Yang Yi is not simple. He still has many miraculous martial arts, one of which seems to be a martial art of a royal family in a small distant country, called the Great Mopan of Heaven and Earth. There is also a powerful magic weapon in his body."

"A magic weapon? Isn't this Yang Yi a monk from the Martial Emperor Starfield?"

"Of course not. He can hide the truth from others, but he can't hide it from the old man. The old man's instant eyes can see through all falsehoods. His secret is nothing at all. The old man has already found out that he is not a monk in my Martial Emperor Starfield, but This is nothing, our Martial Palace only trains some talented disciples, as long as he does not harm my Martial Palace, it doesn't matter which star field he is from."

"That's right, our Martial Emperor's star field is more powerful than our Martial Palace, and the Martial Palace is even more radiant. Many monks from weak and small star fields have come to our Martial Palace to practice, which can be regarded as spreading the majesty of our Martial Palace!"

These powerful Tongtian elders told everything about Yang Yi in a few words, Yang Yi seemed to have no secrets at all in their eyes, they were the elders with real power in the entire Wudian.

Yang Yi stood in the void, but in an instant, an extremely dangerous feeling appeared in his mind, as if a gaze saw everything about him clearly, which shocked Yang Yi extremely, Even the Milky Way Star Chart did not escape the opponent's gaze.

Yang Yi has cultivated to this day, and he doesn't know how strong his induction power is, so he naturally knows that someone has seen him clearly.

"No, the gaze just now is probably a real master in the Wudian. He has seen my situation clearly, and he has not even let go of the Tianhe star map. My identity has been exposed. But he did not He didn't capture me immediately, probably because he was not interested in my identity. There seemed to be many monks from other star regions in the Martial Palace, but they were all well in the Martial Palace. This shows that the Martial Palace does not shy away from other star regions becoming martial arts Disciple in the palace."

Several thoughts flashed through Yang Yi's mind in an instant. He knew that his identity had been exposed, and he had attracted the attention of some powerful beings. However, these powerful beings did not come to capture him, probably because he did not respond What substantial damage did Wu Dian do?

Yang Yi's mind is quick, and he figured out these things in an instant. This is the atmosphere of Wudian. Wudian is the most powerful existence in Wudi Starfield. There are almost endless masters in it, and there are even existences who have become immortals. It seems that this kind of star field is naturally the most powerful among the surrounding star fields. Some monks who admire the Martial Palace will come to the Martial Palace to learn and practice, and the Martial Palace will not refuse. Disciples from other star fields.

After figuring this out, Yang Yi's mind gradually calmed down. What he has to do now is to defeat these three disciples, truly gain the attention of the high-level Wudian, and become a real genius. In this way, he can kill Then Dong Kong's matter had a turning point.

"whoosh whoosh"

Three disciples flew out from the eighth, ninth and tenth caves. These three disciples were all proud and indifferent. They looked at Yang Yi coldly, and there were traces of murderous intent shining all over their bodies. .

Yang Yi's words just now spread throughout the entire Martial Hall, and they naturally heard it too. They were enraged and insulted when a small newcomer challenged the three of them.

They are all the favored children of heaven, each has their own adventures, it has been countless years since no one dared to challenge them, this time they were provoked and insulted by Yang Yi, and they were naturally depressed and indignant.

"You know, who do you think you are? It's just arrogant to challenge the three of us. It's just stupid to say that you are flattered by arrogance. Okay, since you want to die, then Zhao will fulfill you. Remember, you are Die at the hands of my Zhao Tianxin!"

This is Zhao Tianxin, the disciple of the tenth cave, he did not join hands with the other two, he directly took the lead in the attack, his figure flashed, it turned out to be a shuttle space, and instantly appeared beside Yang Yi. [

Traveling through space is a means that only the monks of the sky-reaching triple sky shifting realm have. These three disciples are all masters of the sky-reaching triple layer.

"Dongzangwangquan, boy, die for me!"

Zhao Tianxin appeared next to Yang Yi in an instant, with a ferocious martial skill as soon as he struck, the billowing force blasted towards Yang Yi, the surrounding space gradually distorted, Zhao Tianxin's punch was enough to cut dozens of Dajiang was smashed to pieces.

"Brother Zhao Tianxin is really powerful. He is also a person who has an adventure. He got the martial arts skills of a senior in my Emperor Wudi's star field, the king of Dongzang. It is rumored that the king of Dongzang has already cultivated to the realm of immortals and has already ascended to the ascension. When he arrived in the Immortal World, he left this set of martial arts waiting for someone who is destined, and was obtained by Senior Brother Zhao Tianxin, and after practicing, he was also extremely ferocious, and directly captured the tenth cave, a man can win."

"Once the Dongzang King Fist is unleashed, it has the ability to hide the heavens and the earth, and Zhao Tianxin also understands its true meaning. It is very powerful, and it is not a problem to hide mountains and rivers in the cave."

"Yang Yi is arrogant and conceited, and even wanted to challenge the three masters, but now senior brother Zhao Tianxin is enough to deal with Yang Yi."

These disciples are obviously very familiar with Zhao Tianxin. Each of them can tell a few things about Zhao Tianxin's deeds, each of which is thrilling. In front of their eyes, Zhao Tianxin is a legend, and it is them. strive for goals.

These people are all people with great luck. They have both great luck and great perseverance. They are indeed different from other monks.

But Yang Yi didn't move like a mountain in the face of this ferocious punch, his whole body was relatively calm, and he felt that the surrounding space was faintly shattered, and he was about to be enveloped by this "Dongzang King Fist".

"The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"

Yang Yi raised his hand, and a gigantic millstone appeared in the entire void. This millstone seemed to fall from the sky, and it crushed towards Zhao Tianxin fiercely.

Yang Yi just used the power of his primordial spirit. Now that he has been promoted to the Sun Moon Realm, his primordial spirit is so huge that it is unimaginable. If he flies out, he will scare these disciples to death. His The strength of the primordial spirit is already comparable to the strength of the master of the triple shifting space, and even worse.


Yang Yi's Great Grinding Disc directly shook Zhao Tianxin's body away, and his physical body was shaken, but he was not in an ordinary life. With one punch, his whole body turned into a huge rock. Roared: "The mountains and rivers are hidden in the cave!"

This move caused Yang Zhou's whole body to shake, and his clothes were buzzing, as if they were about to be torn apart.

"Small tricks, the big millstone of heaven and earth, crush!"

Yang Yi still used the great millstone of heaven and earth, and immediately crushed it into the void. This was just a wave from the air, but at this moment, what Yang Yi displayed was not only the power of the primordial spirit, but also the terrifying indestructible physical strength. the power of.


Zhao Tianxin's face turned pale, his physical body was crushed and almost collapsed, he felt a matchless force, looked at Yang Yibi's fear, as if he felt incredible.

On Zhao Tianxin's body, there were spots of blood, which became shocking and shocking.

"Brother Zhao actually lost, and he was so straightforward that he was beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Yang Yi. How is this possible?"

"Monster, it's too monstrosity, it's really terrifying, this Yang Yi is destined to be another peerless murderer, I'm afraid he really has the strength to challenge the three masters."

"Brother Zhao Tianxin has failed, and this Yang Yicai is only at the second level of the sun and the moon. How can there be such a terrifying genius in this world?"

"Zhao Tianxin's failure has made Yang Yi's reputation, and it seems that Yang Yi is still insignificant, and he doesn't show his full strength at all. It seems that he is indeed qualified to be arrogant."

Zhao Tianxin's face was more gloomy, he immediately swallowed a handful of elixir, and he recovered from his injury in an instant, but when he heard the discussions of the disciples below, he felt so uncomfortable that he almost exploded.

"Bastard, you must die, I must tear you to pieces! Lin Weiyi, Shi Cuiyang, don't you two make a move? Do you want to be humiliated by this little beast like Zhao?"

Zhao Tianxin shouted to the two disciples of the ninth and eighth caves with a gloomy expression, he already knew that he alone would definitely not be Yang Yi's opponent, and if he continued like this, he would only be humiliating himself.

The other two monks also nodded slightly, and their expressions became dignified. They and Zhao Tianxin's cultivation bases were a little different, and no one was stronger than the other. Even Zhao Tianxin was defeated so easily. They naturally knew that Yang One's terror.

"Okay, Mr. Yang said at the beginning that he was challenging the three of you. Now that you go together, you can almost let Mr. Yang exert most of his strength."

Yang Yi's arrogant words made Zhao Tianxin very angry, his face was flushed into a reddish purple, revealing a poor and sinister look, wishing he could swallow Yang Yi alive.

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