blood record

Chapter 374

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"Yang Yi is so powerful that he was evenly matched with the three masters. A fight of that level, just a little bit of aftermath can make me fall completely."

"The power emitted by the golden light on Yang Zhou's body is indeed powerful, and his physical body is also in a mess. You can see that he was firmly supported by several punches from Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi. He is really tyrannical."

"The battle between the three masters is simply earth-shattering, shaking the void. Yang Yi is really fierce and has the strength to challenge many masters. But so far, Shi Cuiyang has not made a move. She is the master of the eighth cave. Human strength is the most powerful." [

"Yes, it is said that the three of them fought together, but this Shi Cuiyang has never made a move. Only senior brothers Lin Weiyi and Zhao Tianxin are fighting with Yang Yi."

These disciples talked a lot, they felt excited when they watched the battle of these masters, wishing they could have the same powerful power as them immediately.

But a genius is a genius after all, whether it is Lin Weiyi, Zhao Tianxin, or Yang Yi, each of them has experienced unimaginable tribulations before they reached their present state.Especially Yang Yi, who has gone through countless moments of life and death before he has the current formidable strength. This is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight or in a day.

In the battle with Lin Weiyi and Zhao Tianxin, Yang Yi also suffered many heavy blows, but his indestructible body showed his strong side at this time. Even if he was injured, it only took a moment to be able to recover. He recovered slowly, no matter how serious the injury was, he couldn't help it.

But Lin Weiyi and Zhao Tianxin were not the same, their strength was getting weaker and weaker, and they were also injured. If this continues, they will not only lose, but also be defeated.

"The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"

Yang Yimeng gave a loud shout, folded his hands on his chest and became a huge millstone, slamming towards Zhao Tianxin fiercely.


Zhao Tianxin's face turned pale, and he flew back fiercely. A mouthful of blood could no longer be restrained, and it was really shocking. He looked at Shi Cuiyang, who was motionless beside him, and shouted angrily: "Shi Cuiyang, if you don't do anything again, we are defeated, how can you be alone?"

Shi Cuiyang never made a move, she stood quietly in the void like a stone monument.

It wasn't until Zhao Tianxin shouted that many disciples suddenly realized that Shi Cuiyang hadn't done anything until now.In fact, Yang Yi knew best in his heart, although Shi Cuiyang didn't do anything, but in his telepathy, this Shi Cuiyang was the scariest and most dangerous person, and he was always ready to deal with this Shi Cuiyang.

After Zhao Tianxin's roar, Yang Yi's heart moved slightly. He wanted to get rid of both Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi as soon as possible, and finally confronted Shi Cuiyang. This was the safest and safest way.

But just as his mind was changing rapidly, his mind relaxed, which no one could notice, but Shi Cuiyang made his move at this moment.

As soon as she made a move, it was like lightning, and she couldn't see her figure clearly, her whole body was like thunder and lightning, and she punched Yang Yi on the back.

Yang Yi only had time to use the arm of the undead body to resist a little bit.


There was a crisp sound in Yang Yi's body, and then he felt a powerful force raging in his body, destroying his physical body crazily. It began to crack, and traces of blood flowed down.

The punch that Shi Cuiyang had accumulated for a long time severely injured Yang Yi, and he retreated several tens of feet before stopping, but everyone knew that Yang Yi was seriously injured.

The whole scene suddenly fell silent, but in an instant, some disciples below exclaimed. [

"I made a move. Senior Sister Shi Cuiyang severely injured Yang Yi as soon as she made a move. As expected of the owner of the eighth cave, Senior Sister Shi Cuiyang has been waiting for the opportunity and severely injured Yang Yi in one fell swoop."

"It's really powerful. I kept holding back. One shot severely injured Yang Yi. It's really powerful. Brother Lin Weiyi and Zhao Tianxin are not so powerful."

"Once Shi Cuiyang made a move, Yang Yi couldn't resist it. Hmph, it was because he was too arrogant and wanted to challenge three masters together. This time he was seriously injured, and his life might be in danger."

"That's right, although disciples can't kill each other, but who are Lin Weiyi and Zhao Tianxin? They are genius disciples of the entire Martial Palace. Even if they kill someone, the Martial Palace will not punish them. Just now Yang Yi Let them lose face, especially senior brother Zhao Tianxin, this time, senior brother Zhao Tianxin will definitely not give up easily, Yang Yi is in danger."

"Hmph, the outcome is still undecided, so what are you in a hurry for? Yang Yi hasn't really lost yet. He should still have the means to turn things around, turn decay into miracles, and completely establish the power of his enemies."

"What do you think Yang Yi is? Emperor Wu? Haha, what a joke, no matter how talented he is, what can he do? Aren't Senior Sister Shi Cuiyang, Senior Brother Zhao, and Senior Brother Lin geniuses? Yang Yi is in danger now. It's the result of his arrogance."

Among these disciples, there were also those who were impressed by Yang Yi's behavior just now, but after all, they were too few, and their arguments were immediately drowned in the hustle and bustle of voices, without the slightest surprise.

Zhao Tianxin glanced coldly at Shi Cuiyang, then stared at Yang Yi, and said with a slight sneer, "Hmph, Yang Yi, you are already dying, and this is all caused by your arrogance, together It's too arrogant to challenge the three of us, today, let's see how arrogant you can be?"

Yang Yi ignored Zhao Tianxin, but stared at Shi Cuiyang closely. This woman was really not simple, she caught the moment when his mind was relaxed, and severely injured Yang Yi.

"Haha, do you think Yang is settled? What a joke, Yang will let you see what real power is. Today, you will all be majestic and become Yang's stepping stones!"

Yang Yi's words immediately made the following disciples laugh. The current Yang Yi is nothing but a strong outsider, nothing at all.

"Since you want to seek death, then I'll make it happen for you, Shi Cuiyang and Lin Weiyi, let's go together and completely subdue this arrogant person!"

As Zhao Tianxin's words fell, the three of them immediately threw out a punch. The power of the three punches can be described as overwhelming, and the power is so fierce that any expert would feel sincere terror.

Moreover, they still shuttled through the space and arrived in front of Yang Yi almost instantly.

At this moment, Yang Yi looked relatively calm, his eyes gradually flashed with a trace of brilliance, and finally there was a trace of violence, and phantoms burst out all over his body.

"Phantom of Nine Palaces, kill!"

Phantoms appeared one after another, and the entire sky seemed to be the figure of Yang Yi. There were 25 figures in total, and they instantly merged into one in Yang Yi's body.


25 times the power burst out suddenly, what kind of terrifying power is this?The void was quickly shattered. Under this punch, everything was shattered, the surrounding space collapsed, ripples and ripples spread in all directions, and any disciples who touched it turned into nothingness.

This is an unimaginable terrifying force. Zhao Tianxin's face turned pale instantly, and he shouted: "Impossible? How could it be possible to have such a powerful force, 25 times the force, what kind of martial skill is this?"

Zhao Tianxin's face was almost distorted by the powerful force. The violent force crushed his body instantly, turning it into blood rain. Lin Weiyi didn't have any luck either. He was also shattered by the power of this method of imagination.

Shi Cuiyang did not expect that Yang Yi could erupt with such terrifying power, which was no longer something that the Tongtian Triple Sky Shifting Realm could resist. She had a body like suet, but in an instant, her body also turned into bursts of blood rain. [

It was just a moment, just a punch, they had the upper hand just now, but at this moment, their bodies collapsed, and they were facing life and death danger. Yang Yi's punch was enough to sweep away the three of them and shake the entire void.

This is a punch that determines the outcome, a punch that determines the universe, under this punch, they feel so help, so small, their minds seem to be shocked by this punch.

The howling wind was still rushing toward the three of them, and the terrifying power was still like a torrent, bombarding them, trying to smash their primordial spirits to pieces.

Everyone did not expect that Yang Yi would be so bold that he would directly kill these three people. They were not ordinary monks, but real geniuses, geniuses that even the Palace of Martial Arts cherished.

Zhao Tianxin's face became pale as paper in an instant, and he was about to shout out loudly, but his voice seemed to be stuck by some force, his face was flushed, but he couldn't make a sound .

The breath of death was approaching, and all three of them really felt the murderous intent in Yang Yi's heart.

"One punch, just one punch swept away the three masters, turned the tide and sealed the victory. This Yang Yi is really too fierce."

"Crazy, this is simply too crazy, how could this punch burst out with 25 times the force? How fierce is that?"

"The three senior brothers and sisters are indeed defeated, even their physical bodies have collapsed, but they are genius disciples after all. Could it be that Yang Yi is really daring to kill them regardless of everything?"

The moods of these disciples fluctuated up and down, and Yang Yi was in danger just now, but in an instant, the three masters who had the upper hand were now about to become the souls of Yang Yi's subordinates.

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