blood record

Chapter 377

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Yang Yi nodded slightly and said: "You Daoist Shi is so kind, how can Yang refuse?"

"Yang Ji agreed?"

Shi Cuiyang's eyes lit up, and his expression was a little excited.

Yang Yi pondered and said: "However, Yang has a request, that is, Yang must first obtain twenty spiritual veins."

Shi Cuiyang waved his hand slightly and said: "This is nothing, these are twenty spiritual veins"

With a wave of his big hand, Shi Cuiyang threw twenty spiritual veins towards Yang Yi, and the billowing vitality filled the cave, stirring up all the vitality in the cave.

Yang Yi quickly put the twenty spirit veins into the space, and said with a slight smile, "When will Shi Daoyou do it?"

"Three days later, Fellow Daoist Yang can make some preparations."

"Haha, okay, Yang will be there in three days"

Shi Cuiyang and Yang Yi made an agreement, then got up and left the cave.

Yang Yi pondered for a long while, and grabbed twenty spiritual veins directly from the space. Yuanshen sucked in a little, and felt the exhausted power. He was very satisfied, and he immediately called Shangguan Zi in.

"Third princess, just now Shi Cuiyang came to find Yang because he wanted Yang to help her enter the relics of Emperor Wu and obtain the treasures left by Emperor Wu. I wonder how much the third princess knows about the relics of Emperor Wu?"

Shangguan Zi, as the third princess of the Tianlei Empire, naturally knows the relics of Emperor Wu very well. The person Yang Yi trusts the most is also Shangguan Zi, so he summoned her for questioning.

Hearing what Yang Yi said, Shangguan Zi was taken aback and said, "Is it really the relic of Emperor Wu?"

Yang nodded and said: "It's absolutely true, it is indeed the relic of Emperor Wu." Then Yang Yi repeated what Shi Cuiyang said just now, and Shangguan Zi sighed.

"It seems that the most powerful empire in the Martial Emperor's star field, the Brilliant Empire, is truly extraordinary. They were able to find the hidden relics of Emperor Wu. This time Shi Cuiyang came to find Brother Yang. It was handed down by Emperor Wu on purpose. No one knows why Emperor Wu left these relics, but there are occasional treasures in it, all of which are some peerless martial arts or Emperor Wu's perception of martial arts. These are very important for those powerful world masters Experts are not very attractive, but for those masters who reach the third level or even the fourth level, it is an excellent treasure hunting place. Once they get what Emperor Wu left, their strength can be improved by leaps and bounds, so even if they have mastered several resources The empire of treasures and treasures will also be tempted."

Shangguan Zi gradually told all the information she knew about the Emperor Wu's ruins, and gradually, Yang Yi also had a rough and intuitive understanding of the entire Emperor Wu's ruins.

Yang Yi doesn't care if there are any precious martial arts in it, what he wants is not these, but spiritual veins, as long as he has spiritual veins, then his strength can improve by leaps and bounds, and it is not a problem even to be promoted to the third level of Tongtian.

Hearing Shangguan Zi's analysis, Yang Yi gradually felt relieved.

"However, there are many dangers in the ruins of Emperor Wudi. There are some ferocious beasts left behind, which are comparable to many masters of the sky. Many monks have fallen in it."

Shangguan Zi said in a low voice.

In the ruins of Emperor Wu, the treasures are miraculous, but there are too many monks, so it is reasonable to have a fight. Moreover, Shi Cuiyang invited Yang Yi to go, I am afraid that it is mainly for defense. In the ruins of Emperor Wu, those princes and princesses are the proud sons of heaven. , I don't care what kind of eldest princess Shi Cuiyang is, she respects her strength and kills the sky.

In the following three days, Yang Yi grabbed all twenty spiritual veins, and quickly began to refine and absorb them. His primordial spirit was indeed powerful, and he could devour a single spiritual vein in almost one day. Ferocious, his primordial spirit is also rapidly expanding, and his strength is increasing day by day. [

In just three days, at least Yang Yi's primordial spirit has increased by [-]%, and his strength has increased a lot, but it is still far from reaching the limit. With Yang Yi's terrifying accumulation, if he wants to reach the limit, he will only need to combine the two. Even if all ten spirit veins are refined, they may not be able to reach their limit.

Originally, Yang Yi's Tianhe star map had no original power, and if he wanted to activate it, he would have to rely entirely on Yang Yi's own power, but now that he has a spiritual vein, Yang Yi is no longer afraid to activate the Tianhe star map. The star map is also a great help, maybe it can help Yang Yi in the Emperor Wu's star field.

Three days passed quickly, Shi Cuiyang came to Yang Yi's cave on time, exchanged pleasantries with Yang Yi, then quickly flew into the void with Yang Yi, traveled through the space in an instant, and left Wu temple.

Emperor Wu's star field is very vast, with countless empires, large and small, and it is more than a hundred times larger than the Tianhe star field.

Yang Yi is only at the Sun-Moon Realm, and he is not yet able to travel through space. Shi Cuiyang needs to travel through the space with him. Shi Cuiyang's burden is also very heavy, but Shi Cuiyang needs to consume a lot of vitality every time he travels through space. But Shi Cuiyang didn't care, she absorbed and refined a spiritual vein casually.

Shi Cuiyang, as the eldest princess in a powerful empire like the Brilliant Empire, enjoys a wealth of resources beyond imagination. Naturally, she can have as many spiritual veins as she wants, even if she can only mobilize twenty. It's just a lie.

Yang Yi was also secretly startled. He also remembered that the Jidao Sect in the Tianhe Starfield was constantly expanding, and how ridiculous it would be to want to dominate the entire Tianhe Starfield. Even a powerful empire in Emperor Wudi's star field can't compare.

In the Brilliant Empire, there are also great masters such as the legendary Tongtian Jiuzhong sitting in the town, shocking all directions, and making all the empires surrender. It is indeed comparable to the entire Tianhe Star Field. This is just the strength of the Brilliant Empire on the surface. In private, I don't know how powerful the strength is hidden.

"Tianhe Starfield, if I completely integrate the Tianhe Starfield in the future, one day, it will develop to the point where it is as powerful as the Emperor Wudi Starfield, no, it will even surpass the Emperor Wudi Starfield."

Not to mention Yang Yi's thoughts, Shi Cuiyang took Yang Yi to shuttle for several hours, and then shuttled into a huge starry sky. Here, there is a hazy cloud of purple air, which is extremely strange. .

Shi Cuiyang stared at the cloud of purple air closely, and said in a low voice: "This is the relic of Emperor Wu."

Yang Yixiang took a slight look around, but he didn't find anyone. It was indeed the hidden relic of Emperor Wu, otherwise it would have been overcrowded.

"Come on, let's go in"

Shi Cuiyang took the lead and flew directly into the cloud of purple air, Yang Yi followed closely behind

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