blood record

Chapter 381

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After Yang Yi devoured a triple-level air-shifting master, there was still no sign of promotion, which shows how powerful his accumulation is. If he wants to be promoted, he doesn't know how strong his accumulation is, unless another triple-level master is given to Yang. One devour refining.

However, if you want to find a triple master, and you must have the blood of the dragon, it is more difficult, but after swallowing and refining Liu Sheng, Yang Yi's power of the soul increased again, and the power of the soul trembled slightly. It seems that they all have the feeling that they can easily smash the triple masters to pieces.


Twenty spiritual veins fell out of Liu Sheng's body, caught by Yang Yi, and thrown into the space in an instant. [

" actually devoured Liu Sheng?"

Shi Jue, whose physical body has already collapsed, looked at Yang Yi as if he was looking at a monster. Yang Yisheng devoured Liu Sheng's soul and nothing happened. This is almost unimaginable, even if it is a statue The triple master devoured a triple primordial spirit alive. I am afraid that the primordial spirit would not be able to bear it, and would explode in an instant.

But Shi Jue obviously wouldn't know how terrifying Yang Yi's primordial spirit is, let alone Liu Sheng, even if there is another Liu Sheng, not only will Yang Yi not be blown up after being devoured and refined, but there is a great possibility Relying on its enormous strength, it was smoothly promoted to the Tongtian triple shifting air realm.

Yang Yilong walked like a tiger, and directly grabbed the primordial spirits of Shi Jue and others, crushed them to death in an instant, and the primordial spirits turned into nothingness. These people were like chickens in Yang Yi's hands, and they had no resistance at all.

"Dead, all dead, brother Yang's strength really impressed Shi"

Now Shi Cuiyang admires Yang Yi so much that she feels that it was so stupid to fight with Yang Yi back then. Yang Yi is like a monster, and Shi Cuiyang has a feeling that he can't win.

Yang Yi collected the forty spiritual veins on Shi Jue's body into the space, and now he has a total of eighty spiritual veins. This is a huge fortune, enough for Yang Yi to be promoted to the third level of Tongtian.

But now is obviously not the time to meditate and promote. This place is still in the relics of Emperor Wu, and it is necessary to find the treasures left by Emperor Wu.

"Friend Shi Dao, this is the relic of Emperor Wu, but there are so many caves here, what can you do?"

Yang Yi asked in a low voice to Shi Cuiyang, there are tens of thousands of caves here, if one enters one by one, I'm afraid it will take years of the monkey, and this is the place left by Emperor Wu, what kind of caves are there inside? Dangerous, even Yang Yi did not dare to underestimate it.

Shi Cuiyang swallowed some elixir, she was injured just now, and now she has slowly adjusted her breath, and she is mostly healed, her eyes looked at these densely packed caves, and she shook her head slightly, there was nothing she could do .

Yang Yi's eyes were constantly shining with light, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Yang has some methods, but they are more dangerous, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Shi will not agree."

"Oh? There is a way, Brother Yang, just say it."

Shi Cuiyang's eyes lit up, she was worried in her heart, if she couldn't think of an effective way, it would be impossible to break into the caves one by one, even if it took 1 years, it would be impossible to break through all these caves, then Not to mention any treasures.

Yang Yi said: "The method is actually very simple. Since this place is left by Emperor Wu, it must not be simple. The caves where the treasures are left must be protected. Yang will directly use his power to break these caves one by one. If That’s why the cave where the formation of suspicion is laid out is naturally easily smashed to pieces by Yang, but if there is a real treasure in the cave, there must be protection measures, which are far beyond what Yang can destroy.”

Shi Cuiyang's eyes lit up, this is a way.

But this is also risky, if it is not as expected by Yang Yi, Emperor Wu did not arrange any protective measures even in the cave with treasures, then Yang Yi is very likely to bury all the real treasures, and he will never die. There is no other way.

Shi Cuiyang's eyes flashed brightly. She had been thinking about it for a while just now, and now it is true that this is the only way to find the treasure in a short time.

"Okay, even if the treasure is buried, it's not a big deal, it's just that I got the treasure"

Shi Cuiyang was also quite decisive, said in a deep voice.

Yang Yi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and immediately flew to the caves one after another. The power in the primordial spirit was released slightly, and with ten thousand juntal power, he ruthlessly blasted towards the caves one after another.

No matter what was inside, these caves were shattered and collapsed one after another under Yang Yi's terrifying power. The whole cave seemed to be shaking, but this cave seemed relatively solid, and it would not collapse at all, even if Yang Yi No matter how powerful the force is ten times, it will not be able to deal with the entire burrow.


Yang Yi unbridledly exerted his strength, his whole body was joyful, as if he possessed inexhaustible power, he crazily blasted towards the caves one after another, each punch was powerful enough to blow the caves away. They were smashed to pieces one after another.

Time gradually passed, and soon ten hours passed. Yang Yi had completely destroyed more than 180 caves, and some of them were not smashed. But after Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang entered, they were killed by the inside Trapped by the big formation, it took a lot of effort to break out of the formation.

This kind of cave is obviously a trap, if there is not such a monstrous existence as Yang Yi, these large formations are enough to kill those masters of the third level who reach the sky.


Just when Yang Yi shattered the [-]th cave as usual, suddenly a golden light radiated from this cave, covering the whole cave.

This situation surprised both Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang, because this kind of situation had never happened before.


Shi Cuiyang came to Yang Yi's side, stared into the cave, but didn't see why, she frowned, and said in a low voice: "There is a very strong power in this golden light, even your power There is no way to shake it, I am afraid that it is not simple inside. If there is no treasure in it this time, I am afraid that it will be dangerous for us to go in."

Shi Cuiyang and Yang Yi have already encountered several traps, and each time they escaped barely, so they are somewhat afraid of this kind of cave with some special changes. This golden light enveloped the entire cave. When you wake up, even Yang Yi's strength can't be shaken. If it's not a treasure but a trap, Yang Yi can't do anything.

The two looked at the cave mansion emitting bursts of golden light. After a while, the golden light in the cave mansion gradually disappeared, and both Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang fell into a dilemma.

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