blood record

Chapter 384

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Yang Yi can already fully feel the mystery of the space transfer in the sky-reaching triple space transfer realm. With a slight movement of his figure, he can travel through the void and directly appear in another place in the space.


In a blink of an eye, Yang appeared in front of Shi Cuiyang again. [

Shi Cuiyang cupped his hands slightly and said: "Congratulations, brother Yang, who has cultivated the third level of Tongtian. In the future, the world will be so big that you can go there."

The world is vast, but if you want to travel around, the many stars in the starry sky, if you don't have the means to travel through space, even if you fly for 1 years, you won't be able to travel to many star fields. Only then will I go out to visit many star fields and increase my knowledge.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I didn't expect that the blood essence of Emperor Wu would be so powerful, and he could cultivate to the third level of the sky, this is also a surprise.


Yang Yi's movement just now was too great, the cave couldn't bear it, it was already shaking faintly, as if it was collapsing, and Yang Yi also discovered that the golden radiance that originally enveloped the entire cave, Now it has disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, without the protection of this layer of golden light, this cave will soon collapse.

"Hurry up, the cave is about to collapse."

Yang Yi immediately brought Shi Cuiyang to travel through the space. With the power of space travel, even if the cave collapsed immediately, it would not hurt Yang Yi.


When Yang Yi appeared outside, the entire cave collapsed, and the surrounding caves also vibrated faintly, like a chain reaction, they also collapsed one after another.

"This... the treasures in the Emperor Wu's ruins have been taken away by us, and the Emperor Wu's ruins will be destroyed by themselves."

Shi Cuiyang seemed to have thought of something, and said in a low voice.

Although Shi Cuiyang has not experienced other Emperor Wu's ruins, she has heard many things about Emperor Wu's ruins. Among them, she specifically mentioned that once the treasures of Emperor Wu are taken away, the entire Emperor Wu's ruins will collapse and disappear. Looking at it now Come on, it really is.

"Are you going to disappear?"

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he also saw that there were hundreds of spiritual veins under this cave. Just now when Yang Yi was promoted to the realm of reaching the sky, his spiritual veins were consumed like flowing water. Hundreds of spiritual veins are a huge fortune, Yang Yi will not refuse to collect them.

"Friend Shi Dao, it's very dangerous here, you can go out first, Yang will collect all these hundreds of spirit veins."

Shi Cuiyang hesitated for a while, but was still firmly with Yang Yi, she said in a deep voice: "Since that's the case, then Shi will also help Brother Yang!"

The strength of Shi Cuiyang's whole body fluctuated for a while, and he blasted towards the cave. The rolling force directly swept away the ground, revealing the rich spiritual energy inside.

"Okay, the spirit vein is below, Jiugong Phantom, open it for me!"

With a roar from Yang Yi, he didn't care much anymore, and directly cast the Nine Palace Phantom, 25 times the power burst out, Yang Yi's whole body seemed to be a God of War, and the huge force slammed on the ground fiercely above.


The huge force completely tore the earth apart, the strength of this force is simply unimaginable.

An extremely rich spiritual energy flew out from the ground, obviously it was the hundreds of spiritual veins, Yang Yi was overjoyed, and grabbed these spiritual veins one by one into the space with his big hand.

The entire cave was shaken, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment, when Yang Yi collected the one hundred and ninth spiritual vein, the underground spiritual vein was finally completely collected, Yang Yi never hesitated, directly Then shuttle space, fly to the outside at the fastest speed.


When Yang Yi just shuttled through the space, a surge of tyrannical force erupted from it, instantly destroying the entire ruins completely, and countless caves were buried inside, Shi Jue and others followed this The disappearance of the cave completely erased all traces, and no one knew whether they were dead or alive.


Suddenly, bursts of space ripples appeared in the void, and two figures suddenly stepped out of the void. These two figures glanced at the void slightly, both a little astonished.

"Are we out?"

This is Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang. At this time, Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang looked at everything around them, and felt a little unbelievable, because the huge cloud of purple energy they entered into the Emperor Wu's ruins had disappeared now. , completely without even a trace, it disappeared too cleanly.

"The ruins of Emperor Wu are full of mysteries, but this time we also got what we each need."

Yang Yi said to Shi Cuiyang in a low voice, although the essence and blood of Emperor Wu was fused by Yang Yi, but Shi Cuiyang got a friendship with a third-level master who is more than terrifying, this is a priceless treasure.

What's more, she also got the Eighteen Fists of Heaven's Moat, and her power should not be underestimated after training.

"Now we're going back to the Martial Palace, and I also want to carefully comprehend the mystery of the Eighteen Fists of Heaven's Moat."

Shi Cuiyang really wants to go back to the Martial Palace now, find a quiet place, and experience the Eighteen Fists of Tianchao silently.

Both of them are now masters of the Heavenly Third Layer, so they both tore through the void and directly shuttled to the Martial Hall.

At this time, the Martial Palace was no different from usual, but when Yang Yi returned to his cave, he found that there were countless monks watching something constantly.

Yang Yi frowned and said, "Could it be someone came to challenge?"

Yang Yi stood alone in the three caves, naturally there would be some monks who were upset and wanted to challenge Yang Yi, but as Yang Yi's reputation grew, those real masters would not easily provoke Yang Yi, But Yang Yi still underestimated the ambitions of those greedy people.

Now there is only the third princess, Shangguan Zi, in Yang Yi's cave, the cave here is a challenger must accept the challenge, if there is no one, then it is logical to occupy the cave.

"whoosh" [

When Yang Yi appeared in front of the cave, he only saw that Shangguan Zi had only her primordial spirit left, she was already dying, and her eyes were fixed on the cave.

"Shangguan Zi, what's going on?"

Yang appeared in front of Shangguan Zi in an instant. Although Shangguan Zi's strength has been improved in a short period of time, he is still far from occupying the strength of this kind of cave. Fighting with these challengers, there is no chance of winning .

When Shangguan Zi saw Yang Yi, there was a gleam of joy in his eyes, and he hurriedly said: "Brother Yang, you are finally back. Brother Yang's cave is occupied by three people. I can do it all, and there is no way to keep the cave."

Yang Yi took a look at Shangguan Zi, and found that she was seriously injured, and her soul was a little weak. Yang Yi directly made a big move, and a strong spiritual energy quickly surrounded Shangguan Zi, nourishing her soul.

"Yang Yi is back, it's Yang Yi who's back, tsk tsk, now there's a good show to watch."

"That's right, with Yang Yi's temperament, I'm afraid there will be another shocking battle this time."

"This time Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi found Mao Jianfang, who has been traveling outside, and occupied this cave, just to wash away their shame of being defeated by Yang Yi."

"Mao Jianfang is not simple. He is older than Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi, and he has already reached the third level of Tongtian. Now he doesn't know how advanced he is. I'm afraid Yang Yi is no match for him."

"Yes, although Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi are also powerful, they are only geniuses. They are far from being able to compare with real masters. Masters like Mao Jianfang are also triple masters, but he can easily deal with Zhao Tianxin And Lin Weiyi."

"It's not a big deal. What's really scary is Mao Jianfang's identity. He is the only disciple in the Martial Palace who has a good relationship with that legendary existence."

"You mean the one in the first cave?"

These disciples talked a lot, and Yang Yi listened to them all. Immediately, a murderous intent flickered in Yang Yi's heart.

"Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi, if you don't kill a tiger, you will suffer from it. If they are in other places, these two people will definitely be suspicious!"

If Yang Yi didn't die, he was seriously injured, because these two people were geniuses, and they were rescued by the elders in the Wudian, otherwise they would have already died.

"Hmph, Zhao Tianxin, Lin Weiyi, you all get out!"

"get out"

"get out"

The bursts of echoes reverberated in the void, buzzing in everyone's ears.

At this time, in the cave, there were three monks sitting cross-legged, two of them were Zhao Tianxin and Lin Weiyi, Lin Weiyi remained silent, only Zhao Tianxin kept looking at a thin man The friar is talking about something.

"A small cultivator from the sun and moon realm beat you all like this, and even fought three against one, and finally won. Hmph, what an arrogant junior. I thought such an arrogant disciple would appear." The strange monk said coldly.

Zhao Tianxin who was beside him nodded hastily, with a trace of resentment on his face, he said: "Of course, this Yang Yizhi is crazy. Brother Mao has never seen him before. Yang Yi's eyes are high above the top, and he is very crazy. He didn't put any Everyone pays attention to it, even if it's Brother Mao's deeds, Yang Yi doesn't care about it."

This cultivator is that Mao Jianfang. He is indeed different from Zhao Tianxin and others. He has a restrained aura around him, and he doesn't show it at all. He looks unusually calm and unpredictable, and he can't see the truth.

For these disciples who have been traveling outside for several years, they have increased their comprehension through continuous travel, and their strength has grown so fast that it is definitely not comparable to Zhao Tianxin and his ilk. The difficulty of the change is no less than that of changing form to Tongtian, and it is even more difficult.

Therefore, there are many living fossils, and the existence of antiques has always stayed in Tongtian Sanchong. This Maojian is just such a master.

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