blood record

Chapter 388

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"It's over, it's over, Mao Jianfang, Zhao Tianxin, and Lin Weiyi are all over. In the future, they will never be able to hold their heads up again in the Martial Palace, especially Zhao Tianxin, who is already paranoid in his mind and will never be able to go any further. gone."

"I'm afraid that this incident was caused by Zhao Tianxin, but it's a pity that Mao Jianfang was also defeated by Yang Yi, and his face has been lost since then. I'm afraid he will travel again immediately after this time, and maybe he will never be promoted if he is not promoted." return."

"Indeed, this time Mao Jianfang suffered a lot. It was because Zhao Tian held a grudge in his heart that he brought Mao Jianfang together. Who would have thought that Yang Yi would become so powerful."

"Have you noticed that Yang Yi went out with Shi Cuiyang this time, maybe he got some kind of adventure, which made Yang Yi get promoted so quickly. But among the three, Shi Cuiyang is the most far-sighted, Although she was also defeated by Yang Yi, but she didn't care about the previous suspicions, she actually let go of her tricks, now it seems that she is the only one who follows Yang Yi's lead, and she must have gained a lot of benefits."

These disciples were talking a lot, and they naturally saw Shi Cuiyang behind Yang Yi, those who could enter the Martial Palace were not ordinary people, so naturally they understood after a little thought, and couldn't help admiring Shi Cuiyang's foresight, otherwise Otherwise, Shi Cuiyang might end up in the same fate as Zhao Tianxin and others now.

"Yang Yi, hmph, what else do you want after you broke our bodies?"

Zhao Tianxin hated Yang Yi deeply, and there was a vicious look in his eyes.

Yang Yi swept his eyes, and Zhao Tianxin immediately felt the icy cold, as if he was going to be frozen to the bone marrow, and felt a sense of fear in his heart. Zhao Tianxin narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Yang Yi , do you still want to kill us?"

"A dog-like thing, you are also worthy of being killed by Yang?"

Yang Yi looked at Zhao Tianxin, his face was full of disdain, which immediately made Zhao Tianxin turn pale with anger and tremble all over, obviously hating Yang Yi to the bone.

Mao Jianfang also said: "Yang Yi, since you won't kill us, then let us go."

This Mao Jianfang was also shocked in his heart, but he is so sophisticated, so he hides his emotions very deeply, so that people can't easily see them, but these tricks are useless in front of Yang Yi, he said coldly: " Let you go? That's even more impossible, otherwise, if Yang leaves again in the future, then any cat or dog will dare to provoke you. Since you have been sent to the door this time, Yang will naturally have to make good use of it. "


Yang Yi slapped his hands, and actually arranged several large formations from his hands. The terrifying power quickly imprisoned the three of them. How powerful is Yang Yi's power?Among the three, Mao Jianfang is the strongest among the three, but even he can't do anything about Yang Yi's imprisonment, so he has to let nature go.

Zhao Tianxin yelled: "Yang Yi, what do you want to do?"

Not only Zhao Tianxin, but also other disciples were talking about it. It is rare for Yang Yi to imprison these three people.

"What is Yang Yi trying to do? Could it be that he really wanted to kill all three of them? If he really did, the elder would come down immediately and punish Yang Yi severely."

"I don't think Senior Brother Yang will kill these three people. After all, the last time Senior Brother Yang killed them, some elders had already intervened. Senior Brother Yang will never challenge the majesty of the Martial Palace again."

"What I'm talking about is, if Senior Brother Yang wanted to kill someone, he would have killed him just now, so why wait until now?"

"That's right, what's more, only Yuanshen is left among the three of them. It's not easy to kill them, so why bother to imprison them?"

"Then what is Senior Brother Yang doing?"

Countless disciples have doubts in their minds, not only that, even some elders hidden in the void have the same doubts. [

These elders have been guarding the entire Wudian, these elders are naturally not the last few elders, but they still know very well about Yang Yi.

"This Yang Yi has indeed made great progress, even if we were back then, we were not so outstanding."

"That's right, this Yang Yi can indeed be cultivated vigorously, and he has also cultivated to the third level of the sky, so he can be sent to the Martial Domain to be cultivated vigorously."

"Wu Yu is no small matter. Although this Yang Yi is a genius, he is not from my Martial Emperor's star field after all. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to send him to Wu Yu."

"Hmph, Elder Xia, I wasn't from the Martial Emperor's Starfield back then, so why, can't I be the elder of the Martial Hall?"

These elders started to argue faintly. In fact, this is also a common occurrence, because after the Emperor Wu's star field became stronger, it has faintly become the most powerful star field in the surrounding star fields.The other Starfield cultivators came to Emperor Wudi Starfield as if they were on a pilgrimage, and some of them practiced the method of Emperor Wudi Starfield, and their strength improved by leaps and bounds, reaching a terrifying situation.

If it hadn't absorbed several of the most talented people in the star field, the Wudi star field would not have become as strong as it is now.

But also because of this, there are too many monks in each star field, so that Emperor Wu's star field is divided into two factions, one is the local monks of Emperor Wu's star field, and the other is the monks of other star fields.

The same is true in Wudian. There are many monks from other star regions serving as the elders of Wudian. Such disputes are just commonplace.

"Okay, let's not discuss this matter for now, you can see what this Yang Yi wants to do?"

One of the powerful elders said lightly, stopping the debate between the two sects of monks, and focused on Yang Yi again.

However, these elders also shook their heads one after another.

Just when many monks were guessing what Yang Yi's intention was, Yang Yi had already let go of the three of them, the primordial spirit was floating in the void, trapped together by Yang Dazheng, and then his voice Loudly said: "Zhao Tianxin, I spared you last time, but I didn't repent, this time it's not that simple. Yang will imprison you all here for ten days and ten nights as punishment!"

"What? Ten days and ten nights? This is simply embarrassing and indignant for these three people. This is more painful than killing them. This is a naked insult to them."

"Hell, it's really too ruthless. This Yang Yi is not only powerful, but also ruthless. Let them be imprisoned here for ten days. I'm afraid it will not only be spread to the Martial Palace, but also spread to the Martial Emperor Starfield. From then on, the three Everyone will be reduced to a laughing stock."

"Don't provoke Yang Yi in the future. Although he didn't kill anyone, it's more tormenting than killing them."

"Yang Yi is a man who can't be messed with, and kills people without blinking an eye. This kind of method, tsk tsk, is simply amazing."

These disciples felt a chill behind them. Yang Yi imprisoned these three people for ten days, that is to make them look like monkeys. They will be visited by the Martial Palace and even the monks outside the Martial Palace. If they spread the word, they will lose all face , life is worse than death.This is killing without blood, which makes them feel more uncomfortable than killing them.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Yi's words fell, Zhao Tianxin's face became more ferocious, and he shouted: "Beast, beast, you are a beast! I, Zhao Tianxin, can be killed and cannot be humiliated. You want to use this to humiliate me. It's just a dream, Yuanshen, explode for me!"

Zhao Tianxin's primordial spirit began to tremble in an instant, and it continued to swell. A destructive aura was constantly brewing. It only took a moment for his primordial spirit to explode, and even Yang Yi would be affected. , a master of the three heavenly levels exploded himself, which is no small matter.

Yang Yi was not afraid at all, he stretched out his hand and slapped it fiercely, the soul directly spewed out the most powerful force, and the unbreakable force in his hands also burst out instantly, these kinds of forces erupted, like a raging wind and fire, towards the Zhao Tianxin's primordial spirit pressed hard.

"Hmph, without Yang's promise, you would have a hard time dying!" [

Pressing Yang Yi's big hand unexpectedly imprisoned Zhao Tianxin's primordial spirit again, and he couldn't even use a trace of strength. At this time, he was like a stone monument. Apart from being able to speak, his primordial spirit was still alive. Nothing else in God can move.

Zhao Tianxin's face was flushed red, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and he looked extremely ferocious and terrifying, and he roared almost hoarsely: "Bastard, Yang Yi, you bastard, you will be like me one day."

But no matter how much Zhao Tianxin scolded, Yang Yi was still unmoved, appearing to be at ease.

At this time, Mao Jianfang, who had kept his composure and kept his thoughts hidden in his heart, became even more gloomy. What Yang Yi did was to leave no way out, ruin their reputations, and never be able to hold their heads up in the Martial Palace.

"Yang Yi, leave everything on the line. If you do this, there is no guarantee that one day you will not become like us."

Mao Jianfang said coldly.

Yang Yi's eyes were fixed, and he said lightly: "No, Yang will not be like you, because Yang will not be as stupid as you, and will not be as stupid as you!"


Mao Jianfang also burst into anger, trying his best to break free from Yang Yi's confinement, but no matter how he struggled, it was of no avail.Yang Yi knew that Mao Jianfang was the strongest, so the confinement force on him was also the strongest, and he couldn't break free at all.

The elders in the void also shook their heads slightly, with different expressions.

"This guy is too sharp, and he doesn't leave a way out. If I hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid he would have killed these people a long time ago."

"Young and energetic, a genius, who doesn't like this? Huh, the old man was more out of line than this at the beginning, and this time Zhao Tianxin obviously didn't give up, and urged Mao Jianfang to come, how could Yang Yi not teach him a lesson?"

"That's right, this Yang Yi is a genius, and it's normal to be a bit extravagant. He didn't kill them all, obviously he was afraid. It shows that he is not the kind of person who is desperate. Such a disciple is courageous and resourceful. Excellent talent, isn't it the key training object of Wu Dian?"

These elders are all masters of the World Master Realm. When looking at Yang Yi's behavior, it is like watching a child's play, and they generally adopt a laissez-faire attitude. They don't pay attention either.

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