blood record

Chapter 39 Rising Rank

Wan Guiyi did have the qualifications to be insolent, the terrifying shadow of the fist almost permeated the entire space, and the powerful oppressive force even fell directly on Yang Yi's body, suppressing Yang Yi firmly.

This set of boxing techniques is obviously an advanced martial skill, possessing terrifying power.Coupled with the powerful accumulation of his five drops of jng blood, he can indeed be confident in this dragon transformation contest.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, although there were shadows all over the sky, he didn't panic at all.

He raised his hand slightly, and immediately five fingers split open, and ten drops of blood flowed out from five fingers.

Yes, these are ten drops of jng blood. After these ten drops of jng blood were dropped, they were quickly burned, and a strong force of restraint quickly acted on Wan Guiyi's body. [

"What kind of power is this? Spell?" Wan Gui's face changed suddenly, and his fist shadow disappeared as his whole body was trapped by the restrained power. Now he can even feel that even blood The power is also restrained.

Yang Yi has now condensed five drops of jng blood, and his accumulation is strong, he has reached the peak of five drops of jng blood, and his strength is comparable to the powerful existence of six drops of jng blood.Burning ten drops of blood at once, the body binding technique released is quite terrifying, enough to bind Wan Gui Yi for a few breaths of time.

This short breath time may be very short for others, but for these masters, it can already decide the outcome.

"Body binding technique, Nine Palace Phantom, kill!"

Yang Yi was not careless, but directly used his most powerful method, using the Body Binding Technique and the Phantom of the Nine Palaces together, the terrifying power blasted towards Wan Guiyi in an instant, and he was wearing a green e gloves.


This punch hit Wan Guiyi's chest viciously, and the poison on the glove penetrated into Wan Guiyi's body in an instant, and his body was festering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"you you……"

Wan Guiyi's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he died like this, the unwillingness in his heart was vividly expressed on his face, but even if he was unwilling, it was useless, his eyes gradually became Lost spirit, complete death.

"Congratulations Yang Yi, you killed Wan Guiyi, who ranked eighth, and all the results are transferred to yours. Adding your original results, your ranking has now reached 45th!"

Sifangjing's voice rang in Yang Yi's mind again. Yang Yi was ranked No. 90 at No. 45, plus Wan Guiyi, who had killed eight No. [-], his ranking suddenly rose to No. [-]. bit.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he immediately took out five drops of jng blood from Wanguiyi. It can be said that a hundred quadruple masters with four drops of jng blood are not as powerful as a master with five drops of jng blood.

"If I refine these five drops of jng blood, maybe I can truly condense the sixth drop of jng blood!"

Yang Yi was excited from the bottom of his heart, and only in this Dragon Transformation Contest can he kill people recklessly, and there are countless masters at your disposal, his strength can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, as if riding a rocket.

Slightly searched Wan Guiyi's body, he didn't have a space ring, and he was actually a casual cultivator. I don't know if a casual cultivator can cultivate to such a level and accumulate enough to have the terrifying five drops of blood. How many hardships have gone through.However, no matter how hard the experience is, it is of no use. In this dragon transformation competition, everyone must prepare for the consequences of falling.

That woman was already frightened and froze, looking at Yang Yi tremblingly.

Yang Yi frowned, it was meaningless for him to kill these ordinary blood coagulation quadruples now, their jng blood could no longer satisfy Yang Yi's accumulation.So Yang Yi's entire figure flashed for an instant, and then disappeared without a trace.

Outside, the rankings of the other districts did not change in any way, but at this moment, in the tenth district, Wan Guiyi, who was originally ranked 58, suddenly disappeared with a flash of his name.

At the same time, Yang Yi, No. 90 No. 40, instantly rose to No. [-] No. [-]. Anyone with a discerning eye knows what happened. [

This time, the name Yang Yi has completely caused a sensation. If there were doubts about his killing of Qin Yiming at the beginning, then now, even the eight Wanguiyi are dead, and no one doubts it anymore. This sudden appearance of Yang Yi's ability.

Many people were scrambling to inquire about Yang Yi's information, but to everyone's surprise, no one knew about Yang Yi's information, as if Yang Yi came out of thin air.

"It's amazing. Even Wan Guiyi was killed. This Yang Yi is definitely a man of determination and is extremely confident in his own strength. Otherwise, he wouldn't wait until the last two days before doing it."

"That's right, this Yang Yi is indeed terrifying. We've all heard of Wan Guiyi. He is a domineering casual cultivator. He has offended several Palace Masters, but he escaped them all. Even the palace master didn't take Wan Guiyi down, which shows how powerful he is. But even such a powerful figure was killed by Yang Yi, whom we have never even heard of. It seems that this Yang Yi is the dark horse in this Dragon Transformation Contest!"

Many people began to talk about the news about Yang Yi one after another, and began to speculate on Yang Yi's specific identity. Some people even directly put the biggest dark horse label of this Dahualong Competition on Yang Yi.

You must know that this dark horse will appear in every competition, and most of them are monks who have never even heard of it. They have become famous in the competition and won praises one after another.

Excitement flashed in Liu Jing's eyes, and Liu Yun also said in a low voice: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect Brother Yang to be so fierce. This is No. 40 five, and he rushed to No. 40 in one breath!" Five, really scary!"

Liu Yun couldn't hide his excitement in his tone.

Liu Jing murmured in a low voice: "I have a feeling that Yang Yi will not stop here, he will make bigger moves, just watch, he will definitely shine in the Dragon Transformation Competition , shocked the world!"

Liu Jing, who had a bad relationship with Yang Yi at the beginning, has now become Yang Yi's most staunch supporter. Things in this world are also changing, making it impossible to speculate.

In a spacious place, surrounded by palace lords and even lords, there was a man with a majestic face and a very burly figure. When he saw the name of the rising Yang Yi, his eyes slightly Concentrated, and then the whole person showed a murderous intent, causing the surrounding lords and palace lords to look sideways.

[Monday, Laoyue 360-degree ticket request, member click, favorite~~~~]! ~!

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