blood record

Chapter 390 Finally Appeared

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The first cave, that is, among the many caves of the disciples in the Wudian, the first cave is the most mysterious and noble, because the disciples who occupy this first cave are generally the most talented and powerful disciples in the Wudian.

But at this time, the front of the cave is still as cold as before, without any change, some disciples seem to be looking forward to it, and some disciples are also looking around, wanting to see what kind of person who created the legend in the Martial Palace is like .

But they were disappointed, the cave hadn't been opened, it hadn't been opened all this time, it was like a cold stone tablet, quiet and indifferent. [

"It's been three days, and the punishment is enough!"

Suddenly, a low and long sigh resounded in everyone's ears, and then everyone saw the first cave door, which had not been moved for more than a thousand years, finally opened.

"call out"

A finger qi flew out from inside, and instantly hit the restriction arranged by Yang Yi. I saw that the powerful restriction, like a calm water surface, began to emit bursts of ripples, and then suddenly It was broken, revealing the surprised expressions of Mao Jianfang and the other three inside.

"Yu Tiancheng finally made a move. After more than a thousand years, I finally saw Yu Tiancheng make a move again."

"That's right, after more than a thousand years, when Yu Tiancheng made a move, Yang Yi's restraint was instantly shattered. He really deserves to be a legend of the Martial Palace, far beyond what other monks can match."

"Yu Tiancheng's reputation is too great, and his strength is also extremely strong. I'm afraid Yang Qian won't agree. This time is a contest between two peerless geniuses, old and new. This is the highlight."

"That's right, Yu Tiancheng and Yang Yi are both peerless geniuses who only come out once every few years. They are both extraordinary. The duel between them is simply earth-shattering. It is rare to meet."

"Although Yu Tiancheng is mighty, Yang Yi should not be underestimated. Whether it is Zhao Tianxin or Mao Jianfang, those who underestimated Yang Yi have already regretted their past. Looking at Mao Jianfang's end now, it is hard to say that Yu Tiancheng will not be like this, after all Yu Tiancheng has been silent for too long."

"Humph, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Yu Tiancheng defeated a fourth-level Domain Realm master when he was in the triple-level space-moving realm. Can Yang Yi do it? Even if Yu Tiancheng has been silent for more than a thousand years, that's not enough." It is definitely not something that Yang Yi can compare to."

"That's right, once Yu Tiancheng makes a move, it will be very difficult for Yang Yi to win again!"

A considerable part of these disciples still supported Yu Tiancheng. After all, Yu Tiancheng's majesty accumulated over thousands of years was far beyond what Yang Yi could match, not to mention that Yu Tiancheng was still a legend in the Martial Palace, an invincible existence.

"Huh? You came out, Yu Tiancheng, you really came out!"

Yang Yimeng opened his eyes inside the cave mansion, his eyes shot bursts of light, he stared at the outside of the cave mansion, and then shouted loudly: "Yu Tiancheng, Mao Jianfang and the other three were suppressed by Yang, If you want to save them, it depends on whether you have the qualifications!"


Yang flew out of the cave in an instant, and he punched a ray of light in the void, and then the ray of light dissipated instantly, while Mao Jianfang and the other three were still imprisoned.

But Mao Jianfang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha, senior brother Yu Tiancheng has made a move, Yang Yi, your time of death has arrived!"

Yang Yi ignored Mao Jianfang, but stared at the first cave. After a while, a thin man appeared from the cave. His face was pale, but he seemed to be blown down by the wind. But his eyes exuded a trace of extremely fierce light, one dare not underestimate him, this is the legendary Yu Tiancheng in the Martial Palace.

"It's Senior Brother Yu Tiancheng, it really is Senior Brother Yu Tiancheng!"

"It's been more than a thousand years, Senior Brother Yu, you have finally appeared again."

"Okay, okay, okay, as long as Senior Brother Yu appears again, no one can shake Senior Brother Yu's position, this Yang Yi is really a clown, please Senior Brother Yu get rid of this Yang Yi, suppress his arrogance."

"Yes, there is only one legend in the Martial Palace, and that is Yu Tiancheng!"

Many disciples suddenly appeared from nowhere, and some of them were even some monks who were in retreat. They all felt Yu Tiancheng's appearance, so they appeared one after another. Judging from the performance of these monks, it is enough to explain Yu Tiancheng's strength. Horror.

In the void, Yu Tiancheng appeared so calmly. This is a more ordinary man. If it weren't for the monks below who are raging, no one would believe that this unremarkable man is the legendary Yu Tiancheng of Wudian. .

Yang Yi and Yu Tiancheng were separated by ten feet in the void, and their expressions were relatively calm. After a long while, Yu Tiancheng said in a low voice: "Look, it's too similar, you are very similar to me back then, but you are more like me than me." You were even more arrogant back then!"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Haha, Yu Tiancheng, I, Yang Yi, am not anyone's shadow, like you? What a joke, who do you think you are? A master of the world master realm? You just haven't broken through the realm for more than a thousand years It’s just a down and out disciple.”

Yu Tiancheng and Yang Yi confront each other as soon as they meet, but the flat tone is full of heart attack, which makes people hard to guard against.

Yu Tiancheng suddenly smiled, very sincerely, and he said lightly: "Yes, Yang Yi, you are indeed much better than me back then, at least you attack people first before you attack your heart, I didn't know back then."

The confrontation in words just now is actually no different from the confrontation in momentum.

"I want to take Mao Jianfang away, and the other two are up to you!"

Yu Tiancheng grabbed Yu Tiancheng with his big hand fiercely, and was about to grab Yu Tiancheng. The restraining formation arranged by Yang Yi couldn't stop Yu Tiancheng's power at all, but just when he was about to catch Mao Jianfang, Yang Qian's figure moved, and immediately The punch directly hit Yu Tiancheng's hand.


The two huge forces collided, arousing waves of power aftermath, which was shocking.

Yang Yi took three steps back, but Yu Tiancheng just staggered a little, how the two of them behaved, the difference between them will be judged.

"It's really interesting, Yu Tiancheng, if you want to save Mao Jianfang, then you have to think about Yang!"

Yang Yi straightened his body upright, and looked at Yu Tiancheng coldly. Through the punch just now, Yang Yi also had some understanding in his heart. This Yu Tiancheng is indeed powerful. In terms of strength alone, he is not as good as him now. Yu Tiancheng.

But he is not afraid, Yang Yi still has many means, besides, he has the blood of the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan is the most warlike race in ancient times, and their blood contains the will not to back down, so Yang Yi One will not back down.

Yu Tiancheng's face gradually became gloomy, and he said coldly: "Yang Yi, Yumou has made it very clear just now, Mao Jianfang, Yumou will take away."

Gradually, bursts of powerful aura shone on Yu Tiancheng's body. He was originally the proud son of heaven, so he naturally had his arrogance. Although he had been silent for a thousand years, his arrogance had not disappeared, but he was a little restrained.

Yang Yi didn't care whether Yu Tiancheng's face was gloomy or not, he took a sudden step forward and said coldly: "Yu Tiancheng, if you are confident that you can take Mao Jianfang away, then you can try it!"

The disciples below all looked at Yu Tiancheng, with a trace of anticipation in their eyes. After a thousand years, they also wanted to see what Yu Tiancheng would look like after he cultivated. [

A cold light flashed in Yu Tiancheng's eyes, his whole body was almost like a ferocious beast, without the slightest call, he directly killed Yang Yi, and his power was like a monstrous wave, extremely terrifying.

Yu Tiancheng finally made a move.

"Well done, the Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"

Yang Yi's primordial spirit was also extremely excited, and immediately spewed out bursts of the most powerful force, and directly collided with Yu Tian.

"bang bang bang bang"

Time and time again, even Yang Yi's indestructible body couldn't bear such a high-intensity collision, but that Yu Tiancheng became more and more courageous as he fought, and his strength became more and more ferocious. It was completely suppressed.

However, Yang Qian had unshakable resistance and was able to support it.

"Yutian fruit is really powerful. Thousands of years have passed, and the fierce power has not diminished. This Yang Yi is not an opponent!"

"These two are masters. Yang Yi was able to face Yu Tiancheng head-on, and he is not so powerful. Tsk tsk, these two people are not like triple masters. Those triple sky shifting masters are as good as before these two people. It's like a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow."

"Until today, I don't believe that there is such an insurmountable genius. They are favored by the heavens, and they have a rare opportunity to raise their own strength to a terrifying level. I am afraid that these two people are favored by the heavens." people."

"It's powerful, it is indeed powerful. These two people have surpassed the scope of ordinary monks. Such a terrifying attack is unimaginable."

"However, Yang Yi seems to have been suppressed by Yu Tiancheng all the time, it seems that Yu Tiancheng is superior."

"Hmph, Senior Brother Yang Yi still has the most powerful means that he has not used, otherwise, Yu Tiancheng will definitely be defeated."

"Yang Yi has hidden means, so doesn't senior brother Yu Tiancheng not have one? Back then, senior brother Yu's method of defeating a master in the fourth level domain has not yet been used."

These disciples insisted on their own opinions, but no one could convince the other, because now neither Yang Yi nor Yu Tiancheng had decided the winner.

Various thoughts kept flashing in Yang Yi's mind, and he also felt secretly shocked. This Yu Tiancheng's power was far beyond his imagination. With unbreakable strength, this has reached the realm of an enemy of almost the same level, but this Yu Tiancheng looks ordinary, but his strength is simply stronger than Yang Yi's, even if Yang Yi is suppressed by Yu Tiancheng He stopped, but if he wanted to hurt Yang Yi, it would be extremely difficult.


When the two had another terrifying duel, the two retreated a few feet away, facing each other from afar.

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