blood record

Chapter 393 New Legend

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Yu Tiancheng finally raised his head slowly, he looked at Yang Yi, his expression was full of decadence, and he said in a low voice: "I'm defeated"

Just these three short words sounded like a thunderclap to the ears of many disciples.

"Yu Tiancheng actually lost, really lost, defeated by Yang Yi, this is really unbelievable, compared to a thousand years ago, Yu Tiancheng's strength is obviously stronger, his Nirvana Finger seems to have been completely perfected , but still lost."

"Failure is failure. No matter how powerful Yu Tiancheng is, he has failed now. His legend will be shattered. From then on, he will fall from the myth and become a mortal like us." [

"Haha, what about those people who praised Yu Tiancheng just now? I said a long time ago that Senior Brother Yang Yi is the real legend, and he can't defeat him. Now that Senior Brother Yang Yi has defeated Yu Tiancheng, it can be said that I The first genius in the Martial Palace"

"Yu Tian is aloof, but now, his aloofness has become worthless, and he is just an ordinary monk. Yang Yi knocked him down into the clouds, and this is his true position."

"Senior Brother Yang Yi is the new legend of my Martial Palace"

Countless disciples cheered, most of them are new disciples, Yang Yi is also a new disciple who is rising rapidly, so they all have some empathy, now that Yang Yi wins, it is like a storm blowing in the palace of martial arts, representing The two major forces of new and old disciples are now gradually alternating forces. The power of new disciples is bound to increase greatly, while the power of those old disciples will shrink.

Mao Jianfang's face was pale at this time, looking at Yu Tiancheng who was even more miserable than him, he could hardly believe his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "How is it possible? Yu Tiancheng, how could you lose?"

And Zhao Tianxin's eyes showed deep despair. He saw Yang Yi's strength just now. If he wanted to crush him to death, it would be like crushing an ant. Yang Yi had already thrown him away. It is no longer a person in the same world.

"Yang Yi is always able to create miracles. His potential is so great that it is simply unimaginable. We must maintain a good relationship with him. Maybe he can also help me control the rights of the glorious empire."

Among the crowd, Shi Cuiyang was the most excited. Although she is the eldest princess of the Brilliant Empire, she is extremely powerful and has the orthodox inheritance rights, but the Brilliant Empire is like other empires, and there are many other powerful people. She is now It is still far from being able to suppress other people, just like the third prince of the glorious empire.

So after making friends with Yang Yi, that is her most solid backing, and it can even help her inherit the power of the Brilliant Empire. Shi Cuiyang is also faintly glad that he took the initiative to make friends with Yang Yi, otherwise he would have made friends with Zhao Tianxin and Lin The only thing is, if you make a wrong step, you will eventually fall into a place of eternal doom.


Five old men suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yi, all of them gleaming with the power of the world. These old men are obviously the elders in the Wudian, and they couldn't help but show up at this time, otherwise things would go wrong. become out of hand.

"Yang Yi, that's right. You and Yu Tiancheng are the most outstanding disciples of my Martial Hall. Now that the winner has been decided, let's stop. Otherwise, anyone who loses will be my Martial Hall's loss."

This elder has an aura of calmness and prestige all over his body.

Yang glanced at Yu Tiancheng, and said with a sneer: "It's nothing, but if I want to go to the first cave, I wonder if the elder will allow it?"

The elder said: "Of course, you have already defeated Yu Tiancheng, from now on the first cave will be yours."

The first cave mansion almost represents a glory. All the disciples who can live in the first cave mansion are the most outstanding disciples. Now that Yang Yi has defeated Yu Tiancheng, he can naturally live in the first cave mansion. .

Yu Tiancheng looked at Yang Yi, and said in a low voice: "Yang Yi, I have worked hard for thousands of years and have not broken through the realm, just to be able to cultivate the One Finger of Nirvana to the perfect state, but I never thought that even if I cultivated the One Finger of Nirvana At Consummation, I still lost to you."

This Yu Tiancheng is a genius among geniuses. It is easy for him to step into the quadruple realm, but he has been practicing Nirvana Finger. This kind of martial skill inherited from ancient times is extremely terrifying, but it is also the most difficult. Cultivation, if you want to cultivate it to Dzogchen, it is full of hardships, so even Yu Tiancheng spent a full thousand years to cultivate it to Dzogchen.

The Finger of Nirvana is very powerful, and Yang Yi can sincerely feel how terrifying it is. If it wasn't for the will of Tianhe Xingjun in his Tianhe star map, he might be the one who lost this time. [


An elder cast out the world, covering Yu Tiancheng's primordial spirit inside, wanting to help Yu Tiancheng recover a little bit, and by the way eliminate some of the cursed power on his primordial spirit.

But the elder was surprised to find that with his strength, he couldn't eliminate the power of the curse wrapped around Yu Tiancheng's primordial spirit, and his power of the world had no effect on it at all.

"Elder Liu, come and take a look, what kind of power is this? Even this elder can't get rid of it."

The elder said to the elder next to him, did that Elder Liu wrinkle too, and then displayed his world, the world of Elder Liu is obviously much stronger than that of the elder just now, rolling like The flood generally enveloped Yu Tiancheng's primordial spirit.

But just like the elder just now, he couldn't get rid of the power of curse wrapped around Yu Tiancheng's body.

"This strange power is also weird. The power of the world of this elder can drive away any power, but he is helpless in the face of this power. If this power is allowed to attach to Yu Tiancheng's primordial spirit, it will be too late. Before long, even Yu Tiancheng's primordial spirit will be annihilated."

Elder Liu frowned and said, obviously he couldn't do anything about this strange force.

The comments of these elders also reached the ears of many disciples, and their eyes lit up, as if they had regained their spirits.

"The power in Yu Tiancheng can't be expelled. These elders are all masters of the world master realm, and each of them has the power of the world. Could it be that even the power of the world cannot be expelled?"

"The elders in the Realm Master Realm can't get rid of the power of Senior Brother Yang Yi. Senior Brother Yang Yi is really not easy."

"That's right, I'm afraid Senior Brother Yang Yi is using another ancient secret method, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to drive away the elders of the World Lord."

These disciples talked a lot, even the elders could do nothing, they were a little surprised by Yang Yi's miraculous method

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