blood record

Chapter 396 Reverse Time

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"Who is this? Is he crazy?"

"Arrogance, it's really arrogance. Although most of the newcomers are genius disciples who are among the best outside, they have all heard the rumors of Wuyu, so they will not be too arrogant after coming to Wuyu, but this monk doesn't seem to be aura. Powerful, unexpectedly so arrogant."

"Perhaps this is the knowledge of the newcomers. He is the best among all the disciples outside, but how can he know the horror of Wuyu? Only by letting them understand the current situation well can their arrogance be given to them." keep it."[

"That's right. There were some crazy rookies back then, but in the end they were all beaten into obedience. I'm afraid this rookie will suffer a little bit. The one in front of him is Zhou Yang. He has a violent temperament. Once he moves It doesn't matter how heavy it is."

These monks looked at Yang Yizhong with a snicker, wanting to see how Yang Yi was tamed by Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Yang Yi, his face darkened in an instant, and he said coldly: "Boy, I didn't expect you to dare to tease Zhou, so today I will let you enjoy the martial arts experience." rule!"

Zhou Yang immediately stretched out his fair-skinned palm, and clenching it fiercely into a fist, the entire void seemed to vibrate, like a burst of cannon, and immediately blasted towards Yang Yi, that force was enough to make any monk terrified.

This week, Zhou Yang's power is indeed strong, stronger than that of Zhao Tianxin, Lin Weiyi, and even Shi Cuiyang. He is worthy of being a person from Wuyu. Those who can occupy a place here are extremely powerful, definitely not those outside. What the disciples can compare with.

"Hmph, I'm looking for death! The world's millstone, broken!"

Yang Yi's hands formed a huge grinding disc, even the phantom appeared, and he directly crushed Zhou Yang fiercely, the rolling momentum was more terrifying.

After Zhou Yang's punch touched Yang Yi's terrifying heaven and earth millstone, his face suddenly changed, his arm collapsed instantly, his bones shattered, and there was a crisp sound of "click".

If the arms of the disciples outside were crippled, they would have bound their hands, but Zhou Yang didn't care about it at all, and his reaction was unimaginably fast. The whole figure retreated quickly like a wild goose, which was more decisive.

"It's kind of interesting, it's true that you're someone who broke through the experience of life and death, but in front of Yang, you don't have the slightest chance!"

Yang Yi sneered in his heart, then took a big stride, and punched the void with his fist.


How terrifying is Yang Yi's power?Surprisingly across the void several feet away, Zhou Yang was smashed to pieces with a direct palm, blood spilled all over the ground, Yuanshen escaped in panic, and looked at Yang Yi in horror.

The change in this instant was really too fast, and it was only a matter of a few breaths. Zhou Yang was defeated, and it was still so straightforward and miserable that even his physical body was destroyed.

Although Zhou Yang is a small person, he is also well-known, and he can be regarded as middle-level among the triple masters in the martial arts field. You must know that the middle-level in the martial arts field is also quite terrifying. Outside, I am afraid that except for Yu Tiancheng, other people They can only be swept away by Zhou Yang.

But even such a powerful master couldn't even escape, and Yang Yi directly smashed his body with a single punch, leaving only Zhang Huang's soul to escape.

The other monks were also dumbfounded, and when they looked at Yang Yi's eyes, they all felt a faint feeling of fear in their hearts.

"This newcomer is so fierce? Zhou Yang's body was shattered with a punch from the air. Could it be that he is another peerless murderer?"

"It has been a long time since such a peerless murderer appeared in Wuyu. The newcomers who came before were either too arrogant, but without any strength, and they became completely honest after being dealt with a few times. Or they were too soft, not at all. There is nothing to see, I didn't expect such a strong newcomer to come this time, it seems that Wuyu will have another wave." [

"That's right, who is this rookie? He's acting so strong, I'm afraid it won't end well. Those rookies who were once strong, even though they all defeated masters like Zhou Yang, were completely defeated by those perverts in the end." Some of them tidied up submissively, and then fell silent all the time, and some even left Wuyu directly."

"This rookie can have such strength, and he is definitely not a famous person outside. Do you know who he is?"

"Hehe, this person is very famous now, and he has been hailed as a new legend by those idiots outside, but he is also really powerful. I just went out, so I know something. This Yang Yi has not been in Wudian for a few years, here he is. After that, he challenged the top ten masters of the three gods and three heavens with one, and he actually won. You must know that he was still two heavens at that time. After that, he disappeared for a while, and when he came back, he had already cultivated three heavens. It's only been a year since he started practicing, and he still fought with Yu Tiancheng, and finally Yu Tiancheng was beaten until his body collapsed, and his primordial spirit was dying, and he lost extremely miserably."

"What did you say? Yutiancheng lost? This Yutiancheng is not simple. His strength is superior even in the martial arts, and it is rumored that he has not been promoted to the fourth level of Tongtian for 1000 years. After completing the training, he entered the Martial Domain to compete with those monsters and perverts, but he was defeated by this Yang Yi, it seems that this Yang Yi is really not easy."

Although these monks don't know who Yang Yi is, they all know Yu Tiancheng. They know Yu Tiancheng's strength. Mie Yizhi has cultivated to Dzogchen, and originally wanted to compete with some monsters and perverts in Wuyu, but he didn't expect Lian Yutian to lose to Yang Yi.

Therefore, these monks also had a faint fear of Yang Yi, and they didn't dare to get too close.

Yang Yi glanced coldly, and the monks around seemed to be falling into an ice cellar. Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to grab a monk, and asked coldly: "The newcomer to Wuyu was arrested Where is the distribution?"

The monk pondered for a while, then said tremblingly: "Brother Yang, newcomers can go directly to the cave in front and find a cave at random. There are exhausted caves there, and there are many vacant caves. His aura is already sufficient, so there is no one competing for the cave."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, then grabbed a spiritual vein from his hand, and said lightly: "Okay, this spiritual vein is rewarded to you!"

Seeing that Yang Yi directly rewarded a spiritual vein, the cultivator was slightly taken aback, but then said happily, "Thank you, Senior Brother Yang, thank you, Senior Brother Yang!"

Here, the strong are respected, and if Yang Yi is strong, then he is a senior brother, and no one has any objections.

When Yang Yi looked at the envious faces of the monks around him, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was not so rich that he would reward a spiritual vein for any question, but to give a signal through this incident, then It's him, Yang Yi, who is very generous, as long as you follow him, the benefits are innumerable.

In this Martial Domain, Yang Yi can also see that here the strong are respected, and it is also very important to win people's hearts to form a force, so he doesn't mind using some small tricks to win people's hearts.

But Yang Yi's tricks can't be hidden from many monks here, they are all shrewd, how can they not understand Yang Yi's tricks, but even so, they still admire Yang Yi.

"This Yang Yi is not easy. He knew how to win people's hearts when he first came to Wuyu. I'm afraid that the picture is not small, and the status of those perverted monsters in Wuyu will be threatened."

"At first, I thought this newcomer was nothing special, but looking at it now, it is far from the case. Yang Yi is not only wise, but also courageous, and even uses his courage and strategy. Our Wuyu is about to be at peace again."

"In the future, there will be some fun to watch."

These monks looked at Yang Yi and discussed in a low voice, but Yang Yi was not interested in knowing what these monks were talking about. Instead, he straightened up and flew forward. Sure enough, on a vast mountain, he saw densely packed , is almost exhausted Dongfu.

Is there anyone in the cave here who is easy to recognize? As long as there is a formation restriction outside, there must be monks who have already occupied it. If there is no formation restriction outside, there is no one. Yang Yi randomly chose an inconspicuous one. The cave mansion, then simply arranged some formation restrictions, and then got into the cave mansion.

The inside of this cave is also refreshing, and because there are dust-proof beads, there is no peculiar smell.The aura here is also unusually strong, enough to make Yang Yi worry about his cultivation.

Although Yang Yi's primordial spirit is already huge enough, it has not reached the point where he can cultivate a domain, and it will take a long time to cultivate to the peak. Yang Yi has never dared to use the method of reversing time before. That's because it consumes too much vitality, but now, Yang Yi can practice non-stop in the martial field without worrying about the problem of spiritual energy, so he can use methods to reverse time to practice.


Yang Yi directly grabbed several spiritual veins from the Tianhe star map, and slapped them fiercely, and these spiritual energy instantly turned into void, and Yang Yi used the method of reversing time to start reversing time.


A faintly visible circle instantly appeared beside Yang Yi. In this circle, Yang Yi can turn back time. Even if he has practiced for 100 years, only ten days have passed outside, but it will consume a lot of spiritual veins. The monks are reluctant to spend such a large amount of money.

But Yang Yi didn't care, he began to practice quietly in the circle of light, his soul flew out, like a bottom hole, constantly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy, Yang Yi's whole body was quickly surrounded by spiritual energy up.

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