blood record

Chapter 408 Many Treasures

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Yang Yi's viciousness directly shocked many masters. The two servants brought by Si Konghao looked at Yang Yi in horror, but they were trembling and did not dare to speak. They could see Yang Yi's ferocity just now. Even their princes are ready to kill, let alone them.

Yang Yi said coldly: "This kind of waste dares to come and snatch the inner alchemy, it really doesn't know how to live or die."

Leng Nu and You Fengxian both looked at each other, they could feel the astonishment in each other's eyes, Yang Yi really caught them by surprise, making them unable to grasp Yang Yi.

Unable to grasp a person, it adds a lot of variables for them to seize the half immortal treasure. [

"The two spirit beasts are already clear, the next is this palace, let's go"

Young Master Lianhua walked the fastest, followed closely by Leng Huan, You Fengxian didn't hesitate either, naturally the sooner the better, Yang Yi came next.After that, there were those mighty monks, who flew into this huge palace like a tide.

In this palace, it looks magnificent, even the pillars are inlaid with precious stones, but for monks, these precious stones are quite common.

This palace does not have only one floor, but several floors. The first floor only has some inferior magic weapons. Yang Yi and the others didn't even look at them, and went directly to the upper floor. Everyone knows that good things are all in topmost.

Yang Yi and the others immediately flew to the second floor. Originally, these masters came here for the half-immortal treasure and dismissed other magic weapons, but after seeing the things on the second floor, everyone still couldn't bear it. Take a deep breath.

The magical treasures here are densely packed, there are about a hundred of them, they are placed on the shelves so casually, and there are piles of pills, which are completely furious in the void, which makes people feel incredible.

"Although these elixirs are not very expensive, it is better to have them than not to have them. Take them."

Young Master Lianhua and the others were secretly thinking that in the face of so many magic weapons and pills, they couldn't help but be moved to collect them.

But Yang Yi didn't have the slightest thought, these pills were really nothing to him, back then he was able to refine vitality pills by using his original power, and he had an exhaustive supply of pills, so it was really hard to see this kind of pills. Not eye-catching.

So Yang Yi continued to fly to the third floor.

Having just arrived at the third floor, Yang Yi saw more abundant pills and magic weapons, and some of these magic weapons were even blessed with some heavenly power, which can be regarded as relatively good magic weapons.

Yang Yi hesitated for a while, and then ignored it, he knew that there were still many monks chasing after him, and there was obviously a half-immortal treasure on it, and Yang Yi could even feel it a little bit. The most important goal is this semi-immortal treasure, so some other magic weapons and elixir are secondary.

Finally reached the fourth floor, Yang Yi felt a strong aura just after stepping here, he swept his consciousness a little, and found that there are all piles of spiritual veins here.

"One, two, three... 230 spiritual veins, a full 130 spiritual veins"

Yang Yi was overwhelmed. He accompanied Shi Cuiyang to the Emperor Wu's ruins and got more than a hundred spiritual veins. He was born and died. After many hardships and struggles, he finally got some spiritual veins. Like now, so many spiritual veins are quietly placed on the fourth floor here.

Even Yang Yi couldn't be unmoved now, he hesitated for a while, and then grabbed all these spiritual veins into the Tianhe Star Chart crazily.


Yang Yi felt that there was another monk rushing up behind him, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he punched out without any warning, smashing the monk to pieces in an instant.

This is just a cultivator at the second level of the sun and the moon, but Yang Yi can't tolerate anyone robbing him of these spiritual veins. He doesn't need any other magic weapons and pills, but these spiritual veins are very important to him. or not. [

"whoosh whoosh"

More and more embellishments came rushing in, and they were shocked to see so many spiritual veins, but seeing Yang Yi staring at him here, and they also saw a corpse, they all felt a little terrified , dare not step forward.

In this way, more and more people gathered, and some monks could no longer bear it, and shouted loudly: "He only has one person, so many of us, he can't kill them all, let's grab, so many spiritual veins, if they are so strong Articles will be developed."

The so-called man-made money and dead birds for food, there are so many spiritual veins, these monks are already crazy, how can these monks have any spiritual veins on weekdays, it is already very good to find a place with abundant spiritual energy, let alone Said it was a spirit vein.

So when he saw so many spiritual veins, he really rushed forward desperately to snatch them. Murderous intent flashed in Yang's eyes, his whole body glowed with golden light, and he punched the crowd.


The huge force seemed to shake the entire palace continuously, and several monks immediately turned into blood. The blood flowed continuously and exuded a strong bloody smell, which was shocking.

"Tianhe star map, close"

But Yang Yi knew that this could only scare people for a moment. Without further ado, he immediately displayed the Milky Way Star Map decisively, and immediately took away the remaining dozens of spiritual veins.

There were originally more than 200 entries, but the monks robbed them madly just now, and there were not many left. Yang Yi took a closer look, and there were only more than 180 entries, but this was more than the last time he went to the Martial Emperor Starfield, and it was very easy .


While Yang Yi and other monks were robbing the spirit veins, several monks rushed to the fifth floor, but when they reached the fifth floor, they suddenly found that there was nothing inside, not a single thing.

This is really unusual, because there are almost treasures on every floor, not to mention that this is the fifth floor. You must know that this palace only has six floors, and the fifth floor is already very tall. The treasures inside It should be unusual.

"How is it possible that there is no treasure? How is this possible?"

"Look, I don't believe it, how can there be no treasure, could it be taken away by someone?"

"Impossible, no matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to be taken away in such a short period of time, not to mention that there is still no movement on the sixth floor, which means that no one has entered the sixth floor."

"No one entered? Just now several monks entered the fifth floor, how could no one enter the sixth floor?"

These monks are all staring at the entrance of the sixth floor, as if it is very close

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