blood record

Chapter 426 Opening the Seal

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It was so quiet, even the breeze seemed to disappear, and it seemed that only Yang Yi and Jian Feng were left in the whole world.

Yang Yi put his whole body and mind into it, his primordial spirit was running crazily, and even Yang Yi felt the huge power in the huffing and puffing was inconceivable, but Yang Yi was still increasing his strength.

"Haha, it's been a long time, and I haven't met an opponent as happy as you. Let's take another move from Yang and see if you can resist it."

Yang Yi's body seemed to grow taller suddenly, and a huge flood dragon phantom could be faintly seen above his head, which was Yang Yi's primordial spirit functioning to the extreme. [

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces"

Yang Yimeng yelled, and 25 afterimages erupted all over his body immediately, and they quickly overlapped together, 25 times the force violently erupted, and the huge force shattered the entire void.

Every time Yang Yi casts the Nine Palaces phantom, it is almost the enemy. No one can resist it, Yu Tiancheng can't, Xiang Wentian can't, Jun Dao can't, even the three of them combined can't.

How fierce is the power of 25 times, it is like a violent storm, the tide is rolling, frantically flocking to the edge of the sword, this momentum alone is enough to crush him into ashes.

Faced with such a powerful and terrifying force, even the masters of the World Master Realm turned pale slightly. They doubted whether their world could still withstand such a terrifying force.

Jian Feng finally made a move. When he made a move, he was not like Yang Yi, who seemed to make the sky fall apart. His moves were ordinary, but every time he made a move, it was astonishing, like a glimpse.

"Sword Judges Hongmeng"

As soon as this sword is released, the entire void is shattered one after another. It can be stopped, as if everything in the world is about to be shattered under this sword. The first sword is to divide the world, and the second sword is to judge Hongmeng. , its fierce sword energy, faintly has a kind of power to judge everything, it is also unique in the face of Yang Yi's 25 times the terrifying power, it seems to have another unique characteristic.


The huge power was like overwhelming the mountains, submerging the fierce sword aura in an instant, no matter how powerful the sword aura was, it seemed that it couldn't stop Yang Yi's 25 times strength.

"Sword judges Hongmeng, your strength is far from reaching the point of judging Hongmeng, not only Hongmeng, but even Yang's 25 times the strength you can't break through."

Yang Yi's eyes were icy cold, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. His 25 times strength has always been unfavorable. Every time he uses it, it is earth-shattering. Any opponent will fall before this move.

But at this moment, a fierce sword energy pierced through Yang Yi's ferocious enemy's strength, like a sword energy piercing through everything, directly killing Yang Yi.

This sword was so unimaginably fast, Yang Yi even felt the sharp aura above the sword's edge.

"How could it not be dead?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, but when he saw Jian Feng's body again, he was slightly startled. At this time, Jian Feng was almost dying, and he was hit by Yang Yi's 25 times the force, almost killing him. How can it be intact if it is killed.However, even though Jianfeng was seriously injured, he was able to erupt with such terrifying power, and he still hit with all his strength.

Yang Yi had no way to dodge at this time, but he didn't bother to dodge. Although this sword was extremely fierce, but he was wearing protective armor, and he was not broken, so he was not afraid of such a little power at all.

On his body, a rich golden light gradually radiated out. This is the golden light emitted by Yang Yi's urging of the body. This burst of golden light shone in the void, which was extremely dazzling.

"This Jianfeng indeed has a way. To be able to survive such a ferocious and berserk force, and to be able to deliver a killing blow, is considered a genius among geniuses."[

"However, he miscalculated after all. Yang Yi also got a half-immortal armor this time. Although the power of this sword is powerful enough to kill a four-level master, it cannot penetrate a half-immortal armor." Fairy treasure."

"Indeed, this Yang Yi really has a lot of chances. He has obtained so many semi-immortal treasures. He still has a powerful Bow of Moment that he hasn't used yet. Once he uses it, the sword will not have any chance. was shot."

"Everything is over, the winner is Yang Yi"

These elders also know some details about Yang Yi, and know that Yang Yi has semi-immortal treasures such as the armor of protection and the bow of the moment.Although these elders are the elders of the Martial Palace, they don't use magic weapons, but they also know the great reputation of the Half Immortal Treasure.

At this time, Sikong Xuan's eyes were more focused, and his mind was also extremely nervous. He deeply knew the horror of the sky burial guards. They were absolutely powerful existences that could kill with one blow. Once all the power erupted, they would definitely be One hit kill.

"Yang Yi, be proud, you will be buried soon."

Sikong Xuan's complexion had become ruddy at this time, his veins were exposed, and he was already extremely nervous.

The sword light was getting closer and closer, Yang Yi could feel the sharp aura above, but it was still within the range he could bear, and it couldn't penetrate the protection of the protective armor at all.

Jian Feng was still so indifferent, without the slightest expression on his face, but just when his long sword was about to stab Yang Yi, suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

"Open the seal, return with one sword"

A cold voice came out of the indifferent mouth, and immediately after that, it seemed that earth-shaking changes had taken place in his body, and an ancient, fierce, and wild aura appeared on Jianfeng's body. At this moment, as Tianhong Empire The most mysterious monk, the true horror of the celestial burial guardian has finally been revealed.

Improvement, improvement, continuous improvement, in just a short moment, the power of Jianfeng's long sword has increased ten times in an instant, what kind of terrifying force is this?The fierce aura instantly suppressed Yang Yi's protective armor, and fiercely pierced the protective armor out of a hole.

Unbroken body and this sword energy came into contact with each other fiercely, even the guardian armor couldn't resist the sharp sword energy, let alone Unbroken Body?The sword energy instantly pierced into Yang Yi's body.

Yang Yi felt it, the terrifying power emanating from Jian Feng was more familiar to him, and now he finally felt it, it was the power of the undead witch clan he had dreamed of. . .

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