blood record

Chapter 439 Brilliant Empire

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After Yang Yi dealt with the masters of the Tianyang Family, he walked straight into the Martial Palace with a straight face.

In the Temple of Martial Arts, the arrogant man of the first level of the sky suddenly stopped, and said in a deep voice: "You are very strong, so strong that I am now in despair, but I, Zhou Tong, never owe anyone. You are the first one. Tell me your name, I will always remember it until I pay off your favor."

Yang Yi looked at this arrogant Zhou Tong indifferently, he could see that this Zhou Tong did have some potential, and most of them were people with some adventures, otherwise he wouldn't be so arrogant. [

"The reason why Yang helped you was because you resembled me back then. Do you know how I got into this Martial Hall back then?"

Zhou Tong looked calm and shook his head slightly.

There was a smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said in a low voice: "I was beaten in. I was also made things difficult by the guards at the beginning, but I beat in directly, but the guards back then were not so strong, haha! Since you want to pay back Yang If you have a favor, then go and find out by yourself, I believe that there are not a few people who know Yang's name."

Yang Yi flew directly to Wuyu, ignoring Zhou Tong at all.

Zhou Tong's eyes flashed with light, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he flew to the side. Entering the Martial Palace was only the first step. To become a real Martial Palace disciple, he had to pass the examination.

When Yang Yi returned to the Martial Domain, he had already forgotten about Zhou Tong. For him, a small cultivator who reached the sky was really something he couldn't pay attention to.


When Yang Yi returned to Martial Domain, the surrounding disciples all respectfully saluted Yang Yi. Since Yang Yi's position was established when he defeated Xiang Wentian and the other three last time, these disciples naturally did not dare to respect Yang Yi. disrespectful.

But at this moment, a hurried voice came into Yang Yi's ears.

"Senior Brother Yang!"

Yang Yi turned around and found that it was a woman with a beautiful face, but Yang Yi didn't recognize this woman, so he frowned and said, "Who is a fellow daoist? Yang asked himself that he had never met a fellow daoist."

The woman hurriedly said: "Senior brother Yang has great power and unfathomable strength. It has been spread in the martial arts for a long time. It's normal not to know me, but senior brother Yang should know Shi Cuiyang, right?"

"Shi Cuiyang also entered the Martial Domain?"

Yang Yi remembered that Shi Cuiyang had been in seclusion after he got the Eighteen Fists of Tianzhu, and he had no contact with him since then.

The woman nodded and said: "That's right, Senior Sister Shi practiced in closed doors after getting the Eighteen Punches of Heaven's Moat, and she comprehended the mystery in one fell swoop. With a lot of accumulation, she was also promoted to the Heaven-reaching Fourth Layer Realm, and directly entered the Martial Realm."

Yang Yi took a deep look at this woman, Shi Cuiyang was able to tell this woman even the Eighteen Fist of Heaven's Moat, which shows that the relationship between this woman and Shi Cuiyang is not simple, and Shi Cuiyang should have won Shi Cuiyang's trust.

"What happened to Fellow Daoist Shi?" Yang Yi asked in a low voice. At this time, Shi Cuiyang didn't come in person, but found someone to come, which is a bit weird.

The woman said in a low voice: "Senior Brother Yang, this is the sound transmission talisman that Senior Sister Shi gave me. It contains her distress message. Please take a look, Senior Brother."

"Help?" [

Yang Yi frowned, and then grabbed the sound transmission talisman. This sound transmission talisman is very delicate, and it is the kind of very precious sound transmission talisman that can transmit information even if it is separated by several star fields.

Just such a small sound transmission talisman requires at least a few spiritual veins to buy.

Yang Yi input power into the sound transmission talisman, and immediately, a rushing voice sounded: "Junior Sister Xia Jing, I am under house arrest by the royal family, go find Yang Yi quickly, and ask him to rescue me..."

This burst of voice was very urgent, Yang Yi heard it clearly, it was Shi Cuiyang's voice.

"Fellow Daoist Xia Jing, what happened to Fellow Daoist Shi? Tell me the ins and outs of the matter one by one." Yang Yi's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

Feeling the fleeting and huge aura of Yang Zhouzhou, Xia Jing also hurriedly said: "It's like this, about three months ago, Senior Sister Shi suddenly received a letter from the empire, saying that the Emperor of the Brilliant Empire was talking to people. She was seriously injured during the battle and would perish at any time, so Senior Sister Shi hurried back to avoid any changes, but she never expected that she would make this cry for help this time. I have been looking for Senior Brother Yang for more than ten days. I just found Senior Brother Yang, and I hope that Senior Brother Yang can recite Senior Sister Shi’s name and save Senior Sister Shi.”

As for Shi Cuiyang, Yang Yi naturally wanted to save him.

"Glorious Empire, let's go!"

Yang Yi took Xia Jing directly through the space, and even when he first arrived in Wuyu, he didn't go back to the cave to take a look.


In the vast starry sky, bursts of space ripples appeared, and then two monks, a man and a woman, flew out of it.

"Senior Brother Yang Yi, the Brilliant Empire is ahead!"

Yang Yi looked forward. The tall city walls and the exhausted monks did not witness the prosperity of this empire. The Brilliant Empire is a powerful empire even in Emperor Wudi's star field. There are even rumors that there are seven creations of Tongtian The great masters of the environment sit in charge.

At the seventh level of the sky, that is already an extremely powerful person who is proud of reaching the sky and ascending to the top. However, it is not easy for anyone who can cultivate to the monks of the seventh level of the sky. It is not easy to sit in such a large empire, and there is no means of thunder. live.

Now the entire Brilliant Empire seems to be very calm, without any major changes, but Yang Yi knew that the upper level of the Brilliant Empire was already in turmoil, and a big event was about to happen.

Xia Jing hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Senior brother Yang Yi, although you are powerful, if you just rush in like this, you will be hard-pressed with two fists and four hands. There are many masters in the Brilliant Empire, so you should not be underestimated!"

Xia Jing was worried that Yang Yi would die if he went in like this, and could not save Shi Cuiyang.

Without the slightest fear, Yang Yi smiled lightly and said, "The Brilliant Empire is indeed not easy, but it's not difficult for Yang, let's go!"

Yang Yi directly tore apart the space, and with a straight body, he shuttled directly into the space, and shuttled towards the royal family of the Brilliant Empire.

At this time in the imperial room, two tall men in Chinese clothes sat quietly on the chairs, and in front of him, there were several great masters of the fifth level, but they all looked at the two men respectfully at this moment. , even though these two men only have a trifling cultivation base.

"His Royal Highness Fourth and Highest Fifth, at present, eyeliners are deployed in all places in Glory City, and there are hundreds of thousands of elite troops waiting in formation. It is impossible for Marshal Kunshan's Black Spinning Army to enter the city."

These masters of the main realm of the Five Realms are all masters of the Brilliant Empire, and they obviously obey the orders of the fourth and fifth princes. [

The fourth prince nodded slightly and said: "Yes, you have done a good job this time, taking Shi Cuiyang down is also a great achievement for you, and after the second brother ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, all of you will be rewarded .”

"Thank you Fourth Highness!"

These masters of the main realm of the five layers of realms all seemed very calm.

"Fifth brother, this time we got the authorization of some elders. Hmph, Shi Cuiyang is a woman, how can she take over the big position? When the emperor is here, Shi Cuiyang is too spoiled. This time the second Brother united with us, controlled the inside and outside of Glorious City, and took down Shi Cuiyang in one fell swoop. But Shi Cuiyang is indeed powerful, I don't know where he got a set of martial arts, fierce enemies, if Had it not been for the dispatch of a few master guards of the five-layer solution master realm, I'm afraid they really couldn't take her down."

His Royal Highness said lightly.

The fifth prince also nodded slightly and said: "That's right, the second elder brother has arranged very carefully. Kunshan, which has always supported Shi Cuiyang, is now under our siege. Hmph, once he dies, the entire Brilliant Empire will be under our control." In our hands, when the time comes, even some dissatisfied elders can only accept the facts."

"Once the second elder brother ascends to become the emperor, we can all get countless rewards, but the second elder brother also said that Shi Cuiyang has stayed in the Martial Palace for so many years, and may make friends with some powerful beings. Before being captured, he passed the news through the sound transmission talisman, the second brother is afraid that some experts from the Martial Palace will come, so let us check carefully."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? Although the Martial Palace is powerful, it is only as powerful as its elders, hall masters, and some immortal beings. Shi Cuiyang is just a small disciple. What powerful existence can he befriend? Even if some monstrous and genius-like disciples come to rescue Shi Cuiyang, hmph, they are just monks of the fourth-level realm, which is nothing. There are dozens of masters of the fifth-level master realm mastered by my city of splendor , are you afraid that a few young disciples will fail?"

"That's right, Fifth Brother is right!"

The fourth and fifth princes were discussing in low voices.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice appeared in vain: "Oh? Is that so? The little disciple from the Martial Hall has come now."

This calm and cold voice echoed throughout the room. The fourth and fifth princes looked like knives, and immediately stood up, looked around, and shouted: "Who is it?"


In the space of the room, layers of space ripples gradually appeared, and a portal quickly appeared, from which two figures emerged instantly.

The fourth and fifth princes took a closer look and saw that these two figures were a man and a woman, and they both laughed loudly: "Haha, two idiots, you must be the monks that Shi Cuiyang met in the Palace of Martial Arts. You are stupid, dare to take risks in my glorious city, you are destined to go back!"

The fourth prince moved slightly with his hand, and suddenly three figures appeared from the void. These three figures all shone with powerful auras, and they were the masters of the three heaven-reaching five-layer realm masters.

The masters of the five-layer master realm are elders even in the Martial Palace. As a great empire, the Brilliant Empire has many masters. It is just a piece of cake to mobilize these three monks who reach the sky and master the five-layer realm.

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