blood record

Chapter 448

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When the gate opened, a large hall on the wide side was revealed. Yang Yi went straight in. The entire ground was paved with gold, and the huge pillars were all inlaid with various jade jewels.

That's not to mention, on both sides of the hall, there are piles of spiritual veins, yes, this is a real mountain of spiritual veins, Yang Yi has never seen so many spiritual veins.

Not to mention some of the elixirs and magic weapons among them, they are even more dazzling and inexhaustible. [

"There are at least 3 of these spiritual veins. It's incredible to have so many spiritual veins. If all the wealth here is accumulated, it will be enough to create a powerful sect."

Yang Yi couldn't believe his eyes, what is the concept of [-] spiritual veins?In the past, Yang Yi would fight to death for dozens of hundreds of spiritual veins and people, but now, the spiritual veins here are all counted in "ten thousand".

"Brilliant Kingdom, Receive"

Yang Yi made a big move directly, displaying the Brilliant Kingdom, and all the treasures in the entire hall were taken away by the Brilliant Kingdom in an instant.

"Okay, the things in the treasure house have been taken away, let's go"

Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang quickly flew out of the gate and flew towards the imperial city.

Just after flying out of the royal family, Yang Yi saw in the void that the entire imperial city was almost in ruins. Countless monks seemed to be in a frenzy. The entire royal family was no longer able to check and balance the entire glorious empire. It was predictable.

Yang Yi looked at Shi Cuiyang and said calmly, "The Brilliant Empire may disappear completely."

Shi Cuiyang's expression moved slightly, he looked at the endless killings below, then his expression became grim again, and he said coldly: "The Brilliant Empire has disappeared from my memory."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, then directly tore apart the space, and shuttled back to the Martial Palace in an instant.


Waves of space ripples gradually appeared in the space, Yang Yi and Shi Cuiyang got out of the space, Yang Yi displayed the Tianhe Star Map, released Xia Jing from inside, and lightly looked at Shi Cuiyang. Cuiyang said: "It's thanks to Xia Jing this time, otherwise Yang would not know that Fellow Daoist Shi is in a dangerous situation. These hundred spiritual veins are enough to support Fellow Daoist Xia to reach the fourth level of the sky."

Yang Yi grabbed a hundred spiritual veins from the glorious kingdom and threw them directly to Xia Jing. Now Yang Yi can be regarded as rich and powerful, with more than 3 spiritual veins. Yang Yilai was really nothing.

But Xia Jing was a little flattered, she was even more in awe of Yang Yi now, so she only looked up at Shi Cuiyang and asked her opinion.

Shi Cuiyang smiled slightly and said, "Since Brother Yang gave it to you, thank you Brother Yang for the reward."

Only then did Xia Jing put away the hundred spirit veins.

Yang Yi pondered for a while, but still took out thousands of spiritual veins to Shi Cuiyang, this time Shi Cuiyang did not refuse, and accepted it directly.

Immediately, Yang Yi returned to the cave. This time he had a great harvest. Not only did he gain exhausted wealth, but he was also promoted to the highest realm of the fifth level of the sky. Not to mention, Yang Yi actually got the glorious kingdom , this is a fairy treasure, although it has not become a fairy treasure yet, as long as Yang Yi continues to improve his strength, he will have the opportunity to refine it into a real fairy treasure, and he will be invincible against the enemy at that time.

Of course, now that he has cultivated the main realm of the five-fold world, the most important thing is to consolidate his cultivation, to consolidate and consolidate the world, and now Yang Yi has exhausted spiritual veins, so he doesn't care about the loss of spiritual veins at all, so he directly uses several Dozens of spiritual veins penetrated into the world, enhancing the tenacity of the world. [

Originally, Yang Yi's world was extremely terrifying, even if he competed with the masters of the sixth level of the sky, Yang Yi would not be at a disadvantage in the slightest, let alone if he strengthened it, it would be even more terrifying at that time.

Moreover, Yang Yi's breakthrough was too fast recently, which caused him to have a lot of ignorance about the world master realm, and it took a long time to slowly understand, but it doesn't matter, he has enough spiritual veins now, enough to reverse time, Even if it is reversed for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years will not be a problem.

But Yang Yi naturally won't turn back tens of thousands of years, he needs to consolidate his cultivation and grasp all the powers of the fifth-fold realm, it only takes a thousand years.

"Glorious country, guarding the cave"

Yang Yi unleashed the Kingdom of Brilliance, covering almost the entire cave. Outside Yang Yi's cave, bursts of light began to appear, which was very unique among all the caves.

But Yang Yi didn't care about the shock he caused. With the protection of the glorious kingdom, even the fifth-level masters of the Tongtian would never want to break in, and even the sixth-level masters of the Tongtian would go all out if they wanted to break in. It will also alarm Yang Yi.

This is also what Yang Yi does not want to be disturbed during the time reversal.

With the protection of the Brilliant Kingdom, Yang Yi felt relieved, and then grabbed hundreds of ore veins from the Brilliant Kingdom, smashed them into pieces suddenly, and shouted: "Reverse time!"


There seems to be a feeling of interlacing time in the entire glorious country, and the spiritual veins in front of Yang Yi also instantly vanished, obviously being used to reverse time.

Yang Yi's time reversal time setting is also relatively long, one year outside, a hundred years in the glorious country, and ten years outside if he wants to practice for a thousand years.

Ten years is nothing to monks at all, it's too late.

While constantly consolidating his cultivation base and his soul crazily devouring the aura, Yang Yi was completely immersed in his mind and began to study the mysteries of his own world.

Outside, all of a sudden, all the monks saw a burst of golden light rising into the sky, reflecting in the entire void, making it very obvious in the martial domain.

All the disciples rushed to look at the source of this golden light, and they all found the source.

"Isn't that cave mansion the cave of Senior Brother Yang Yi? This ray of light is indeed coming from Senior Brother Yang Yi's cave mansion, and you can see that the entire cave mansion of Senior Brother Yang Yi is shrouded in golden light. Could it be Senior Brother Yang Yi?" What treasure did you get recently?"

"It seems to be true. Brother Yang Yi is a cultivator from another star field, and he wants to use a magic weapon. This time, Senior Brother Yang Yi hurriedly returned to the martial field, and immediately retreated. He must have obtained some treasure."

"Tsk tsk, it's only been a few short years, and senior brother Yang Yi's progress is simply astounding."

These disciples have already admired Yang Yi so much now, and they are also envious in their hearts. Yang Yi can rise in a short period of time and become the most representative disciple in the martial field. This is a legend and a myth in itself. . .

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