blood record

Chapter 450 Yuhua

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Everything in the entire Martial Hall is still very peaceful, and the incidents of the upper echelons will not affect the tens of thousands of disciples in these Martial Halls, but some well-informed disciples have heard of it.


Suddenly, a ray of light descended from the sky, landed outside Yang Yi's cave, and turned into a figure. The whole body of this figure shone with a powerful aura, and what surrounded him was the power of the world.

This is an elder of the Martial Palace, his eyes looked at the bursts of light around the cave, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. [

"Huh? Isn't that Senior Brother Yuhua? Why did he come here?"

"Senior Brother Yuhua? You probably forgot that Senior Brother Yuhua should be called Elder Yuhua now. He has officially become an elder decades ago."

"That's right, Yu Hua has already become an elder, but what is he doing in front of Senior Brother Yang Yi's cave?"

These disciples all noticed the monk in front of Yang Yimen. They all knew this monk. Decades ago, this monk Yuhua was still a well-known disciple in the martial arts field, but now he has become a five-level monk. The elders, status, status, etc. are quite different.

Yuhua looked at the bursts of golden light outside Yang Yidong's mansion, and immediately shouted loudly: "Come out and follow this elder to register the roster of elders in the Elder Hall, and officially become the elder of my Martial Hall."

The mighty voice reverberated in the entire void, causing many disciples to "buzz" in their ears. They were not much surprised, after all, Yang Qian had already been promoted to the fifth level of the sky, which can become a leader in the Palace of Martial Arts. elders.

However, there was no reaction in the entire cave, and even the light outside the cave did not decrease at all.

Yuhua's complexion is getting worse and worse. He is also the proud son of heaven, and he has only become an elder not long ago. He has already heard that Yang Yi has become famous among the disciples of the martial arts. Yang Yi actually ignored him, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart.

"Come out Yang, this is the elder's order"

As time passed, about an hour later, there was still no movement in the cave, and Yu Hua couldn't bear it anymore. He was also a dignified elder, and he was also a famous figure among his disciples before he became an elder. But Yang Yi was left in the cold, and his heart was full of anger, not to mention there were many disciples around him watching him.

"Okay, okay, that's really arrogant. If that's the case, let this elder invite you in person."

Yu Hua sneered, and immediately walked forward, but just as soon as his figure moved, he was blocked by the golden radiance outside Yang Yidong's mansion, like a solid wall, holding him back. blocked outside.

"Hmph, can this little trick stop me?"

Yuhua didn't pay attention to these means of blocking him at all, he raised his hand and moved forward a little bit, the surging power of the world directly rushed out of his body, and quickly transformed into an incomparable force, Fiercely blasted towards this golden radiance.


This power is the real five-level power, which can move mountains and seas, and capture the terrifying power of the sun and the moon. Even a half-immortal treasure cannot withstand the blow of such a five-level master.

But just such a terrifying blow hit the golden radiance, and it trembled slightly. The golden radiance was like ripples in water, sending out waves of ripples, and then disappeared without a trace. .

Yu Hua's face changed slightly, he seemed a little surprised, but he was not worried, the aura around him flashed again, and the momentum rose violently, as if the entire void was distorting.

Yuhua's world was unleashed quickly, quickly enveloping Yang Yi's entire cave, and once engulfed in the world, he would be subjected to exhaustive suppression. [

"Hmph, look what kind of turtle shell you have, break it for me"

The surging power of the world was running rapidly, crazily suppressing that layer of faint light, but it was this ray of light that made Yuhua's power of the world powerless, no matter how terrifying the pressure was, it remained steadfast.

This faint light made Yuhua really pay attention to it. He put away the world, knowing that this light is probably a rare treasure of Yang Yi, and it is not so easy to break.

"Okay, since you are so powerful, then don't blame Elder Ben for breaking your tortoise shell."

At the beginning, Yuhua was still a little apprehensive, and he didn't want to offend Yang Yi deeply. After all, he was just a little bit dissatisfied, but now that so many disciples were watching him, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, and had to do his best. Otherwise, he will become a laughing stock in Wu Yu.

"Fist of Destruction, Destroy All"

Yuhua's punch was filled with the breath of destruction. The huge force was suffocating, and the surrounding space was completely shattered. This was Yuhua's strongest blow, and it was also the only way for him to save face.

With this punch, the whole world changed slightly, and the surging force was too terrifying, enough to smash any existence into pieces and turn it into dust.


An overwhelming force also slammed on the faint radiance, and the exhausted smoke quickly enveloped the entire area with a radius of several hundred feet. Many disciples could not see the scene clearly, and there was a wave of A terrifying aftermath spread in all directions, and the momentum was really huge.

But with such a powerful attack, after the smoke cleared, the scene that appeared in front of everyone was even more stunned and unbelievable.Seeing that Yang Yi's cave was still safe and sound, the faint light around the cave didn't change at all, it was still glowing brightly, Yu Hua's face turned pale in an instant.

The blow of his power still failed to break through the small light on the lower layer, which made Yuhua doubt his own strength. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed that he even had Yang Yi's cave. Can't get in.

"What kind of light is this? Is it a magic weapon? How come Yu Hua's full attack didn't damage it at all."

"This must be Yang Yi's secret treasure, and it is simply not something a master of the fifth level of Tongtian can break through."

"This time Yuhua lost all face, but he asked for it. Yang Yiwei is famous, but he still holds on to his previous thoughts. Hmph, he doesn't fall in front of Yang Yi. How many monks are there already?" .”

The disciples around were also very surprised, but they were already very calm towards Yang Yi. Yang Yi created too many miracles, so many that even if they saw Yang Yi, no matter how surprised they were, they would never again. Surprised. . .

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