blood record

Chapter 455 Opening of Martial Emperor Cliff

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Many monks have gathered in front of Wudi Cliff. The monks here are more or less gathered together, and you can roughly see the distribution of their power. Among them, the strength of Wudian is the strongest. There are only three or five monks in Wudian. Together they formed a group, densely packed, and looked extremely spectacular.


When Yang Yi and Zhou Tong came to Wudi Cliff, they seemed to be very low-key. After all, they were going to enter it quietly this time, not with great fanfare. [

It seemed that Wudi Cliff would take some time to open, so Yang Yi and Zhou Tong sat in the corner and waited quietly. After about a few days, a huge hole appeared in the void, and a person flew out of it. A huge ancient ship.

This ancient ship looks extremely spectacular, it is actually full of monks of the fifth level of the sky, and there are a few masters of the sixth level of the sky, these people have a stock mark on their bodies, anyone can easily know their identities.

"This is the arrival of the Tianhong Empire. This time it is He Zhen, a truly incomparable genius of the Tianhong Empire. He Zhen, who was taught the Heavenly Emperor's Fist by Shen Wu, the Minister of War, is rumored to basically never make a move, but once he makes a move, it will be earth-shattering. He is a formidable figure cultivated by the Tianhong Empire with all its efforts, even Shen Wu praised him face to face."

"That's right, this He Zhen is almost unknown in the Tianhong Empire. It seems that the Tianhong Empire is ready to seize the martial monument by sending him this time."

"Although He Zhen is powerful, don't forget that the people from Wudian haven't come yet. Hmph, with the power of Wudian, the masters it dispatches must be very important. At least none of them should be weaker than He Zhen."

The monks around were talking a lot. When they saw the monks on the ancient ship, they knew that they were people from the Tianhong Empire. The proud color occupies the most conspicuous position with such a big thorn.

Originally, this position was occupied by a few monks who reached the fifth level of the sky, and they were also extremely powerful, but after seeing He Zhen's power, they all left angrily, but some unruly monks immediately shouted. He shouted: "He Zhen? What are you capable of being so arrogant? How dare you expel others and occupy the most favorable position?"

This monk who spoke was not simple, he was actually a master of the sixth level of heaven, and also a great master who had comprehended the true meaning of matter, and was able to transform the void from the general to the real.

But the great master suddenly felt a terrifying aura, and then He Zhen slammed his big hand, as if the god had descended, and slammed at the monk fiercely.


The huge power penetrated directly through the ground, shaking the whole ground. The face of the master who reached the sixth level of the sky was as pale as paper. He also felt the danger with the palm just now, so he barely avoided it, but his face at this time was Unusually ugly.He Zhen's strength has been fully demonstrated under this palm, and that terrifying power is simply beyond the reach of ordinary monks who reach the sixth level of heaven.

Yang Yi also saw He Zhen's palm in the crowd, and said cautiously: "He Zhen? He really has some strength. I didn't expect Shen Wu to train such a master. It's really rare. "

Yang Yi clearly felt that He Zhen didn't have the slightest aura of the witch clan, which meant that Shen Wu didn't use the power of the undead witch clan to give him back then, otherwise, this He Zhen would definitely be the same as that* **The guard also has the aura of the witch clan.

In addition to Shen Wu's contribution to being able to train He Zhen into a master of the sixth level without relying on the power of the undead body witch clan, this He Zhen's talent is also unimaginable, and he belongs to that kind of genius genius.

Beside He Zhen, there are three or four masters who reach the sky and the sixth level, but judging from their appearance, they are all old, with old-fashioned expressions, and they all seem to be submissive to He Zhen. He Zhen is the master.

"Hmph, he's just an idiot, so proud, hmph, he probably doesn't know how powerful Wudian is, and when the masters sent by Wudian arrive, he won't be as powerful anymore."

Zhou Tong looked at He Zhen and snorted coldly in a low voice.

After a few more days, more and more monks gathered in the Wudi Cliff. There is still one day left before the opening of the Wudi Cliff, but no one from the Wudi Cliff has been seen yet.

"Boom" [

Just as everyone was guessing, suddenly there were space ripples in the void, a golden light shone out, and three men appeared directly from the space.

As soon as these three men appeared, although there seemed to be no major fluctuations, the terrifying aura around them no longer showed their strength, and their reputation had already spread throughout the star fields. The monks here , more than half of them know them.

"Here we come. Wudian finally sent someone here. This time, it really wasn't wrong. It was actually the three of them."

"Liu Yunshang, Tang Wuben, and Qi Chongqian are all well-known figures among the elders of the Wudian. Sending the three of them here this time is obviously a must for the Wubei."

"This time the battle between the Tianhong Empire and the Martial Palace is going to be a good show, but don't underestimate the monks from other star regions. Some star regions have also secretly sent powerful beings here. This time the Martial Emperor Cliff opens , it is destined to be more difficult, I am afraid that killing here will be more terrifying than the previous few times."

Seeing that Wudian finally came, many monks started talking again, not talking about the fierce battle between Wudian and the monks of Tianhong Empire this time.

Yang Yi remained calm, although he had also become an elder of the Martial Palace, he had never even heard of these three monks, but he felt the surging aura on them, and Yang Yi knew that any of them They are all existences no less than the level of the Great Elder of the Royal Family of the Glorious Empire.

"There are so many masters this time, not only from Wudian and Tianhong Empire, but also some unknown casual cultivators and masters from other star regions. There are not a few masters in the sixth level of the sky. The masters of the seventh level of the sky will also be beaten without any strength to fight back, and they will all flee, so they must not become public enemies."

Zhou Tong said in a low voice, he was afraid that Yang Yi would be jealous, and he would become the target of public criticism.

Yang Yi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Although Yang is conceited, he is not so conceited that he can compete against all the monks here, but it seems that these people are all confident, I am afraid that you are not the only one who knows about the Wu Bei, right? "

Yang Yi stared at Zhou Tong, watching his reaction, no change in expression could escape Yang Yi's eyes.

After a while, Zhou Tongcai said in a low voice: "That's right, maybe everyone in Wudian and Tianhong Empire knows the exact location of the Wubei. The last time it was opened, it was Shen Wu from the Tianhong Empire who got the Wubei, but he only had time to take a look. Then he was attacked by people from the Wudian, and thus lost the Wubei, so the two forces probably know the real location of the Wubei. Perhaps, there are some well-informed monks who are hiding in the dark who also know the news."

Zhou Tong's eyes wandered, and he didn't hide it, but told the real situation.

Yang Yi said coldly: "Then what is your use?"

"Because I know a safe passage, I can enter the place where the Wubei is unimpeded, and they, hmph, have to go all the way through and break the obstacles left by Emperor Wu!"

Yang Yi looked at the confident Zhou Tong, he was getting more and more unable to understand this Zhou Tong, this Zhou Tong was definitely not as simple as he appeared on the surface, but at present, Yang Yi could only temporarily believe that if he Dare to make any changes, Yang Yi will not let him go easily.

"The power of the curse, shadow form, attached!"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth. He had imprinted the power of curse on Zhou Tong's body long ago. If Zhou Tong behaved well, there would be no problem, but once Zhou Tong wanted to do something , this power of curse is enough to kill him.

Moreover, no one except the Wu Clan could sense the shadow of the curse, let alone resolve it, so Yang Yi was not afraid that Zhou Tong would discover the power of the curse.

The people who should come have almost arrived, and finally waited until the day when Wudi Cliff was opened. Many monks were almost staring at the giant gate of Wudi Cliff. Once the time came, it would open automatically, otherwise they would forcefully think If you want to break it, you will be hit by terror, and even the monks of the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm dare not try to forcibly destroy this gate.


There was a loud sound, and the huge gate slowly began to open. It took only three months for the Wudi Cliff to open, and all the monks frantically flew in first, but the one flying in the front was the Wudi Cliff. The monks and the monks of the Tianhong Empire, and the rest rushed in. [

Yang Yi and Zhou Tong mixed in the crowd, and quickly got into the Martial Emperor Cliff. Yang Weiwei sensed that there is something special here, and the space can't be torn apart anymore, as if the space set up by some strong people is like this. Space cannot be torn apart at will.However, the space inside Wudi Cliff is much stronger than the space where Yang Yi obtained the Instant Bow last time. The space here is so hard that it is incomparable. The space didn't move at all, it seemed that even the monks connected to the Seventh Layer of Heaven would never want to tear open the space here.

So as soon as the monks who came in rushed in all directions, they were afraid of being a step late, but Yang Yi saw that Zhou Tong was not in a hurry, and he was not afraid of others robbing him in the slightest. It is also full of self-confidence and appears to be very confident.

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