blood record

Chapter 459

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"Hmph, Zhou Tong, go get the Wu Bei, Yang wants to see it, who dares to rush over?"

Yang Yi carried the might of beheading He Zhen, with a majestic aura, standing on the spot, even Dao Mang didn't dare to move easily.

The three monks of the Wudian who were hiding in the hidden place at the back had gloomy faces at this time. They wanted to reap the benefits, but they didn't expect Yang Yi to be so powerful. Even the three of them have no such means. [

"It seems that this Yang Yi really has the strength to kill the grand elder of the royal family of the Brilliant Empire. There are probably [-]% of the rumors about him that can be believed. If he is kept, then there is no place for us in the Palace of Martial Arts. ?”

Tang Wuben said coldly.

Liu Yunshang also took a step forward, with flashes of brilliance in his eyes and said: "That's right, this little bastard must not be allowed to easily bring the Martial Stele back to the Martial Hall, otherwise, we will have a bright future!"

Should we intervene now?Or is it a direct conflict with Yang Yi? "Qi Chongqian still has some hesitation and said in a low voice.

"No, let's go out after Dao Mang and Yang Yi are both defeated. This Dao Mang is full of mystery, and he must not be simple. Just letting Yang Yi test his true strength is also very beneficial to us."

Just as Liu Yunshang finished speaking, Daomang suddenly spoke, but he seemed to be speaking not to Yang Yi, but to the monk in the dark.

"If you don't come out again, and want to sit here to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, then you have made a wrong calculation. If you don't come out, I will let Yang Yi go with the Wubei, and I will never stop it!"

Daomang's voice was calmer, but full of determination.

Liu Yunshang's face changed slightly, and he sneered and said, "Okay, okay, Daomang, it's really powerful. You have seen through our concealment. But now we can't hide. Since we can't reap the benefits of fishing, then we will Prepare for the conflict, if necessary, we can unite with Daomang, and kill Yang Yi first, after all, Yang Yi is the biggest threat to us!"

Murderous intent flashed across Liu Yunshang's eyes, and he said coldly.

"whoosh whoosh"

Immediately, the three of them quickly appeared and confronted Dao Mang and Yang Yi.

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the three people in Wu Dian, and said with a faint smile: "Okay, the three of you came well, now there is only the sword glow left, please take the sword glow down, and Yang will give it to you." All three of us will have made great contributions to winning the Martial Stele for the Martial Palace."

Liu Yunshang and the others remained motionless, shook their heads slightly and said, "That's right, this time the Palace of Martial Arts sent three of us to obtain the Martial Stele, you just need to hand over the Martial Stele to us, then we can be safe." Escort the stele back to the Hall of Martial Arts, and we will also ask for your credit in front of the Hall Master, how about it?"

Yang Yi and Liu Yunshang both had their own thoughts, and said with a smile on their skin.

"Haha, Liu Yunshang, you and I don't want to be fooled around here anymore. Yang knows exactly what you have in mind. Do you want to keep Yang here? Let's see if you have the ability. !"

Yang Yi directly tore his face, he knew what Liu Yunshang and others were thinking, so he simply broke their minds, and he didn't have any scruples when he started to fight.

Liu Yunshang did not comment, nor did he get angry, but looked at Daomang next to him, and said calmly: "Daomang, let's suppress Yang Yi together, how about we deal with this little beast first?"

"This is a matter of your Wudian, it is not easy for Dao to intervene!"

At this time, Daomang was ready to sit on the sidelines, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, okay! Huh, Yang Yi, you still have time to go now, don't think that if you can kill He Zhen, you will be the enemy of the world, we are all members of the Wudian, and the three of us were appointed by the Wudian to capture it." Those who have arrived at the Wubei, the Wubei should be obtained by us, you just give up and leave for the time being."

At this time Liu Yunshang was still pretending to be false, pretending to be false, but Yang had seen through their tricks a long time ago, and now he can't trust anyone but himself.

"You three dog-like things dare to boast of obtaining the Wubei stele. Huh, Yang will punish the rape and eliminate evil for the Wudian today, and kill the three of you first!"

Yang Zhou's body exuded a rich golden radiance, descending on the earth like an ancient god of war, which made everyone feel a sense of palpitation, especially the world around Yang Zhou's body, which was even more shocking. Where is this? In the world of a fifth-level monk, this is no different from those peak-level sixth-level masters.

"Alright, you little bastard thinks you are the enemy of the world, let us teach you a lesson now, and let you know what is superior and inferior!"

Liu Yunshang yelled loudly, his whole body turned into a ray of light, and he ruthlessly killed Yang Yi. At the same time, Qi Chongqian and Tang Wuben also joined together, the three majestic grand masters of the sixth level of virtual realm The masters displayed their own world in an instant, trying to envelop the opponent in their own world.

The tenacity of Yang Yi's world is really unimaginable, it can be evenly matched with the world of the three Void Realm masters, such a terrifying world is simply unheard of, never seen before.

"This little bastard is really powerful, don't be polite with him, let's blast him to death together."

Liu Yunshang saw that Yang Yi's world could not be broken by the combined strength of the three of them, so he immediately shouted.

"Battle Dragon Fist!"

"Flying Phoenix Fist!"

"Fengshen Fist!"

These three great masters displayed their own martial skills one after another, and their strength was displayed dozens of times, shaking the whole world, causing countless voids to be shattered one after another.


The huge force directly strangled Yang Yi. The blow of the three masters of the six great masters was so powerful that it was unimaginable. Yang Yi's whole body seemed to be squeezed. The force squeezed from all directions made Yang Yi almost suffocate.Even Yang Yi's hard world collapsed one after another at this moment, smashed to pieces by the ferocious power of these three people.

Such berserk power immediately made the three of them secretly happy, and they all laughed loudly: "Yang Xiaoyou, you are nothing more than that, your world is broken, and now you are going to die!"

But at this moment, bursts of roars sounded from Yang Yi's body instantly, as if roaring from ancient times, a golden radiance rose from his whole body, and a resplendent and golden statue instantly appeared above his head. palace.

This is the Kingdom of Brilliance, and Yang Yi finally displayed the Kingdom of Brilliance at the last moment.

"Do you think you are sure to win? You three idiots don't know that you have fallen into death, and you are still happy here, hmph, glorious country, suppression!"

Yang Yi immediately mobilized the Brilliant Kingdom, and bursts of terrifying power quickly descended on the three monks from all directions. Immediately, the three felt an incomparable force that almost knocked them down. All crushed to pieces.

"No, what kind of magic weapon is this? Why is it so terrifying? Did we really fall into Yang Yi's tricks?" Both Qi Chongqian and Tang Wuben seemed a little flustered, and their strength was obviously weak, causing a wave of The power of the waves impacted on their bodies, making them feel as heavy as a mountain, as if they had reached the end. [

Liu Yunshang immediately yelled: "Confused, this is Yang Yi's tactic to attack the heart, he is just at the end of his strength, as long as we get angry again and kill Yang Yi completely here, so what if he has made an arrangement?" ?”

Liu Yunshang's eyes were flickering with madness, not far in front of him was Yang Yi, no matter what kind of arrangements Yang Yi had, but as long as Yang Yi was in front of them and killed Yang Yi, then It will all end, and it will end with the victory of the three of them.

"That's right, Yang Yi is in front of him. He just wanted to disturb us just now. We must hold our breath and kill Yang Yi at all costs!"

These three monks really had some tricks. Under such circumstances, they still attacked Yang Yi brazenly, and their power seemed to be even more terrifying than the one just now, and even the Glory Kingdom couldn't suppress it.

If Brilliant Nation is really promoted to become a semi-immortal treasure, then these three people can be easily suppressed, but after all, it is only a top-rank magic weapon, and it is not easy to contain these three people.

"Hmph, how stupid, since you want to die so quickly, then Yang will make you happy, Nine Palace Phantom, Heaven and Earth Great Mill, die!"

Yang Yi saw the three monks attacking Yang Yi as if they were crazy, knowing that the Glory Kingdom could not kill them, so he immediately unleashed his most powerful power.

25 figures appeared in an instant, then disappeared, overlapped together, and instantly exploded with 25 times the power, fierce enemy, and also had Yang Dacheng's indestructible power, the roars from the ancient witch clan were even more powerful. Adds to the strength of its ferocious foes.

"bang bang bang"

The collision of terrifying power surprised Mao Zedong, Liu Yunshang and the other three felt their bodies were shattered under this blow, and their souls were exposed, and what was even more frightening was that their opponents, Yang Yi was unscathed.

Yes, there is no real damage, Yang Zhou's body is full of golden light, although at this moment his unbroken body also produced cracks, but his body has a trace of the power of the undead witch clan, and this little damage can be recovered almost instantly Yes, this is where Yang Yi's terror lies.

Fighting with an ancient witch, especially an undead witch, is simply torture. The strength of the witch and the quick recovery are simply incomparable. Now Yang Yi is only equivalent to one-tenth of an undead witch. , but his recovery ability is also enough to make all monks feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

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