blood record

Chapter 464 Position Improvement

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Yang Yi was as motionless as a mountain, and the expression on his face did not change at all, but a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "When Yang entered Wudi Cliff, he was lucky enough to be supported by Elder Liu Yunshang, and he brought Yang into a place together. A secret place, where Elder Liu Yunshang discovered the Wu Bei."

But as soon as Yang Yi finished speaking, an elder sneered and said, "It's really yellow mouth and white teeth, just open your mouth and say, you are a newly promoted elder, how can you get the appreciation of Elder Liu Yunshang? I will also bring you along, here is With so many elders, has anyone ever seen this Yang Yi and Elder Liu Yunshang together?"

The elders below all nodded slightly, with a hint of doubt in their eyes. After all, the identities of Yang Yi and Liu Yunshang were too different. One was just an elder who had just been promoted, but the other was aloof and towering. A super master of the sixth level, how could such two people meet so easily?

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, the one who questioned him just now was an elder who reached the fifth level of the sky, and Yang Yi didn't know him either. [

"It's not easy. Yang was just lucky enough to help Elder Liu Yunshang restrain He Zhen for a while, so he was able to thank Elder Liu Yunshang for taking Yang to find the Wu Bei."

"What? I restrained He Zhen for a while? Haha, do you know what is He Zhen's cultivation? What is your cultivation? He Zhen can blow you to death with one breath, and he wants to restrain you with brazen words. Isn't it impossible to make up nonsense? Is it a little more reasonable?"

It was still the elder, Yang Yi frowned slightly, he really couldn't remember what feud this elder had with him.

"Oh? Does this elder not believe it? Then Yang can give it a try."

Yang Yi's eyes stared fiercely at the elder who reached the fifth level of the sky, and then he grabbed forward with his big hand, and the void was gradually distorted, and the power of the world was released violently.

But facing Yang Yi's provocative grab, the elder didn't take it seriously, and said with a sneer: "I don't know how to live or die, this elder is here, let's see what you can do to win this elder?"


A shocking scene appeared, the world of the elder who was as stable as Mount Tai was actually shattered by Yang Yi's light grasp, and then he directly punched the elder's body fiercely.

Although he was not injured, it was a shame. In front of so many elders, he was easily punched by Yang Yi, a newly promoted elder, and even flew straight away. Such a shame almost made this elder feel ashamed. Desperate.


Yang always took it back, with a calm look on his face, as if he didn't take this matter seriously at all, but those elders of the sixth or seventh level of the sky seemed to see something strange.

"It's not a fluke, it's definitely not a fluke. It's not a fluke that Yang Yi can easily tear apart the elder's world, but his terrifying world."

"That's right, in an instant, his world erupted with an unparalleled power, but his speed was so fast that the old man couldn't judge how terrifying his world was, but one thing is certain, absolutely It is not comparable to the world of the main realm of the five realms."

"This Yang Yi is really famous. His real strength is not simple. Could it be that the rumor is true?"

"If the rumor is true, it would be too terrifying. Killing the grand elder of the Royal Family of the Brilliant Empire by himself is a super genius that has been rare in our Martial Palace for millions of years."

"If this is really the case, then maybe he really knows something about the Wubei matter this time."

These elders of the sixth or seventh level of Tongtian have already affirmed Yang Yi, and those elders who originally wanted to mock Yang Yi obediently shut up at this time, so as not to embarrass themselves, just like the elder just now. She was ashamed and indignant.

Around the elders of the seventh-level Heaven-reaching Layer on the top floor, Elder Jin and the other elders glanced at each other, and then Elder Jin pointed directly at one of the big chairs, and a big chair appeared out of thin air, which was only bigger than those of the sixth-level Heaven-reaching monks. The seat was slightly lower, and he said lightly: "Elder Yang, this seat will be yours from now on."


This is definitely a sensational news. Compared with the sensationalism, Elder Jin directly promoted the seat of an elder, and it was so obvious. Make a lot of contributions, and then be strong, so you are eligible to sit in a higher position.

So to a certain extent, these positions also represent the status of this elder in the Martial Palace. Now Yang Yi's seat is obviously higher than that of all the five-level elders of Tongtian, only slightly higher than those of the sixth-level elders. A little lower, which shows that Yang Yi directly surpassed these elders of the fifth level of the sky, and was promoted to a high position. Compared with the status of the newly promoted elders before, there is a world of difference that cannot be imagined.

Even some fifth-level monks resisted, but seeing that Elder Jin and many seven-level creation realm elders had nothing to say, they all swallowed their words back.

Yang Yi wasn't surprised, and he didn't say anything, but with a flash of his figure, he directly sat in the middle seat. Here, the field of vision will be much wider, and there is a kind of power in his hands, controlling everything. Feel.

Of course, there was a lot of hostility in the eyes looking at Yang Yi. This is already commonplace for Yang Yi. I don’t know how many people are hostile to him, but now there are only a few who can keep up with Yang Yi. There are very few people, those who are somewhat dissatisfied with him, and who are somewhat jealous, will be convinced by Yang Yi immediately.

"Elder Yang, tell me, what you know about the whereabouts of Wubei"

Elder Jin said calmly, his eyes were also unusually sharp, if Yang Yi didn't tell valuable news or didn't satisfy him, Yang Yi knew the consequences.

So Yang Yi continued: "Yang followed Elder Liu Yunshang to the place where the stele was placed, and when he was about to take action, He Zhen and that Daomang also came here quickly, and formed a confrontation Elder Liu Yunshang ordered me to go and capture the Wubei, and he, Tang Wuben, Qi Chongqian and other two elders blocked He Zhen and that Sanxiu Daomang, and fought in Wudi Cliff."

As if Yang Yi was telling his real experience, he told the story eloquently, and it was reasonable and reasonable, and no one thought there was any doubt about it. . .

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