blood record

Chapter 466 The Palace Lord Summons

Chapter 460 The Sixth Palace Lord Summons

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"Phantom of the Nine Palaces, 36 times the power"

Yang Yi let out a roar, and the whole mansion seemed to be shaking. At the same time, 36 afterimages appeared around him in an instant, and these afterimages quickly overlapped together.


With exhausted power, Yang Yi seemed to feel that the whole world was under his control at this moment. The sixth level of the sky, the fifth level of the sky, and even the seventh level of the sky would all be smashed to pieces. Tyrannical power.

"Okay, okay, 36 times the power, it's really terrifying power, if you add the power that doesn't break the body, you can display 36 times the power, this power, I can't even imagine it."

Yang Yi hadn't used his unbreakable power just now, but this time the power he consumed was not small. His soul was almost sucked dry at once, and all the power inside was exhausted.

You must know that Yang Yi's soul is stronger than the general master soul of the sixth level of the sky, but even such a powerful soul can only support the display of the Nine Palace Phantom once. If it is true for ordinary monks When the method is cast, you can only watch and worry.

"The Phantom of the Nine Palaces has made a breakthrough. No matter how vast the starry sky is, what is there that I, Yang Yi, cannot break through?"

Yang Yi felt a sense of pride at this moment, now he thinks of the Tianhe Starfield, he doesn't know if the current Tianhe Starfield has changed, he doesn't know how the Hualong Palace is, and he doesn't know how Bi Luo manages the Yaochi Palace up.

Of course, there is also the biggest enemy, Jidao Sect, which has always been a thorn in Yang Yi's heart. Jidao Sect has great ambitions and wants to unify the Milky Way Star Region. The Tianhe Star Map in Yang Yi's hand is the biggest obstacle for Jidao Sect, so Based on this point, Yang Yi and Ji Daozong have no room for relaxation, either you die or I die.

"Elder Yang Yi, the Master of the Palace of Wu Dian summoned you, come out quickly."

Suddenly, just as Yang Yi's thoughts turned sharply, a faint voice came from outside the mansion.

"Hall Master? The most mysterious Hall Master of the Martial Palace?"

Yang Yi suddenly thought of the rumors about the master of Wudian. This palace master usually doesn't show up, even for big things, and always cultivates in the mysterious space of Wudian.

As for the true cultivation level of the Hall Master of the Martial Palace, no one can say for sure. Some say it is the peak of the Seventh Layer, some say it is at the Eighth Layer Heavenly Thunder Realm, and some say it is at the Ninth Layer Breaking Mortal Realm, but these are just speculations That's all, no one can tell.

"It's actually the master of the hall who sees me. What's the reason? Is it just a martial stele?"

Yang Yi was a little surprised, he knew that the matter of the Wubei was not trivial, but he didn't expect to be able to alarm the master of the Wudian. This master of the Wudian is a mysterious figure in the Wudian, the real person in power, even some powerful elders can't see it , not to mention that Yang Yi is just a newly promoted little elder. Even if he has some geniuses, he has not reached the point where the hall master personally summoned him.


When Yang Yifei came out, he was an elder that Yang Yi had never seen before, but the aura around him was actually the aura of creation. This is a master of the seventh level of heaven, and his status in the Martial Palace is also at the level of a giant.

Seeing Yang Yi, the elder's eyes flashed with surprise, and said lightly: "That's right, Elder Yang, the Palace Master invites you, come with me."

This elder directly tore through the void and traveled through the space. Yang Yi naturally followed behind him, passed through layers of space, and arrived at an inexplicable space.

Although the space here is very strange, Yang Yi can still feel that he has not shuttled to some distant place. Now this place should still be in the Martial Palace, but it is a mysterious space in the Martial Palace. [

The elder of the seventh-level creation realm didn't care, as if he was looking for the path, the front was so dark that he couldn't travel through space at all, here was all space flow, once he was involved, it would be considered his strength in the creation realm, Also get hurt.

"What is this place? Why are there so many space storms?"

Yang Yi frowned, this place is very dangerous for him, because here you can see bursts of spatial storms from time to time, once these storms sweep over, all the space will be completely shattered, even if it is The world of the Realm Master Realm will be crushed, and if you don't pay attention, you may die.

Those who can be so powerful that they are not afraid of space storms are only like this elder of the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm.

The elder glanced at Yang Yi, and said calmly: "This is the most secret place in my Martial Palace. It was opened by Emperor Wu himself. Although the space storm here is raging, it can't help the elder of the seventh level of the sky. By the way , you only have the cultivation base of the fifth-level master realm, and you are the first one to come here with a cultivation base lower than the seventh-level heaven in these tens of thousands of years."

"The most secret place? The first monk in tens of thousands of years to be lower than the [-]th stage of Tongtian?"

Yang Yi's heart moved, he seemed to have grasped something vaguely, there are many magical places in the Wudian, among which are divided into Wudian, Wuyu and the most core Wukong, it is rumored that Wukong is an extremely secret space, Without the leadership of the elders who are familiar with the situation in the Wudian, it is impossible to come in easily. Even those super strong men who reach the seventh, eighth, or even ninth levels of the sky can't easily break into Wukong.

"This is Wu Kong?"

Yang Yi tried to ask, and the elder of the seventh-level creation realm in front only glanced at Yang Yi coldly, and said in a low voice: "You must not reveal anything about this matter, otherwise, no matter what you are doing Wherever, the Hall of Martial Arts has the ability to kill you. I believe that the Hall Master will tell you about these things after meeting with the Hall Master."

Yang Yi had indeed sensed a hint of murderous intent from this seventh-level elder just now.

"I really don't know what the Palace Master is doing when he summons a little fifth-layer elder?"

The monk of the seventh level of the creation realm murmured in a low voice, but Yang Yi heard it clearly. The elder of the creation realm didn't even know why the palace master called Yang Yi.

Just when Yang Yi's thoughts were flying, suddenly the whole space shook slightly, and Yang Yi saw a space passage in front of him, as if someone had specially opened the space here. up.

"Okay, you can see the hall master when you enter this space passage."

This elder of the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm obviously wouldn't go with Yang Yi, so he just watched quietly from the side, watching Yang Yi step onto this space passage. h

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