blood record

Chapter 468 The Thunder Disk

Chapter 460 Eight Thunder Disk

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Now there is an opportunity. At the beginning, Emperor Wu broke through the two realms of the fairy world and the mortal realm, and collected the exhausted sky thunder from the fairy world, and sealed the sky thunder with a powerful fairy treasure called the Tianlei Disk. Only with the breath of Emperor Wu can he open the disk of sky thunder and lead down the sky thunder. This is the reason why the master of Wudian came looking for Yang Yi.

This is the secret of the Martial Palace, but it is also the secret of all monks. In the starry sky, there are five weak places that can attract thunder from the sky, but it takes several years to wait. This is indeed too many monks. It's no wonder that the Lord of the Martial Palace can't bear it anymore. After all, with the passage of time, the lifespan of monks will gradually disappear. Once the deadline comes and there is no breakthrough, then everything will help.

Yang Yi also gradually understood that maybe the place where Emperor Wu is located is a weak place with thunder, and there are also some weak places in the Tianhe Starfield. The secrets that can only be known, Yang Yi's cultivation base was too low before, and he was not qualified to get in touch with these secrets. [

Moreover, Yang Yi had some vague guesses. Back then, the Five Elements Golden Spirit had said that after the pillar supporting the sky collapsed, the fairy world fell apart, but it also turned into five small fairy worlds. Perhaps it was because of these five small fairy worlds that they came into being. The weak points of the five places and the mortal realm.

Of course, these are still too far away from Yang Yi, what he has to consider now is what the Master of Wu Dian said.

"Hall Master, since the Heavenly Thunder Disk is an immortal treasure, why doesn't the Martial Palace, which was passed down by the Emperor Wu himself, have no formula to control the Heavenly Thunder Disk?"

This is also Yang Yi's question. After all, everyone knows that the Martial Palace was created by Emperor Wu himself to inherit his martial arts, and it is the orthodoxy of the entire Wudi star field. This is really a bit unreasonable.

The Lord of Wu Dian smiled slightly and said: "Very good, you can think of this is really good, my Wu Dian does have a formula to control the disk of thunder, but in addition to the formula of control, it also needs a trace of Emperor Wu's breath. Originally, Emperor Wu I also left a few drops of jng blood as the basic condition for using the formula, but it was destroyed by some people who were enemies of my martial arts hall, so now there is no effect of the formula."

Yang Yi can imagine the powerful existence of the monks who can block the Temple of Martial Arts, at least they are not afraid of the Temple of Martial Arts. Opening the Disk of Heavenly Thunder seems very simple, but Yang Yi knows that it is not easy.It turns out that here, there are some powerful masters who are enemies of Wudian, or they also want to get the sky thunder in the sky thunder disk, so once Yang Yi officially prepares to open the sky thunder disk, he is afraid that he will be attacked by those who hide The thunder bombardment of a powerful master in the dark.

This is the most dangerous place.

Yang Yi had a keen mind, and quickly analyzed the dangerous place, but looking at the master of the Wudian, it is obvious that he will not give up the opportunity to open the disk of thunder, if he does not agree now, it may be difficult to get out of Wukong.

"Since it is for the great event of the Palace of Martial Arts, this disciple will definitely do his best to open the disk of thunder for the Palace Master."

Yang Yi could only agree at this time.

The Lord of Wudian smiled slightly and said: "Okay, very good, once this matter is completed, I promise you that I will definitely give you the greatest reward, exhausted spiritual veins, and any conditions, even martial arts. Martial Palace will definitely not treat an elder who has cultivated to the fifth level of the sky in a short period of time and has made great achievements."

"Okay, you go back first, someone outside will take you to the place where you practice, and when the time is right, this seat will call you back again."

The master of Wu Dian immediately waved his hand slightly, and let Yang Yi leave.

Yang Yi naturally retreated respectfully, he returned to the space passage, and came outside after a while, as expected, there was an elder who had reached the seventh stage of creation and had already been waiting here, and his cultivation level seemed to be higher than that of The elder who guided Yang Yi before was even more terrifying.

"Elder Yang, this Martial Kong is the holy land of my Martial Palace. You are absolutely not allowed to walk around casually, and there are many dangers inside. With Elder Yang's weak cultivation base, if it is swept away by a space storm or other powerful forces, Then even I can’t wait.”

This is the elder's faint warning to Yang Yi.

Not long after, Yang Yi came to a spacious mansion. In this mansion, the inside looks very simple, but it is not lacking for cultivation.

Yang Yi didn't have the heart to look at the decorations here, his mind was full of secrets told by the master of Wudian, and he was in a dangerous situation now.

"The Disk of Heavenly Thunder, an immortal treasure, I'm afraid not only want to trigger the heavenly thunder inside, I'm afraid more want to completely grasp this immortal treasure, the wishful thinking of Wudian, it is true Loud, but how can Yang let you get what you want?" [

Who is Yang Yi?A monk who has experienced countless plots and tricks, and almost stood out from the slaughter, has seen countless calculations, and this time the matter will definitely not be as simple as the master of the palace said.

Who wouldn't be tempted by a fairy treasure?What's more, it was refined by Emperor Wu himself. The sky thunder in it can almost give countless monks the opportunity to become the existence of the Nine Layers of Heaven. This is a must for any party. The party's forces get it.

In the dark place of the Martial Hall, there are many powerful enemies, and the Martial Hall is probably planning to completely control the Heavenly Thunder Disk. The Martial Stele may be the key, or, the Martial Stele and the Martial Emperor's martial arts in the Martial Stele The essence of jng is the key to truly and completely grasping the disk of Tianlei.

Yang Yi let go of his thinking with all his strength, allowing him to imagine any possibility unrestrainedly, he wanted to think clearly about every detail and every doubt.

"Use me as a bait first to lure those who peek at the Heavenly Thunder Disk. This should be the plan of the Palace of Martial Arts. Of course, I am also the key, or the martial arts runes in my body are the key. It seems that this is also the key to unlocking the Heavenly Thunder Disk. The key to the disk, the martial stele and the essence of martial arts should be indispensable."

Yang Yi would not be so stupid as to think that the martial stele has no effect, those forces are crazily competing for the martial stele, even if he lost the essence of martial arts, it should still have some effect, not just the martial arts recorded.

Yang Yi would think of all these.

"You want to plot against me? Huh, why doesn't Yang want to plot against you? The Disk of Heavenly Thunder, this is a fairy treasure. If the power of thunder inside is really released, it will be absorbed by the Kingdom of Glory, and the Kingdom of Glory will also Immediately promote to become a semi-immortal treasure. When the time comes, once these two magic weapons come out, who can stop me? The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

Yang Yi's eyes also flickered with jungkook, he will not sit still, he also has his own plan, and this plan is even crazier. h

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