blood record

Chapter 47

In front of the huge mirror, dozens of transformation masters watched in astonishment as Bai Yi's head was smashed into pieces, bleeding profusely, and they were all in disbelief.

"Good guy, it's so powerful. Killing Guo is absolutely not muddled at all. He is willing to use a drop of blood to cast a spell. This is a way to kill [-] enemies and lose [-]. Once you lose this drop of blood, you still don't know." How long will it take to re-condense."

These metamorphosis masters have vicious eyes, and they can clearly see Yang Yi's method at once. They are actually using blood to activate the technique, using the power of the body binding technique, using blood to activate, even the master of the fifth level of blood coagulation Can't stand it.

Wan Tian's eyes flickered, and he said calmly: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect this son to be so decisive in killing and surviving a desperate situation. There is hope for such a person in the future."

Of course, the monks watching outside were the most shocked, because the name of No.1 Bai Yi, who had been aloof in the tenth area, disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by Yang Yi, a name that this person knew. [

"What? Even Bai Yi died? How is this possible? With Bai Yi's strength, he is not even afraid of the fifth layer of blood coagulation. How could he die at the hands of this Yang Yi who came out of nowhere?"

"This Yang Yi is really a dark horse, and it was a black horse to the end. Everyone saw him, and even Bai Yi died at his hands."

In a place where the masters gathered, a majestic man in a purple robe was talking and laughing, suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Yi'er, Yi'er, why did you die? How did you die? Who is it? Who killed you?"

This man is Bai Yi's father, the majestic Motian Lord Bai Pojun.

Suddenly, a strange name appeared on Bai Yi's No.1, it was Yang Yi.Bai Yi's eyes were cold, and his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous intent. This person who was said to be the most promising bloodline transformation master was already in a rage.

"Brother Pojun, my nephew died in the Dragon Transformation Contest, so Yang Yi must have attracted the attention of the higher-ups of the Dragon Transformation Palace. Brother Pojun, you have to think twice!" Good Lord said softly.

"Hmph, no matter who he is? Yi'er who killed me will die!" Bai Pojun gritted his teeth, his whole body was filled with surging and terrifying power.

Liu Yun and Liu Jing were also stunned at this time. They were just worried that if they met Bai Yi, Yang Yi might be in trouble, but they didn't expect Yang Yi to kill Bai Yi in a flash. It was too unexpected for them.

Liu Yun said with a smile: "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that Brother Yang's strength is so terrifying that even Bai Yi was beheaded. But Brother Yang was too popular, and he killed Bai Yi. Bai Yi But Brother Yang, the only son of Lord Motian, is also in danger."

But Liu Jing said with a smile: "Brother, you are worrying too much. No matter how powerful Motian is, he dares to kill Yang Yi? Now Yang Yi is the man of the entire Dragon Transformation Competition, and he may even be able to enter the previous stage of the Dragon Transformation Competition." Hundreds, this is much higher than the formal disciples of Hualong Palace, so what can he do no matter how powerful Mo Tianzhu is? Could it be possible to dare to kill Hualong Palace?"

Indeed, with Yang Yi's current strength, it will definitely not be a problem to rank in the top [-] in the next stage of qualifying.

The entire cultivator around the Dragon Transformation Pagoda was a sensation, Yang Yi has become famous in one fell swoop, and the limelight has overwhelmed many veteran powerhouses who participated in the Dragon Transformation Competition.

Bai Yi's death not only caused great repercussions outside, but also caused great repercussions in the tenth area of ​​the square mirror, especially among the top [-] monks.

These monks could clearly see that Bai Yi's name disappeared, replaced by Yang Yi who was far ahead. Bai Yi's terrifying strength naturally made the monks in the tenth area fearful. Almost no one could stand up to Bai Yi. But now, Bai Yi is dead, and at the hands of Yang Yi, whom no one has heard of before.

Those monks who originally wanted to get close to here all fled away one after another at this time, as far as they ran, even Bai Yi could kill him, so how powerful should his strength be, I'm afraid it's a god blocking and killing a god.

Yang Yi's expression was not good at this time, he was a little pale, and his whole body was shaky, this time he had just condensed the sixth drop of blood, but he didn't expect to be beaten back to his original state in an instant.


When Yang Yi rushed to Bai Yi's body, he naturally wanted to take out the seven drops of extremely thick jng blood from Bai Yi's body first. Just these seven drops of jng blood alone could replace how many drops of jng blood. [

Putting the jng blood into the yu bottle, Yang's eyes flashed, and he gently peeled off the shiny green cloud armor on Bai Yi's body.

This is a magic weapon, a real magic weapon, even the blood coagulation fifth layer attack has no effect on it, no matter how Yang Yi tried his best, he couldn't do anything to this magic weapon, which shows how powerful the magic weapon is Strong, is a hard turtle shell.

However, no matter how hard the tortoise shell is, it is impossible to cover the whole body. Yang Yi restrained Bai Yi's body, and he couldn't penetrate the armor on his body, but he could blow his head off.

"This treasure armor is the biggest gain. Tsk tsk, with this treasure armor, no matter how terrifying the blow is, I can withstand it. Even, I can kill ordinary blood coagulation fifth-layer masters."

Yang Yi quickly put the Biyun Armor on his body. With this precious armor, even Jin Xie's five blood coagulation attacks would not cause any harm to Yang Yi.

After putting on the Biyun Armor, it fit very well, Yang Yi then kept groping around Bai Yi's body, and suddenly his face erupted with joy, he saw the space ring on Bai Yi's finger.

After taking down the interspatial ring, Yang Yi couldn't wait to check the contents inside.

"Huh? There are so many yu bottles, are they all pills?"

Yang Yi took out a bottle from it in doubt, opened it, and his expression changed wildly.

"Is this jng blood? Could it be that Bai Yi killed so many people and stored the jng blood in yu bottles?"

But Yang Yi knew very well that this Bai Yi was simply a killing god, he probably killed tens of thousands of people and obtained an unknown amount of blood.

These bottles are indeed full of jng blood, there are hundreds of bottles, including four drops and five drops of jng blood.

"With so much jng blood, maybe I can recondense the sixth drop of jng blood." Yang Yi thought secretly, and then he continued to check the space ring.

The only son of Mo Tianzhu, he doesn't know how much wealth he has, and how many treasures he has, but all of these are cheap for Yang Yi. ! ~!

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