blood record

Chapter 471 The Disappearance of the Thunder Disk

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The Heavenly Thunder Disk still exudes bursts of brilliance, Yang Yi's martial arts runes made the Heavenly Thunder Disk completely feel the breath of Emperor Wu, coupled with the method of controlling the Heavenly Thunder Disk, Yang Yi really felt the Heavenly Thunder Disk. The surging power of thunder in the plate.

Every trace of the power of these thunders seems to be able to easily smash Yang Yi into pieces, but now they are all sealed in the disk of the thunder. Once the seal is opened, the power of the thunders can pour out.

"The Thunder Disk, open!" [

Yang Yi looked serious, and he slapped the Heavenly Thunder Disk fiercely with both hands, a huge force instantly hit the Heavenly Thunder Disk, and then the huge Heavenly Thunder Disk really began to open.

"The Thunder Disk is about to open, everyone is ready to snatch the Thunder Disk!"

The Lord of Wudian immediately sent a voice transmission, and at this time his eyes showed a faint sense of excitement, and at the same time, the martial tablet that looked like an ordinary stone tablet appeared in his hand.

This is an important weight for him to control the Tianlei Disk, as long as there is a stele on it, he will be able to control everything.


A burst of terrifying pure yang power erupted in an instant, and the bright thunderbolts poured down violently. Facing this terrifying power that seemed to destroy the world, the elders below were so excited one by one. They greeted the thunder after another.

"Okay, the Sky Thunder Disk is finally opened, Yang Yi is useless, Sky Thunder Disk, come back to me!"

A sneer appeared on the face of the elder Wu Diandian, and then he placed the Wu Bei in the void, and made several handprints into the Wu Bei, and then the Wu Bei immediately shot out a bright light and flew towards the disk of thunder that day .

The light emitted from the Wu Bei shone on the Tianlei Disk, and the entire Tianlei Disk was trembling slightly. In the end, it was also approaching the Wubei quickly. This Wubei could really control the Tianlei Disk. plate.

At the same time, the martial arts essence runes in Yang Yi's body also seemed to be uncontrollable, trying to fly towards the stele, but Yang suppressed it instantly.

Seeing that Tianlei Zhipan was really controlled by Wu Bei, Yang Yi showed a slight sneer, and murmured: "Wu Bei can really control Tianleizhipan, it's a good idea, wait until Yang Open the disk of Tianlei, and if you control the disk of Tianlei, I will have no use value at that time, so I can be dealt with as you want? But no one can figure out Yang, this time you are doomed I'm going to lose my wife and lose my army."

Yang didn't care at all that Wu Bei could control the Thunder Disk, in fact, he had already vaguely guessed it before.

Once the terrifying sky thunder poured down in the sky thunder disk, its power is also fierce. One of the elders who reached the sky had just touched the sky thunder, and the world was torn apart immediately, and the whole body and soul were even destroyed by the sky. Ray was blasted to ashes.

Death, complete death, a majestic eight-level master died just like this.

Silence, deathly silence, no one seems to have expected such an ending. These elders have forgotten that even in ancient times, when the sky was thundering, it was extremely difficult to survive the catastrophe. There are very few of them, this is thunder, and it is more dangerous, not any monk can survive it.

Once you can't survive the catastrophe of the sky thunder, you can only die.

This is the real, shocking real situation. Just when these elders were stunned for a moment, there were bursts of terrifying voices from around them.

"The Heavenly Thunder Disk is for the virtuous. How can your Martial Palace take all the benefits? This Heavenly Thunder Disk is destined to belong to our Tianhong Empire."

The masters of the Tianhong Empire finally came out, and they had already hidden here. [

"Haha, that's right. Those who are virtuous live there. I am a casual cultivator and go straight to it. This Heavenly Thunder Disk is an immortal treasure. Naturally, it is indispensable for me to come and fight for it."

Another one or two old antiques of casual cultivators flew out from the surroundings.

"And my Xiaguang Starfield."

"And I also need the Thunder Disk in the Sky Star Region."

One after another, masters appeared one after another, and there were even a lot of masters at the seventh level of the sky, but in terms of the masters of the eighth level of the sky, only Wudian and Tianhong Empire had the most.

The Rainbow Empire dispatched a total of four monks with eight ranks this time. These are all powerful masters hidden by the Rainbow Empire. The importance of the Heavenly Thunder Disk to them will not be easily given up.

"Okay, okay, you people, you have been hiding here for so long, do you think the old man didn't notice it? Hmph, it's so naive, the disk of thunder, change it for me!"

The Lord of the Martial Palace saw the monks around him, and he was slightly startled, but it was still not beyond his expectations. He had already prepared for these hostile monks to come, and his preparation was to go ahead with a thunderbolt. Control the Thunder Disk.

The martial stele emits a more intense light, and the entire sky thunder disk is changing drastically, it seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and will be controlled by the master of the martial arts hall.

Originally, many elders in Wudian wanted to induce Tianlei to wash themselves first, but just as they went up, an elder was killed by Tianlei. Only then did they clearly realize that Tianlei is not so easy to live with. The best time is needed, and it is best to be fully prepared to survive, otherwise, it is purely courting death.

"No, Wudian is controlling the Heavenly Thunder Disk. Once they control the Heavenly Thunder Disk, no one will be able to take back the Heavenly Thunder Disk. Kill, stop Wudian at all costs."

A master headed by Tianhong Empire yelled loudly, his voice reached the ears of many covetous monks, and they all saw the seriousness of the matter, everyone knows what it means once Wudian grasps the disk of Tianlei .

However, Wu Dian was clearly prepared this time. Even if one elder was killed by Tianlei, they still have several elders left. Now they immediately protect the master of Wu Dian in the center. If they want to interfere with Wu Dian It is even more difficult for the Lord to collect the disk of Tianlei.

As the Heavenly Thunder Disk is getting closer and closer, all the elders of the Wudian have a feeling of excitement in their hearts. As long as they have the Heavenly Thunder Disk, they all have the hope of being promoted to the Heavenly Ninth Layer Breaking Mortal Realm, and even have the hope Touch the unattainable immortal way.

But they have obviously forgotten a person, a small person who is really insignificant in their eyes.

"Brilliant Kingdom, take it!"

A burst of icy sound suddenly appeared, and then, a group of dazzling golden light erupted from the void, and then a series of auspicious rays of light enveloped the ever-changing disk of thunder, and then the space was distorted for a while, and everyone The sky thunder disappeared in an instant, and the terrifying pure yang power also completely disappeared.

"What... what's going on here? Why did the Heavenly Thunder Disk disappear?"

"Tianlei has lost even the slightest aura, and the pure yang power has disappeared. How could it suddenly disappear? If it really disappeared, wouldn't we be happy for nothing?"

"That sound, it must be that sound. It was that mysterious sound that sounded just now, and the Heavenly Thunder Disk disappeared in an instant. Apart from me, who else is here?"

"It seems... It seems that Yang Yi is the one who controls the Heavenly Thunder Disk. Could it be that he controls the Heavenly Thunder Disk?"

"Yang Yi? This little man has always been on the Tianlei Disk, and he opened the Tianlei Disk, but although he has the martial arts aura left by Emperor Wu, it is the Wu Bei that can really control the Tianlei Disk. The treasure, now that the Wubei is in the hands of the Palace Master, how could the Thunder Disk be controlled by Yang Yi that day, and it disappeared?" [

Many elders simply couldn't believe their own eyes. The huge Thunder Disk disappeared just under their noses, and they didn't even know how it disappeared.

The master of the Wudian also seemed to be unable to believe his eyes. The power of the world on his body quickly circulated, wrapped the Wubei, and suddenly began to make a handprint that was more complicated than the next. After a long time, he still did not feel the power of the sky. Even the slightest breath of Thunder Disk.


All eyes were focused on the void, in the golden radiance. At this time, there was no trace of the Heavenly Thunder Disk in this radiance, but there was a small palace.

Next to the palace, it was Yang Yi. At this time, he looked down at everyone below coldly. Although he was only a five-level monk, all the elders seemed to feel his profundity. Unpredictable.

This is the person who made the Disk of Thunder disappear in full view, a small master monk.


Suddenly, this small palace in the void swelled violently, emitting bursts of terrifying light, faintly as if it was about to explode.

A strong "immortal" aura permeated the whole world, and the expressions of the elders who felt this aura changed one after another.

"It's such a strong 'immortal' aura, which is not the aura that a half-immortal treasure can have at all. Could it be that this humble magic weapon is also an immortal treasure?"

"Immortal treasure? How is this possible? The Thunder Disk was refined by Emperor Wu himself that day. It is a worthy immortal treasure. Could it be that the palace that suddenly appeared is also an immortal treasure, and it was also destroyed by a small five-layered treasure?" Is it possible that the master cultivator is in control?"

"This 'immortal' aura is too strong. It really looks like a fairy treasure. If it is really a fairy treasure, then it is very likely that the Heavenly Thunder Disk was installed in this palace."

"Only the fairy treasure can include the Shadow of the Heavenly Thunder Disk in it. Although it's unbelievable, we really underestimated this Yang Yi. We didn't expect him to have a fairy treasure."

These elders are all monks in the eighth level of thunder. They have survived for several years and have not experienced any storms. They can see the extraordinaryness of the glorious country almost at a glance.

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