blood record

Chapter 491

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Elder Li Shang was sealed, Elder Fengyi and the others became even more crazy, and their attacks had already fallen on Yang Yi.


How powerful are the four heaven-reaching and nine-level masters?Now one can see one or two, in Yang Yi's feeling, he can't feel any peace at all, the whole world seems to be a surging force, bombarding him, trying to crush him into powder . [

Yang Yi's world was originally very powerful, but this was only in relative terms. To these four heaven-reaching nine-fold monks who broke the mortal realm, it was like paper paste, it was directly torn to pieces.

The world was shattered, and a huge force ruthlessly blasted on Yang Yi's body. The existence that was enough to kill Yang Yi completely, the power that was enough to destroy the stars, continued to wreak havoc in Yang Yi's body.


Cracks, countless cracks, Yang Yi's body was covered with shocking cracks in an instant, traces of blood flowed from these cracks, and the bright red flickered, making people feel palpitations.This is still Yang Yi's indestructible body, which seems to be about to collapse at any time, and this is the first time that Yang Yi's indestructible body has been hurt to such an extent.

However, the ferocious power is still not over, and it is still destroying Yang Yi's indestructible body, but at this moment, there seems to be bursts of clear roars coming from Yang Yi's body, and these roars seem to come from It was like ancient times, talking about the endless vicissitudes, but amidst the roars, Yang Yi's indestructible body immediately began to recover, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the power of Yang Yi's undead body. His body is now almost composed of undead bodies. The characteristic of undead bodies is immortality. Disappeared, it will also recover quickly.

This is the horror of the Wu Clan's undead body. When Yang Yi's physical body was on the verge of collapse, it showed its magical characteristics and helped Yang Yi's unbroken body recover his physical body.

And the source of power here is the heart of the undead witch clan that Yang Yi just refined. With this heart, Yang Yi's unbreakable power is almost inexhaustible. It is running crazily and is seriously injured. The unbroken body recovered most of it in a short period of time. These are all closely related to the heart of this undead witch clan.


Yang flew to the distance in an instant, looking at the remaining four martial arts masters from a distance, his eyes were full of surprises, this time it was the golden body of the Wu clan that helped him escape.

"What? It's really incredible that he hasn't died yet. I and the four nine-level masters didn't kill him with a full blow. Could it be that the ancient witch clan really went against the sky to such a degree?"

"Even Elder Li Shang has been suppressed and sealed. Once he enters the Heavenly Thunder Disk, if he wants to rescue him again, he can only kill Yang Yi. Otherwise, wait for this son to grow up, and he will definitely be the master of my martial arts palace in the future." Great threat."

"No matter what, this son must be beheaded. The golden body of the witch clan is so magical, and it must be obtained."

There were flashes of light in the eyes of many elders, they never thought that Yang Yi would be so strong, and the joint blow of the four of them could not kill Yang Yi.

"Yang Yi, let Elder Li Shang go, otherwise, my Martial Palace will definitely not let you go!"

The master of Wu Dian shouted loudly, his hatred for Yang Yi deepened again.

Yang Yi is hurrying up to recover, especially in the Tianlei Zhipan, Li Shang was still trying to struggle, but was suppressed by the Tianlei Zhipan, and he wanted to come out again, it was just a dream.

"Master, we are already immortal. Isn't it superfluous for you to say this? Elder Li Shang is also of the blood of the dragon. Yang has swallowed the soul of a seventh-level master, but has not devoured the soul of a ninth-level master. Believe it If it is swallowed up, it shouldn't be a problem for Yang to step into the Seventh Layer Creation Realm."

There were bursts of murderous intent in Yang Yi's eyes, Tie was not afraid of the threat of the master of the Wudian Palace at all. [

Elder Feng Yi didn't speak all the time, but at this moment, he stood up suddenly, with a flash of light in his eyes, and said loudly: "Elders, go all out to kill Yang Yi, he is now doing all he can to kill Yang Yi!" He is recovering. His Wu Clan golden body is not so heaven-defying, he can withstand one bombardment, but he will definitely not be able to withstand the second or third time, this time Yang Yi must kill him!"

Elder Fengyi was very clear about Yang Yi's situation, knowing that Yang Yi was delaying time, so he immediately rushed towards Yang Yi.The other elders also seemed to have reacted, especially the master of Wu Dian, who had a murderous intent on his face.

The four masters who broke the mortal realm at the ninth level, and with a strong pure yang aura, slammed towards Yang Yi fiercely, as if they wanted to destroy everything. Yang Yi had already seen such a terrifying power, and it was indeed incomparable.

"Unfortunately, it's too late to know. The four masters, Mr. Yang, will try it out. How powerful are the elders? The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth, the Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yimeng mobilized all his strength. This was the first time he exerted all his power after refining the undead witch clan heart. The 36 phantoms overlapped in an instant, and the 36 times the power was even more impressive. Feeling terrified, he directly merged with the huge millstone, covered the world, and ruthlessly blasted towards the power of these four ninth-level masters.

The forces on both sides, each one has the ability to smash the entire star, and when they collide with each other, the impact of that force is simply incomparable.


The two forces finally collided together, and Yang Yi's power immediately made Elder Fengyi's face change slightly, and he said in surprise: "Your strength has actually increased so much?"

He had fought against Yang Yi before, so he knew Yang Yi's strength very well. If he could suppress Yang Yi a little before, but now in terms of pure strength, Yang Yi's 36 times of strength has surpassed that of Yang Yi. With him, he has reached a supreme state. If he is alone, even Elder Feng Yi will be suppressed by Yang Yi.

This kind of growth rate is really terrifying. If Yang Yi is allowed to grow like this, perhaps it will really plunge Wu Dian into an unprecedented crisis. Thinking of this, Elder Fengyi's killing intent is even stronger. The best chance to kill Yang Yi must not be missed.

Although Yang Yi's strength may be stronger than any of the elders here, the strength of these four elders attacking together is far stronger than Yang Yi's power, so the huge power ruthlessly tore it apart again. After touching Yang Yi's body, his figure flew back directly, spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, you have today too? Elders, don't give him any chance to breathe, the recovery speed of the golden body of the witch clan is extremely terrifying, let's kill Yang Yi completely in one go."

Elder Fengyi is the person who knows the Wu Clan best. He knows that once Yang Yi has a chance to breathe, he will not be killed so easily, so he immediately kills Yang Yi, not letting go of any chance.

But at this moment, he felt that his primordial spirit seemed to be in great danger, and so did the three elders of the ninth level. Their expressions changed drastically, and they all felt the threat.

At this time, Elder Feng Yi and the other three elders were covered with dense curse power. These curse powers continuously entangled these four nine-level masters, releasing poor curse power from ancient times. Even if they They are all pure Yang primordial spirits, and they will also be cursed.

Elder Fengyi yelled: "No, this is the curse technique of the witch clan. You must not let them enter the primordial spirit, otherwise, even we are in danger of falling!"

He deeply knew the power of the curse, and because he was guarding against Yang Yi's curse that day, he was able to be hurt by Yang Yi's curse, but this time, it was Yang Yi who cast the curse. It's too secretive, almost fused with the power emanating from the Nine Palaces Phantom, and with the surging power, the power of the curse is unknowingly entangled.

And this time, because Yang Yi's Unbroken Body has refined a heart of the Undead Body Witch Clan, his strength has increased again, so the power of casting the curse has increased a lot. The combination of these factors has caused the current situation. The scene where many elders of the Wudian are entangled by the power of the curse.

But Yang Yi didn't feel well either, his Unbroken Body was bombarded by such a terrifying force again, and now he was seriously injured, if it happened a few more times, even his Unbroken Body would not be able to bear it, and would collapse directly.

"Haha, Palace Master, Elder Feng Yi, and Elder Li Shang, Yang, will take them away first!"

This is not a place to stay for a long time. Just now, Yang Yi obtained some memory fragments from the heart of the Wu Clan. From it, he learned some fighting methods of the Wu Clan. That's why he cast the curse in the Nine Palace Phantom. The four masters of Wudian.

If it happens again, I am afraid that these elders will not be fooled again. Moreover, these curse powers can only slightly stop these elders, and cannot hurt them at all, so it only takes some time for these masters to recover. At that time, if Yang wanted to leave again and again, it would be difficult. [


Yang Yi directly tore open the space, traveled through the space, and disappeared instantly.

"Damn it, it's really abominable! Yang Yi, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

The master of Wudian gritted his teeth with hatred, Yang Yi ran away again and again in front of him, which almost made the master of Wudian feel ashamed, but he had no choice at this time, he was doing his best just like the other elders Resist the entanglement of the power of the curse.

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