blood record

Chapter 50

The number of monks in the second floor will be much less, only more than 400. Yang Yi already knew in his mind that there are more than 100 monks who have entered the third floor. The monks at the top level have a great chance to become one of the top [-] monks and receive vigorous training from Hualong Palace.

However, the level of this tower is more difficult than the first level, and each level is ten times more difficult than the previous level. That is to say, the power of the alien beasts on the third level is stronger than that of the second level. ten times.

Most of those who can reach the second floor have more than five drops of jng blood. Of course, there are also very few who only have four drops of jng blood and broke into the second floor. However, these monks all look at the guardians of the second floor. The beast, that terrifying unicorn, all stared blankly, not daring to go forward.

The whole body of this unicorn is filled with terrifying power, reaching the peak of six drops of blood. Such an existence is also very talented. The unicorn on its head is relatively hard. It's really touch and die.

"You are Yang Yi?"

Just when Yang Yi was about to break through the barrier, there was a sudden sound, and the hundreds of monks around all turned their heads in unison and looked at Yang Yi, all of them were surprised in their hearts.

Yang Yi's name has now spread all over the top ten districts. No matter whether he has met or not, he knows this name. After all, he is No.1 in the tenth district, and he killed Bai Yi to become No.1. Who dares to watch.

Yang Yi turned his head and found that it was a bearded man, beside him, there was an old acquaintance of Yang Yi, who was fighting for wealth in a restaurant that day, the eldest son of Guangyuan Gu Zheng.

"It's Mr. Yang, Mr. Gu. I didn't expect you to break into the second floor. Congratulations!"

Gu Zheng's face turned livid. He was naturally resentful when he was humiliated that day. Although Yang Yi is now famous and famous, he was not afraid at all, and said coldly: "Yang Yi, don't be complacent. Don't think that you are the number one in the world because you used some cunning tricks or despicable methods to sneak up on Bai Yi, hum!"

Yang Yi's eyes turned cold slightly, and his whole body flickered suddenly, like a stream of light, whose afterimage could not be seen by the eyes.


There was only a muffled sound, and Gu Zheng flew out. This was the result of Yang Yi's mercy. With his current strength, Gu Zheng was far from Yang Yi's opponent, otherwise Yang Yi's kick just now would have killed him. It can kick Gu Zheng's head off.

Gu Zheng was humiliated in front of so many people, his face had turned into a reddish purple with resentment in his eyes, he stared at Yang Yi relentlessly, wishing he could swallow Yang Yi in one gulp.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the bearded man next to Gu Zheng just now, and he shouted coldly in a low voice: "Okay, okay, it's really insane, if that's the case, let me, Zhang Songlai, teach you, there is no way for you to sneak attack Useful!"

This Zhang Song is Lord Baiyun's son, he has successfully condensed seven drops of blood in his veins, and he is also one of Bai Yi's few friends.

Naturally, these were news that Yang Yi heard by accident, he didn't take it seriously at first, but now it seems that this Zhang Song has found him, and he really wants to avenge Bai Yi.

"Flickering Shadows"

Yang Yi was not polite at all, his whole body flashed suddenly and turned into a ray of light.

And Zhang Song was unambiguous, and shouted: "I don't know where Yunshen is, Cloud Pai Zhang!"

The palm prints are like endless white clouds, and they contain terrifying power. There is a strong wind around Zhang Song, and Yang Yi can't find them at all.

"Okay, okay, these sons with seven drops of blood are really not simple."

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, ten drops of blood suddenly dripped from his hand, and burned violently in the void: "Body binding, bind!"

The terrifying power of restraint quickly permeated Zhang Song's body, and Zhang Song's speed stopped for a moment, and at this moment, there was a gap. Zhang Song's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a sneer: "It turns out that it's the people of the hundred schools." Your body binding technique allowed you to sneak attack and kill Bai Yi, hmph, insect carving technique, die!"

From Zhang Song's body, a burst of extremely strong power suddenly burst out. This power seemed to explode with the power of eight drops of blood on his body. The power of the body technique was useless, rows of terrifying palm prints flew towards Yang Yi like mountains and seas.

The extremely strong pressure caused all the monks watching around to change their spirits and fled to the surroundings one after another.

Yang Yi was also quite surprised: "What kind of secret technique is this? It can burst out the power of eight drops of blood in an instant?"

Yang Yi observed carefully and knew that Zhang Song had used a secret method to instantly burst out the power of eight drops of jng blood with the power of his seven drops of jng blood. Horror.

Naturally, Yang Yi would not go head-to-head, as long as the power of eight drops of blood hit him, even if he had gloves with extremely poisonous ratio, his arm would be crippled in an instant. Therefore, Yang Yi's hand appeared instantly A lot of symbols were collected.

These talismans are consumables anyway, not to mention killing Zhang Song, but they can still be used to resist Zhang Song's attack.

Zhang Song's expression also changed, but at this moment, a terrifying pressure descended on the second floor, and a phantom appeared between the two of them, and he grabbed it casually.


The power that Zhang Song erupted was like a mud cow entering the sea, easily resisted by Xuying's palm, and the blood of Yang Yi's talisman had already dripped in, but Xuying stretched out his hand, and the blood in the talisman disappeared again It was pushed out again and couldn't exert its power.

"Hmph, if you two fight again inside the square mirror, you will be shot to death!"

After the phantom finished speaking, it gradually dispersed. Everyone knew that this phantom was a master of transformation, and only such a terrifying master could easily defuse the attacks of the two with only one phantom.

Zhang Song sneered coldly: "Hmph, I'll spare you this time, you can sneak attack and kill Bai Yi with despicable means, but it's a fantasy to try to cheat in this qualifying match, hmph, as you only have With the cultivation base of six drops of jng blood, let's see how many levels you can pass!"

I saw Zhang Song walking straight towards the terrifying one-horned monster. With a loud roar, the terrifying power erupted instantly, and it also burst out the power of eight drops of jng blood. It turned out to be the most terrifying, direct and bloody method , directly tore the Unicorn in two.


Including Yang Yi, the monks on the second floor all looked at Zhang Song dumbfounded, and all the monks were shocked by Zhang Song's fierceness. ! ~!

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