blood record

Chapter 500 All Destroyed

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The disciples of the Ji Dao Sect could hardly believe their eyes. Hundreds of monks of them shot together, and their strength even surpassed that of ordinary masters, but they had nothing to do with this burst of golden light.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

"It has such a strong 'immortal' aura, even stronger than the 'immortal' aura of my Jidao Sect's Jidao map. Is this a half-immortal treasure?" [

"Half Immortal Treasure? Apart from Jidao Diagram and Qiankun Nine Cauldrons, is there any other Half Immortal Treasure in Tianhe Starfield?"

"By the way, there is also the legendary Tianhe star map, but judging from the appearance of this half-immortal treasure, it is not a Tianhe star map at all. Could it be that someone in my Tianhe star region has obtained a new half-immortal treasure?"

These disciples of Ji Dao Sect talked a lot. They already knew that what trapped them was a powerful half-immortal treasure. Became the turtle in the urn.

Elder Liao Quan knew it was a half-immortal treasure the moment he saw the golden brilliance, and he was shocked. As a monk of the triple air-moving realm, he was naturally stronger than ordinary monks. Knowing a lot, I can feel that the 'immortal' breath in this half-immortal treasure is far stronger than that of the Jidao map, and even stronger than the universe and nine tripods of the Jiuding Sect, which shows that this half-immortal treasure is better than these two half- Xianbao is even more powerful.

In the Tianhe Starfield, there are no other half-immortal treasures, which makes Liao Hua even more jealous. He knows that besides the Tianhe Starfield, there are actually several powerful starfields in the starry sky. It's just a drop in the ocean, and it's still a relatively weak star field.

"Fellow Daoist is a monk from another star field?"

Liao Quan asked coldly.

There was a slight sneer at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said lightly: "Other star domains? Doesn't Elder Liao Hua remember Yang's appearance? At the beginning, your Ji Dao Sect ordered Yang to be hunted down. Elder Liao Quan Not so forgetful."

Elder Liao Quan's heart was shocked by Yang Yi's words, and then he stared at Yang Yi. Gradually, he did feel a familiar look. After a while, a flash of light flashed in his heart. An influential figure from years ago flashed in his mind.

" are Yang Yi from Hualong Palace?"

"That's right, it's Yang"

Yang Yi admitted his identity, and when he returned to the Tianhe Star Field, there was nothing to hide his identity.

Elder Liao Hua gasped. He knew Yang Yi. Although Yang Yi was just a mere transformation monk back then, he was able to kill Elder Tongtian. His potential had long been recognized by the Supreme Elder and the head teacher So sure, he even gave a kill order to a little monk in form.

But even so, the original Yang Yi was just a mere form-transforming monk. No matter how fast he cultivated in the past few decades, he could only cultivate to the realm of reaching the sky. But now Yang Yi's aura is nothing ordinary. A master of the sky, it is afraid that it is far beyond the third layer of the sky, and it may be the fifth, sixth, or even higher.

Such a fast cultivation speed, even if it is placed in all the star fields, this is a genius among geniuses, and it is already close to a monster.

"This place has now been completely blocked by Yang's glorious country. Even if the head teacher of your Jidao Sect came here, it would have no effect. You are doomed to fall, so let you become Yang's first return to the Tianhe Star Region." a great gift”

Yang Yi exuded a strong murderous intent, and then his figure flashed, his whole body exuded golden brilliance, and he shouted: "The Great Mill of Heaven and Earth!"


A gigantic millstone descended from the sky, rolling like a torrent of water, and crushed towards Liao Quan fiercely. With Yang Yi's current strength, he unleashed the great millstone of heaven and earth, which even monks in the Seventh Layer of Heaven couldn't resist. Not to mention a mere triple shifting air realm monk. [

The huge force directly crushed Liao Quan to pieces, turning him into a pile of pieces, and even his primordial spirit was directly annihilated by the surging force, without any chance of luck.

Seeing that Liao Quan was crushed by Yang Yiyi's punch, and some masters of the sky were terrified, but Yang Yi didn't care about dealing with them any more. He only moved slightly towards the glorious kingdom, and the power in the glorious kingdom burst out instantly.

Bursts of brilliance raged in the glorious kingdom and pierced any monk, even those masters who were able to reach the sky, but they would all be pierced by Yang Yi.

There are thousands of Jidao Sect monks in the entire Hualong Palace, but now, they have all become lambs waiting to be slaughtered, screaming continuously, but without a shred of hope, they are trapped in the brilliant In the country, the law breaks out.

In the entire Hualong Palace, blood was almost flowing like a river, and the bloody breath permeated the void, making people sick, but Yang Yi did not show any mercy. For Ji Daozong, how many he killed, the two of them It's already immortal.

About half an hour passed, and there was no more movement in the entire Hualong Palace. All the monks were killed by the glorious kingdom, and under the cover of the glorious kingdom, there was no luck.

Looking at those familiar palaces in Hualong Palace, Yang Yi's eyes flashed a gleam, and he murmured in a low voice: "These palaces have no meaning anymore. Hualong Palace is no longer here, so let's destroy them all."

Yang Yi directly punched the stars of Hualong Palace below, and the whole star was directly shattered by Yang Yi's power, torn apart, countless stars were even affected, began to shatter, collapse, and finally disappeared.

This is Yang Yi's terrifying power, with one punch, the stars will be completely shattered.

"Nine Cauldrons Sect? Exactly, the Supreme Elder of Nine Cauldrons Sect, Yang has to meet for a while"

Yang Yi looked at the Hualong Palace that had been completely destroyed. There was not even a single star here. From then on, there was no Hualong Palace anymore. This is the real destruction.Immediately, Yang Yi directly tore apart the space and left through the space.

The matter of Hualong Palace, after all, is a big event, so it quickly spread throughout the entire Tianhe Star Region, especially the Jidao Sect, who was extremely furious, and could kill all the Jidao Sect disciples in the Hualong Palace. , such a monk's cultivation base is really terrifying, at least he has reached the level of the sixth level of the sky.

The head teacher of the Ji Dao Sect, the Supreme Ji Dao Zi, has darker eyes at this time, looking at some elders below, they are all masters of the fifth and sixth levels of the sky, and they are also the main elders of the Ji Dao Sect to expand the power. With these elders, Basically, many major events in Jidao Sect can be decided. f

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