blood record

Chapter 506 Rejection

Chapter [-] Rejection

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At this time, in the depths of the main hall of the Nine Cauldron Sect, all the monks of the Zhu family in the Zenith Starfield looked serious. They didn't expect to kill a monk halfway. As a result, the crisis of the Nine Cauldron Sect can basically be resolved this time, which is very detrimental to the Zhu family.

"Damn it, who is this Yang Yi?"

Zhu Hua thought secretly in his heart, this time the Zhu family sent him with a mission, the purpose was to make the headmaster of Jiudingjiao agree to the Zhu family, and let the Zhu family's influence enter the Tianhe Star Territory. [

As for why the Zhu family wants to enter the Tianhe Star Region now, this is beyond Zhu Hua's knowledge.

Originally, the mission was almost completed, but Yang Yi was killed on the way, and his punch knocked back the three elders of the Jidao, which was enough to deter the Jidao Sect. This time, the embarrassment of the Jiuding Sect will be resolved soon. If it is lost, the Zhu family will have no bargaining chip to blackmail Ditian, and this is what makes Zhu Hua angry.

Di Tian was also very excited, no matter what, Yang Yi has such great power, at least this time the Jiuding Sect's crisis can be resolved, and there is no need to lure wolves into the house and invite the Zhu family to enter the Tianhe Star Domain.

Taoist Taiyi also yelled loudly at this time, the Qiankun Jiuding in his hand was constantly flashing with powerful aura, he quickly flew to Yang Yi's side, the meaning couldn't be clearer, Taoist Taiyi is powerful enough to contain Yang Yi There are two nine-level masters, and only one nine-level master by then, how can they deal with Yang Yi?

The situation reversed in an instant, Yang Yi's appearance immediately made Ji Dao Sect's situation extremely dangerous.

Jitian's face was heavy, and he stared at Yang Yi, as if he wanted to see through Yang Yi. This time they finally locked Taoist Taiyi, so they entered the Jiuding Sect, and wanted to put down the Jiuding Sect in one fell swoop. But I didn't expect this to happen instead.

"Yang Yi, you once again ruined my Ji Dao Sect's good deeds, hmph, in the future, my Ji Dao Sect will definitely come to conquer Jiuding Sect again."

The three elders of Ji Dao immediately waved their hands to make the monks of Ji Dao sect retreat, and it was meaningless to stay here any longer. With the appearance of Yang Yi, Ji Dao sect no longer had an advantage in any aspect.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth and said: "Yang is naturally waiting, but I'm afraid that without the three fellow Taoists coming, Yang will visit the Ji Dao Sect in person in a few days."

Facing Yang Yi, the three elders of Ji Dao could only snort coldly, then immediately tore apart the space, and went through the space. Yang Yi didn't chase after him, his purpose was only to drive away Ji Dao Sect The danger of the Jiuding Sect is nothing more than the time to completely destroy the Jidao Sect.

Countless Ji Dao Sect monks left one after another, and the disciples of Jiuding Sect immediately cheered. They were very desperate at first, but now they are still free from the disaster of extinction. Any monk will feel happy.

Taoist Taiyi looked at Yang Yi, and still felt a little unbelievable, but Yang Yi's previous methods had been deeply imprinted in Taoist Taiyi's heart. Yang Yi's punch was 36 times stronger and fiercer. Even if it was him, he wondered if he couldn't resist it. Even if he managed to resist it by chance, it would still be a serious injury.

Although he also knew that Yang Yi was a genius at the beginning, and that in time he would definitely be able to become a master of the generation, he never expected that he would grow up so fast. In just a few short decades, he has already reached the level of being able to knock back the three elders of the extreme way with one punch. At this point, it must have been able to grow so fast because of some adventures.But no matter what, Yang Yi is now the savior of Jiuding Sect. He and Ji Dao Sect are immortal, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Taoist Taiyi has lived for several years, so he naturally knows this truth.

"Yang Daoyou, I haven't seen you for decades. I didn't expect that Daoyou has grown to such an extent that even the three elders of the Jidao can be knocked back with a single punch. With such a record alone, it is not inferior to the original Tianhe star Sir, it seems that Yang Daoyou has really received the blessing of Tianhe Xingjun, and it is just around the corner to become a fairyland in the future."

Taoist Taiyi said with a smile, the rumor that Yang Yi was called Tianhe Xingjun at the beginning was just Bi Luo's promotion, and Taoist Taiyi naturally knew it all too well, but Yang Yi grew up so fast, he couldn't help but let Taiyi Daoist Yi has some doubts, whether Yang Yi really got some treasure land left by Tianhe Xingjun, so that he was able to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

Yang Yi also immediately returned the courtesy and said: "Taoist Taiyi, you don't have to be polite, I also owe the protection of Jiuding Sect to Hualong Palace, otherwise, I would have been wiped out by the Jidao Sect long ago. The Jidao Sect is a cancer of the Tianhe Star Region. People have to get rid of it, Yang is just doing his duty, and now the Jidao Sect is not destroyed, but just retreated. If the Tianhe Star Territory is to be stable for a long time, it must be carefully considered. business."

"Okay, what Fellow Daoist Yang said is very true. Please, Fellow Daoist Yang, go to the main hall to discuss it in detail."

Taiyi directly traveled through space and flew into the main hall, and Yang Yi naturally followed closely behind.

In the main hall, all the members of the Zhu family in the Zenith Starfield had serious expressions on their faces. When they saw Yang Yi, they couldn't even utter a word, and their eyes were full of resentment.

"Oh? It turned out to be a fellow Taoist of the Zhu family. I would like to thank all the fellow Taoists of the Zhu family for their help a few times ago, otherwise my Jiuding sect would have been in a lot of trouble."

Taoist Taiyi saw the monks of the Zhu family, and said with a half-smile on his face, he knew the Zhu family very well, because he was the first to contact the monks of the Zhu family.

But later Taoist Taiyi also faintly felt the wolfish ambition of the Zhu family, so he didn't make much promises to the Zhu family, and left all this to the head teacher Ditian to discuss. Now with Yang Yi's return, the Jiuding sect has passed The Zhu family is no longer needed.

Regarding Taoist Taiyi, the few monks of the Zhu family did not dare to neglect, after all Taoist Taiyi is powerful, even if there are nine masters of the Zhu family, there are very few who can match Taoist Taiyi.Zhu Hua bowed slightly: "Elder Taiyi, I don't know the conditions proposed by my Zhu Family Patriarch and your religion a while ago, did Elder Taiyi make a decision?"

Taoist Taiyi looked at Zhu Hua, then shook his head slightly and said: "This matter has been taken care of by the head teacher with full authority. If you have any problems, you can go to the head teacher. Dao, don’t ask about things in the teaching.”

This is obviously a crime, but Zhu Hua has nothing to do now, he can only look at Ditian.

Di Tian understood it, and laughed loudly: "Haha, Fellow Daoist Zhu, these conditions of your Patriarch are really too harsh, and I, the Jiuding Sect, really cannot agree to them. Please forgive me, fellow Daoists."

Zhu Hua's face&mp#232 became even darker, even though he knew it was the result, when he really heard Ditian's refusal, he was still full of anger. .

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