blood record

Chapter 515 Situation Reversal

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The rolling Jidao map was directly suppressed, and the terrifying power made people feel suffocated, but Yang Yi's expression did not change at all. He suddenly pointed towards the Jidao map in the void, and said loudly: "Tianlei!" plate!"

As Yang Yi's voice fell, a golden light flew directly from Yang Yi's body, this golden light flashed, and instantly swelled to a huge size, it was a disc exuding golden light.

This is the Heavenly Thunder Disk, when the Heavenly Thunder Disk appears, the billowing "immortal" breath is like boiling water, rushing crazily, this is no better than those half-immortal treasures, this is a real immortal treasure. [

"The disk of thunder, the power of thunder, break!"

Yang Yi let out a roar, and immediately activated the Heavenly Thunder Disk, releasing a trace of the powerful Heavenly Thunder Power inside.


A series of thunderbolts rushed out crazily, and smashed fiercely on the Jidao Diagram with the force of a thunderbolt.


There was a loud noise, and a palpitating picture appeared. I saw this half-immortal treasure, the Jidao Diagram that was refined by the Jidao Sect through untold hardships, was unexpectedly captured by the terrifying Sky Thunderbolt in the Heavenly Thunder Disk. The force was instantly shattered.

Yes, it was completely shattered, and the original force of the billow flew out directly, flying towards the surroundings.

"Tianhe star map, take it!"

Immediately, another scroll flew out of Yang Yi's body, which was the Tianhe star map.As soon as the Tianhe Star Chart appeared, it frantically absorbed the original power that flew out from the Pole Dao Chart. Gradually, the power of the Tianhe Star Chart continued to recover, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, until the last [-]%.

The complete Tianhe star map has finally been formed. This is the truly complete Tianhe star map. The whole body is exuding billowing starlight, and its power has been increased several times. It is no longer the previous power. Yang Yi can even feel it. There is a huge force in the Tianhe star field.

And because the Tianhe star map is the treasure that Tianhe Xingjun used to suppress the Tianhe star field, so holding the Tianhe star map can almost feel all the movements in the Tianhe star field, and even in the Tianhe star field, Yang Yi can do whatever he wants. Appearing in any place is faster than space shuttle.

There are still all kinds of mysteries that need to be studied carefully.

From Yang Yi unleashing the Heavenly Thunder Disk to blasting through the Jidao Diagram, and now with the sudden appearance of the Tianhe Star Diagram, the recovery of [-]% of the power is only a few breaths away, and many monks can hardly react.

"This... what kind of magic weapon is this? It actually directly blasted through the Jidao Diagram. No matter how powerful the Half Immortal Treasure is, it can't destroy the Jidao Diagram at once. Is this Yang Yi's real strength? It's really terrifying!"

"The Jidao Diagram was refined by the Jidao Sect through untold hardships, and the entire Jidao Sect is only this half-celestial treasure. It is precisely because of this Jidao Sect that the Jidao Sect can They were able to firmly suppress the Nine Cauldrons, but now they are directly smashed by Yang Yi, I am afraid that the prestige of the Jidao Sect will no longer be there."

"It has such a strong 'immortal' breath, this half-immortal treasure is really extraordinary, it seems to surpass the ordinary half-immortal treasure by far, there is nothing here that can compare to this half-immortal treasure displayed by Yang Yi of horror."

"It was the Tianhe Star Map that absorbed the original power of the Jidao Map just now? It turns out that this half-immortal treasure has always been on Yang Yi's body. Now that it has absorbed the original power, it immediately recovered. Yang Yi has another powerful piece With the Half Immortal Treasure, you can control the entire Tianhe Starfield, and the Jidao Sect is gone, and the defeat is in the hands of Yang Yi alone."

Some casual cultivators were discussing in low voices, this battle was really ups and downs, and it was quite surprising. Yang Yi's rise was so fast, it was unimaginable, and the methods were almost endless, no one could stop him Living in Yang Yi, he broke the Ji Dao Sect's Ji Dao diagram in an instant, and became famous in one battle.

No matter what the outcome of this battle is, at least Yang Yi's name will be passed down through the ages, and even if a name like the successor of Tianhe Xingjun is placed on Yang Yi, no one will feel that Yang Yi is unworthy. [

The faces of the three elders of the Ji Dao were blue and red, and they all stared blankly at the sky thunder disk in the void. They couldn't understand the power released from the sky thunder disk just now, it was pure sky thunder At the beginning, they waited for the arrival of the power of thunder at the weak point where they intersected with the fairy world, and successfully survived the catastrophe of thunder, and were promoted to the ninth level of Tongtian.

So they couldn't be more clear about the power of the sky thunder, that is, the pure power of the sky thunder broke their Jidao map, and only the power of the sky thunder is so violent, and even the half-immortal treasure can't do it. Get rid of it directly.

The magic weapon that can seal the power of the sky thunder, the hearts of the three elders of the Ji Dao are already horrified. No matter how powerful the half-immortal treasure is, it will definitely not be able to seal the power of the violent sky thunder, let alone this sky thunder. The power of the thunder in the disk is definitely not one point or two points.

"Could it be...Could it be that this is the legendary fairy treasure?"

Ji Tian's face changed, and his eyes were more terrified than looking at the sky thunder plate in the void. If it is really the legendary fairy treasure, even if the Zhu family and the Jidao Sect unite, it will help. It's powerful, far beyond their imagination.

"No wonder Yang Yi is so fearful. It turns out that he is carrying the legendary fairy treasure. This is a real fairy treasure. With the existence of the enemy, with this fairy treasure, he can almost wipe out countless powerful monks!"

The three Ji Dao elders all looked at each other, and they all felt extremely horrified in their eyes.

The Milky Way star map in the void flew into Yang Yi's hands in an instant, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth.


Yang Yi's figure disappeared in an instant, just like a sound, this is the magic of the Tianhe Star Map, in the Tianhe Star Field, and in some respects, the Tianhe Star Map can even rival the real fairy treasure.

When Yang Yi unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Disk before, the four elders of the Zhu family had already seen it clearly, and their knowledge was higher than that of the three extreme elders, so they could tell at a glance that the Heavenly Thunder Disk was a real immortal. Bao, their hearts were also shocked, and they even had the idea of ​​​​retiring. They also felt powerless against an enemy master who possessed a fairy treasure.

But now it is obvious that they can't leave if they want to, Yang Yi's sudden disappearance immediately alerted one of the masters, and suddenly, he shouted loudly: "No, be careful to break the Fatian Wheel."

As soon as the words fell, a cold voice immediately came to their ears.

"Phantom of Nine Palaces, Great Millstone of Heaven and Earth!"

Suddenly, a gigantic millstone appeared from the void, like a mountain peak, crushing down fiercely, and it was still behind them. It happened so abruptly.


The four elders of the Zhu family reluctantly resisted with the Pofatian Wheel, but what was even more frightening was that the Thunder Disk unexpectedly fell down that day, and the power of the seal was instantly displayed by Yang Yi.

The most powerful power of the Tianlei Disk is the power of the seal. Even many Supreme Elders in the Wudian were bound by the seal power of the Tianlei Disk, let alone the Zhu Family's Supreme Elders.Immediately, they felt as if they were trapped in a quagmire, and it was difficult for them to move.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yang Yi's 36 times strength slammed down, knocking them all back, and with a big hand, Yang Yi caught the Fatian Wheel.

There were still bursts of aura flashing on the breaking law sky wheel, and it was still struggling, but Yang Yi's primordial power immediately entered it, quickly breaking all the marks inside it, this semi-immortal treasure, Immediately became a master thing.


When the elders of the Zhu family saw that Yang Yi had really robbed their half-immortal treasure, they immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, which was simply a great shame. [

"Okay, okay, Po Fa Tianlun, it's really good!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and then he made a move, and the Pofa Heaven Wheel was directly placed into the Heavenly Thunder Disk, and only this real fairy treasure can deter these half-celestial treasures. After that, Yang Yi can truly sacrifice the Fatian Wheel.


The three elders of the extreme way also flew to the side of the four elders of the Zhu family. A total of seven masters of the ninth level stood in front of Yang Yi, staring at Yang Yi. There is still such a formation, and it has never appeared again.

All the disciples of the Ji Dao Sect and the Zhu family looked a little depressed. One of their grand elders' half-immortal treasures was destroyed, and the other was taken away. They were almost humiliated. They didn't have any morale to speak of.As for the Tianhe Alliance, the sound of killing was loud, and countless disciples were excited, their morale was high, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

"Ji Dao Sect and Zhu Family will be destroyed today!"

At this time, Yang Yi's general situation has been established, and his whole body has an inexplicable powerful aura, which makes these nine-fold masters who break the mortal realm feel tremendous pressure.

"Yang Yi, we still have seven ninth-level masters, so what can you do? Hmph, once we attack, all the monks of your Tianhe Alliance will die. You should know how terrifying the power of nine-level masters is."

At this time, the three elders of the Ji Dao immediately stood up, and said with a gloomy face, they are dignified seven masters and nine major masters, and now they feel more difficult for Yang Yi, and even the situation has reversed, and they have become weak.


Yang Yi's eyes froze, and he sneered, "Really? That depends on whether you have the strength! Taoist Taiyi, protect the monks of our Tianhe Alliance. Today, Yang will personally destroy the Jidao Sect and the Zhu family!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Yi waved his hand, and the Glorious Kingdom immediately appeared, shining bursts of golden brilliance, covering the entire Tianhe Alliance disciples inside. two.

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