blood record

Chapter 517 Suppression of Zhu Family Elders

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The billowing thunder flew out, like electric snakes, entwined around the elder of the Zhu family, and there was no chance to break free. This is a real fairy treasure, the legendary emperor Wudi. Existence created by itself.That is to say, now Yang Yi really can't bring out its full power, otherwise, this fairy treasure will definitely not only have the current power, even those real immortals, I'm afraid they will be afraid of three points.


The Heavenly Thunder Disk was immediately closed, and the Zhu family elder was suppressed in the Heavenly Thunder Disk. With the power of the Heavenly Thunder Disk, it would be wishful thinking to escape. [

"Bastard, Yang Yi, do you dare to seal my elder Zhu's family?"

There are still three elders left in the Zhu family. Their eyes are more gloomy and their faces are more ugly. They didn't expect that under the attack of their four masters and the three elders of the extreme way, Yang Yi still looked radiant, and he also killed one of them. The elders were suppressed. Such a terrifying method made them feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

The Zhu family was originally an extremely powerful family in the Zenith Starfield. It was so famous that even one family could rival the entire Tianhe Starfield. Zong, there is no way to get Yang Yi. This has completely awakened the Zhu family. Today's Tianhe Starfield is no longer as simple as they imagined. Tianhe Starfield has also produced a peerless figure.

The Zhu family came here because of the tomb of the ancient god of war. Originally, they wanted to find the tomb of the ancient god of war and revitalize the Zhu family, but now, they have suffered a heavy loss. The Zhu family cannot afford to lose a majestic nine-fold master who broke the mortal realm. up.

The elders of the Zhu family who were leading looked at each other, and said to Yang Yi fiercely: "Yang Yi, my Zhu family should not have intervened in the matter of your Tianhe star field. This time, my Zhu family lost troops and lost generals. In my hands, as long as you let my Zhu family elders go, my Zhu family will immediately withdraw from the Tianhe star field and never interfere in the battle of the Tianhe star field, how about it?"

At this time, both the Zhu family and the monks of the Tianhe Alliance are staring at Yang Yi closely. You must know that the Zhu family is one of the most powerful forces in the Zenith Starfield, and being able to humble Yang Yi already shows that They really want to withdraw from the Tianhe Star Field.Although the Zhu family has lost one elder now, there are still three ninth-level masters, plus the eighth-level and seventh-level masters, they are still a powerful force.

The complexions of the three Ji Dao elders turned red at this time, and all of them showed blue veins. The Zhu family's move was suspected to be drastic. Everyone knew that Yang Dao's momentum had already been established. Once the Zhu family left, how could Ji Dao Sect be able to resist it? It will be wiped out in an instant.

"Elder Zhu's family, you are keeping your word!"

The three extreme elders shouted angrily, this is a major matter related to the life and death of the sect, they cannot be moved by it.But the elders of the Zhu family sneered and said: "The Ji Dao Sect is gone, and the three elders have seen it just now. My Zhu family and the three elders have united together, and they are no match for Yang Yi. Why don't you just let my Zhu family and your Ji Dao Sect go?" To be buried with him?"

The Zhu family has a reason to withdraw from the disputes in the Tianhe Starfield. After all, the Zhu family's power is not in the Tianhe Starfield, but in the Zenith Starfield. But for the Jidao Sect, the Tianhe Starfield is its foundation. It is impossible to leave the Tianhe Starfield. If the Zhu family is really gone, there is no doubt that the ashes of the Jidao Sect will be completely annihilated in the long river of history.

The elders of the Zhu family ignored the three elders of the extreme way, but looked at Yang Yi again, and now they only waited for Yang Yi's consent to release the elders of the Zhu family, and they would give an order to return to the Zenith Starfield, so that As a result, although the Zhu family has lost face, at least their strength has been preserved, and they are still one of the biggest forces in the Zenith Starfield.

Many disciples of the Tianhe Alliance showed excitement in their eyes. They were a little worried at the beginning, and now they are confident, but it was only a short period of time. Among them, it was all thanks to Yang Yi. They saw the alliance leader What a ferocious enemy Yang Yi is, he can fight against the seven masters alone, and he can also seal an elder of the Zhu family, such strength shocked them.

"Even the Zhu family begged for mercy from the leader of our Tianhe Alliance. The leader's methods are exhausted. The seven masters can't do anything to the leader."

"The masters of the Zenith Starfield generally have their eyes above the top, and they simply look down on my monks in the Tianhe Starfield, hmph, but now? The Zhu family, one of the four most powerful forces in the Zenith Starfield, has been defeated. In the hands of our lord, with the lord, our Tianhe Alliance will definitely be able to unify the entire Tianhe star field, and at that time, it will definitely be stronger than the Zenith star field."

"I don't know if the leader will agree. The Zhu family is powerful. Even if an elder of the Zhu family is sealed, his strength should not be underestimated. If the Lu family really no longer unites with the Jidao Sect, then the Jidao Sect It can be said to be destroyed in an instant."

"The leader of the alliance is very human. Maybe he will make an unexpected response to such a thing."

These are all disciples of the Tianhe Alliance. At this time, they have vaguely recognized their identity as disciples of the Tianhe Alliance. In this short period of time, Yang Yi's figure was completely imprinted in their minds. In addition, I'm afraid no one can compare.Regardless of whether he was a disciple of Jiuding Sect, Yaochi Palace, or Hualong Palace before, they now only have one identity for themselves, and that is a disciple of the Tianhe Alliance.

Yang Yi didn't pay attention to the Tianhe Alliance disciples' comments, he stood tall in the void, parted his mind, and saw that the elders of Zhu's family in the Tianlei Disk were unable to get rid of the seal, and a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth .Immediately, his eyes raised sharply, and he laughed coldly and said loudly: "Haha, what a big joke, can anyone come to my Tianhe Starfield? Come if you want, leave if you want, It is impossible for such a thing to happen in the Tianhe Starfield, and all the disciples of the Zhu family will be destroyed today!"

As soon as Yang Yi's words came out, the disciples of the Zhu family immediately became indignant. They were all high-spirited people, and even Yang Yi's supernatural power just now did not frighten them, so they immediately started to yell. [

"Arrogance, it's really too arrogant. When did my Zhu family suffer from such a useless attitude? Huh, my Zhu family's powerful methods have not been used yet. Once they are used, even a master who has achieved a pure yang body will be seriously injured."

"That's right. He hasn't experienced the methods of my Zhu family. Elders, you must teach Yang a lesson. Otherwise, people in the Tianhe Star Region will laugh at my Zhu family."

"My Zhu family has been standing in the Zenith Starfield for countless years, how can I be defeated just like this?"

These disciples of the Zhu family are the elite of the family, so they naturally know many secrets of the family. The Zhu family has been able to stand in the Zenith Starfield for so many years, and they have some powerful means.

Although the disciples of the Zhu family were clamoring, the remaining three masters of the Zhu family did not speak. They just stared at Yang Yi. After a long while, one of the elders said in a deep voice: "Yang Yi, you Is it really so confident? My Zhu family has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, if we really want to fight, I'm afraid we will lose both sides!"

The three elders of the Zhu family also faintly let go of their aura, and the monstrous aura radiated violently, making people feel fear in their hearts. This is the power of a nine-level master.Even the void seemed to be torn apart, and the stars one by one were completely destroyed. Fortunately, both Yang Yi and the three elders of the Ji Dao were protecting these stars, which did not let the horror The aftermath of the explosion destroyed the stars.

Yang Yi's eyes remained the same, he looked at the three masters of the Zhu family, and said with a sneer: "Both will suffer? How can it be so easy? Hmph, today Yang will let you see what Yang's support is?"

Yang Yi made a move with one hand, and the Heavenly Thunder Disk flew out suddenly, with real thunder power shining on it, Yang Yi shouted: "The Heavenly Thunder Disk, the power of the Heavenly Thunder, refining!"


As Yang Yi's voice fell, the rolling thunder force instantly surrounded the elders of Zhu's family inside.

Outside, Yang Yi was terrified of the power of the sky thunder, and it was impossible to control the power of the sky thunder, but inside the disk of the sky thunder, Yang Yi had mastered the disk of the sky thunder, relying on the power of the sky thunder With the disk, Yang Yi can control the power of the thunder in the disk.

If it was normal, it would take some time for Yang Yi to refine a ninth-level master, but now, with the power of heavenly thunder, he could completely refine this ninth-level elder almost instantly.

This is Yang Yi's reliance, because now he wants to comprehend the mysteries of the seventh-fold creation, so he needs many experts above the seventh-fold, especially this master of the ninth-fold, who has thoroughly comprehended the mysteries of creation. With the transformation, Yang Yi's chances of impacting the Seventh Layer of Creation Realm will be much higher.

Seeing that Yang Yi had really mobilized the power of the Heavenly Thunder from the Heavenly Thunder Disk, and that he was really refining the elders of the Zhu family, the three elders of the Zhu family immediately shouted: "Yang Yi, you really dare to refine my Zhu family's elders!" Old? This means that I will never end with my Zhu family."

Yang Yi let out a long laugh, and the rolling thunderbolt continuously flickered around the Heavenly Thunder Disk, exuding a wave of heavenly power, which made people feel terrified. Isn't it too late? The power of thunder, give me a thorough refinement."

As Yang Yi's words fell, the power of the Heavenly Thunder in the entire Heavenly Thunder Disk seemed to go berserk, instantly submerging the elders of Zhu's family in the Heavenly Thunder Disk, no matter what methods the elders of the Zhu Family used, all It was useless, under such a surging power of thunder, his body and primordial spirit were all transformed into strong vitality.

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