blood record

Chapter 522 Proving the Way of Creation

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The limit, which means that Yang Yi needs to absorb and refine the power again, and then he can truly break through the shackles and achieve the seventh level of creation. However, this power must not be weak, because after the promotion is successful, he needs to absorb a huge amount. vitality power.The latest and fastest update of this book comes from

"I see"

A raging flame of hope rose in Yang Yi's heart, he grabbed all the three elders of the extreme way in the glorious kingdom, and said coldly: "Three elders of the extreme way, today, you are destined to become the realm where Yang achieves creation. key"[

"Hmph, how can the realm of creation be so easy to break through?"

Seeing that Yang Yi's promotion failed, the three elders of Jidao showed a happy smile on their faces.

"Oh, is it? You said that the Ji Dao Sect is indestructible, but what is the result? Just now the Zhu family also said that Yang's method can resist the finger of the sky. But what is the result?"

Yang Yi sneered coldly, then slapped his big hand, unleashed his unbreakable strength, and captured the only nine-level master among the three elders of the extreme path, who was a nine-level master with the blood of the dragon. Only Yang Yi with the blood of the dragon can refine it. The strength is exquisite, enough for Yang Yi to advance to the seventh-level creation realm, this is Yang Yi's plan, to attack the seventh-level creation realm twice in a row, this is indeed a crazy comparison.This book updates lvse in real time

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces, Extinct"

Yang Yi quickly unleashed 36 times the power, even though this elder is only a primordial spirit, it is not something that can be killed by ordinary power, but Yang Yi unleashed 36 times the power, it is enough.

The huge palm ruthlessly crushed the primordial spirit of this elder, and the three extreme elders instantly became the second elder.

"Okay, okay, good primordial spirit, devour it to your heart's content"

Yang Yi's eyes were firmer, his primordial spirit let out a sharp yne, and he was also more excited. He flew directly towards the pure vitality of the elder, and then opened his mouth wide, continuously devouring it.

Devour, refine, devour again, refine again...

Going back and forth like this, Yang Yi's soul seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. His soul emitted slight crackling sounds. Although it was very light, it made people feel frightened, because once it exploded, , that power is really earth-shattering, I am afraid that even all the space here will be annihilated, even those great masters who break the mortal realm at the ninth level will not be spared.

"No, Yang Yi's primordial spirit is about to explode, let's go quickly"

"Oh my god, Yang Yi is so crazy, he devoured and refined the primordial spirit of a ninth-level master again, this time it must explode, Yang Yi is going to die, could it be that a peerless genius just fell like this? "

"No matter how Yang Yi thinks about it, the current situation is very dangerous. It's better to escape from the safe zone of the blade. 5 Read the latest chapter of this book"

Many disciples were shocked when they saw Yang Yi's situation. Some disciples had already fled to a safe area tens of thousands of miles away before stopping. They knew very well that once Yang Yi really exploded, they would all die too. The place of burial, so leaving now is the best and safest choice.

However, most of these monks are the surviving monks of the Ji Dao Sect, and they dare not escape. After all, Yang Yi has the Milky Way star map. If Yang Yi activates it, they will fall instantly, so they only escaped about ten thousand miles away. Then he waited quietly again.

None of the Tianhe Alliance's disciples escaped. They almost had a kind of blind worship for Yang Yi. They believed that no matter what, Yang Yi could succeed.

The same is true for this crazy move to advance to the Qichong Creation Realm. They have unparalleled confidence in Yang Yi.

As time went by, Yang Yi's soul seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, but he did not blew himself up for a while, which made people feel terrified.But Yang Yi's eyes opened suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he laughed loudly: "Haha, so it is so, so it is so, the mystery of creation is actually like this"

While Yang Yi was laughing wildly, he suddenly controlled Yuanshen and exploded directly.


This was an explosion without any warning, and everyone was unexpected, because no one expected that it was actually Yang Yi who blew himself up, which is really incomprehensible.

Quiet, extremely quiet, the powerful aftermath rushed towards the surroundings, the space was shattered one after another, turning into space fragments one by one, the huge wind lng made people change color after hearing it.

But what was even more shocking was that Yang Yi disappeared. Yes, his aura even disappeared in the induction of everyone, which meant that he had completely fallen.

"Yang Yi has fallen? How is this possible?"

"Self-explosion? How could Yang Yi self-explosion? No matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how dangerous the situation is, Yang Yi has never thought of self-explosion. How could he self-explosion when he was promoted to the seventh stage of creation?"

"There is really no reason. Before Yang Yi blew himself up, he seemed to understand something. Could this be the secret of his promotion to the Qichong Creation Realm?"

All the disciples were staring at the center of the explosion. They didn't believe that Yang Yi would blew himself up. They believed even more that Yang Yi had used special means to strive for promotion to the seventh-layer creation realm.

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of Taoist Taiyi's mouth, as if he didn't have the slightest worry, he muttered to himself: "Destruction and rebirth, this is the process of life generation. I never thought that there is a peerless person who can be born with such a great power. Perseverance to comprehend the secrets of creation, break through and then establish, such a dangerous method was not used by many monks even in ancient times. I didn't expect Yang Yi to have such courage to use it. However, if he didn't succeed, he didn't explode here Realizing the mystery of creation in a new life is the real fall."

Taoist Taiyi is an extremely ancient existence in the Tianhe Star Region, and his knowledge is also extremely extensive, far surpassing the three elders of the extreme way. Only he knows what Yang Yi was doing just now. That is a more dangerous person. This method is only useful when advancing to the realm of the seventh layer of creation, because only in the process of destruction and rebirth can one truly understand the process of life.

Yang Yi obviously used this method, but this method is also extremely dangerous, because once Fa truly comprehends the mystery of creation, he will truly fall, and no one can save Yang Yi.

Proving the Tao, this can be regarded as proving the Tao, but this is the path of creation, which is only the seventh layer of the sky. As the residual wave gradually dissipates, all the monks' eyes are focused on the center. Is Yang Yi fallen or is he a dead man? You will know immediately if you have successfully promoted to the Creation Realm.

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