blood record

Chapter 530 The Battle of the Immortal Witch

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The ancestors of the Zhu family outside and others were already discussing the destruction of the stars, but Yang Yi was swept into an unknown space. Here, Yang Yi felt a strong aura of witches. .The latest and fastest update of this book comes from

"The Tomb of the God of War, is this the Tomb of the God of War?"

Yang Yi quickly calmed down, the witch's aura was so strong here, he naturally knew that there must have been a God of War in the Tomb of the God of War. [

Yang Yi continued to walk forward, only to see a broken body in the giant hole in front of him, this body was shining with a strong "immortal" aura, and the face could still be seen, it was extremely handsome , and in this beauty, there is also a faint overbearing arrogance that dominates the heavens.

Obviously, this is the corpse of a fairy, and it is the kind of more powerful fairy.

"The corpse of a fairy?"

Yang Yi's heart moved, his figure flashed, and he went directly to the side of the immortal corpse. His Heavenly Thunder Disk shook slightly, and then flew out directly, constantly absorbing the powerful "immortal" in the immortal body. breath.

However, Yang Yi searched many times, but he didn't find any fairy treasures that shook the world. A fairy died here. Presumably, he went through a world-shattering fight. To be completely smashed.The latest and fastest update of this book comes from

"Why did the immortal corpse appear here?"

Yang Yi pondered for a while, then directly grabbed the immortal corpse with his big hand and put it into the Heavenly Thunder Plate. A more powerful immortal corpse may have many magical uses.

After putting away the corpse of the immortal, Yang Yi continued to walk forward. At the same time, his golden body of the Wu Clan became more excited, indicating that there must be something closely related to the Wu Clan in it.

There was a secret palace in front, Yang Yi felt a strong attraction in it, so he stepped inside without hesitation.


As soon as he stepped inside, Yang Yi felt a strong sense of crisis. Such a sense of crisis was particularly strong, so strong that it was unmatched, and there was an aura that even he would feel trembling.

Violent, more violent, here is full of violent aura, as if it came from the distant ancient times, the violent aura permeated the entire Gong Mansion, Yang Yi seemed to have fallen into a fantasy, he actually "saw" a picture again A picture.

These pictures are extremely strange, and they are intermittent, and one of them is particularly deep in Yang Yi's memory.

In this picture, there are two people, they are both standing in the void, one of them is the corpse of the immortal that Yang Yi just collected outside, and the other is a man with a ferocious face and full of domineering aura brawny.This book updates lvse in real time

Moreover, Yang Yi felt an aura of intimacy from this strong man, which indicated that this strong man was from the Wu family, and judging from this picture, Yang Yi's guesses were fulfilled one by one.

Whether it's this handsome fairy or this strong man of the Wu clan, they are all powerful existences. When they make a move, the stars are shattered, the space is annihilated, and all of them are annihilated. Yang Yi only saw a dilapidated screen, but you can feel the shock at that time.

What kind of scene would it be if hundreds of millions of time and space are all annihilated?Yang Yi couldn't imagine it anymore, this is a power that is completely different from ordinary people, it is a power that only belongs to the fairy world.

These two masters have been fighting for a long time, and this strong man of the Wu clan seems to be at a disadvantage. Even his powerful body, Yang Yi faintly felt that at least he was an undead body with magical hands, no matter what kind of damage he suffered. He recovered instantly, so he was evenly matched.

But later, the ancient immortal took out an immortal treasure, which seemed to be just a long shuttle, and then the immortal directly shot out the long shuttle, and directly pierced it into the body of the big man of the Wu tribe. [

Then the big man of the Wu clan raised his head to the sky and let out roars. His body, blood was flowing continuously. This long shuttle seemed to have a strange power, as if it was the golden body of the Wu clan that restrained the strong man. The strong man His injuries are getting more and more serious, and the magical power of the undead body can no longer play a role, and he can only watch the strong man become weaker and weaker.

The picture disappeared here, Yang Yi's heart moved, he had some vague guesses, this seemed to be the memory of the Wu clan master in this Wu clan's mansion, and the strong man in the picture was in this Wu clan's Gong mansion.

Yang Yi took a step forward again, he no longer resisted at this time, but intentionally received the memories of Lun Lun here, one after another memory fragments drilled into Yang Yi's mind, but what Yang Yi wanted Fragments don't.

"Immortal Yulong, haha, under the Wu Yuan of my Wu Clan, you have no way to escape, your primordial spirit will be completely swallowed by Wu Yuan, haha"

"Ah? This is the power of the Immortal King. How do you have the power of the Immortal King? You are just an Immortal King, how can you have the power of the Immortal King?"

"The source of the witch is damaged, and my undead body has also been severely injured. It will never recover, and I will die gradually. However, my witch clan will definitely flatten the fairy world and take charge of the heavens. After my death, I will leave a damaged body. Wu Yuan, wait for the descendants of my Wu Clan to come and inherit the treasure of the Wu Clan"

Yang Yi didn't see the picture this time, but he heard bursts of fragmented voices, these voices echoed throughout the Gong Mansion, obviously, this Gong Mansion must be the place where the strong man of the Wu clan died.

Regarding the situation where the fairy long shuttle restrained the golden body of the witch clan, Yang Yi had already prepared in his heart. If the immortal had no way to restrain the golden body of the witch clan, how could the immortal be able to destroy the witch clan and thus rule the heavens?

These pictures and sounds have basically been accepted by Yang Yi, and his mind is constantly revolving around the pictures and sounds just now, and he gradually understands some ins and outs.

When this strong man of the Wu clan was fighting with this powerful immortal named Yulong Immortal, it should be in the early or middle stage of the battle between the Wu clan and the ancient immortals. At that time, the Wu clan still had a terrifying power that swept the heavens. The fight between Wu and Xian is just a microcosm of the fight between Wu and Xian.

In the end, maybe the immortal died, but the strong man of the Wu tribe was also severely injured, and finally died gradually, so the nine dragon stars were left behind. These nine stars should also be arranged by the strong man of the Wu tribe after being severely injured , and then was sealed in this ong mansion, and died gradually.

However, what Yang Yi is most interested in is the situation of Wu Yuan, the treasure of the Wu Clan, which the strong man of the Wu Clan said. The Wu Clan has always been called the God of War, the God of Battle. To fight, but rarely use any magic weapon.

But from the fragmented images and sounds just now, Yang Yi also learned that this strong man of the Wu clan also used a treasure, and it was a powerful weapon called Wu Yuan. In the end, it seemed that it was still in this room. In the mansion, waiting for the descendants of the Wu clan to come and look for it again.

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