blood record

Chapter 542

Chapter 540 Two

turn defeat into victory

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Flew away, completely flew away, Mie Lingshuo really flew away, even Shen Tianyou's only keepsake jade pendant was broken, and he could no longer control Mie Lingshuo.

"Impossible, impossible, why can't I kill you, why I always fail under your hands, always fail, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled" [

Shen Tianyou's face was extremely ferocious, and an incomparable resentment radiated in the void, which shocked people's hearts.

He was originally a strong man in Hualong Palace, but since Yang Yi's appearance, everything about him has changed. Every time, he can't beat Yang Yi, and every time he wants to kill Yang Yi, he can't do it.

It was as if Yang Yi was really his destined nemesis, and he couldn't beat Yang Yi no matter what.

Looking at Shen Tianyou's crazy appearance, Yang Yi was moved, and his heart was full of murderous intent. The danger brought by this Shen Tianyou far exceeded other people. His sudden appearance, just now really put him

In desperation, if he hadn't obtained the corpse of Immortal Yulong in the Tomb of the God of War, he would be the one who is desperate now.

Therefore, no matter what, he will kill Shen Tianyou to avoid future troubles.Moreover, the appearance of Shen Tianyou, and the unexpected body of Yulong Xianjun shocked Mie Lingshuo at the end, all of which made Yang Yi believe in the existence of luck.Perhaps, he really inherited the remnant luck of the witch clan, so he was able to turn bad luck into good luck every now and then.

Yang Yi unleashed Wu Yuan again, and went directly to kill Shen Tianyou. Without the spirit destroying shuttle, Shen Tianyou couldn't resist Wu Yuan at all.

That huge power seemed to pierce through the void, Shen Tianyou's eyes had become extremely terrifying at this time, he raised his head abruptly, as if thinking of something, there was actually a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Haha, Yang Yi, you think you have survived a desperate situation, and you have gained great benefits, haha, but do you know? God bless me, there is still a chance to kill you again, it doesn't matter, whether I fail ten times or fail Twenty times, as long as I can succeed once, it will be your death date, haha, I know, we will definitely meet again, and this day is not far away."

Shen Tianyou laughed loudly, although his face still had that expression of unwillingness, but it seemed that he had regained a little confidence.

"Oh? Failure ten times and twenty times is nothing?"

The murderous intent in Yang Yi's heart became more ferocious. Shen Tianyou's words made him very afraid. What Shen Tianyou said, even if he died ten thousand times, it would be enough. Once Shen Tianyou was still alive, it would be like It was like a ghost, staring at Yang Yi in the dark, and if there was a chance, it would immediately come out and deliver a fatal blow.

Therefore, Yang Yi must not tolerate such a threat and must eradicate it.

Yang Yi became murderous, and his power was greatly increased by urging Wu Yuan, but Shen Tianyou directly cast a huge tower from his body. There was also an "immortal" aura on this tower, but it was not very strong. It is obviously a half-immortal treasure, and this is the tower that lifted the sky back then.

"Yang Yi, you can't kill me now, just like you have inherited the luck of the witch clan, you can always survive from adversity, so I am the same, I have always been your fateful enemy, and will always be yours Enemy, my strength will also increase rapidly, and in the end, I will definitely kill you and take away everything from you, all your glory and power, haha"

Shen Tianyou actually directly used the Qingtian Tower to block Wu Yuan in front, while his figure flew away through the void in an instant. This process was really fast, even Yang Yi couldn't do anything about it.


Shen Tianyou disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, the power that trapped the Zhu family patriarch and Yu Bachen also disappeared. They both looked at each other, and immediately wanted to escape through the void.

But Yang had been prepared early in the morning, and coldly snorted: "Do you two still want to leave? Wu Yuan, kill"

Yang Yi unleashed Wu Yuan directly, and there was a huge roar, no matter whether it was the ancestor of the Zhu family or Yu Bachen, neither of them had a half-immortal treasure, so they couldn't resist Wu Yuan's fierce power at all, and they would be hurt by the slightest touch of their bodies. It turned into a burst of blood mist and exploded in the void.


Two bloody lights flashed, and Yang Da grabbed the souls of the two with one hand. He ignored the words of the ancestors of the Zhu family and Yu Bachen, and threw them into the Heavenly Thunder Disk to seal them.

With Wu Yuan, Yang Yi's strength is simply not comparable to that of a master with a pure yang body. After beheading these two masters with a pure yang body, Yang Yi looked into the distance again. Where Tianyou disappeared, he murmured in a low voice: "The enemy of fate? It's interesting, but if you can fail ten times, then you can fail a hundred times."

Yang Yi is also wary of Shen Tianyou, this poisonous snake is dangerous, and he must be eradicated in a short time. Of course, the premise is that Yang Yi's strength will be improved, and he will not be afraid of anyone.

"Wu Yuan, devour"

The Qingtian Tower cast by Shen Tianyou just now is still in the void. It is a semi-immortal treasure. Yang Yi directly let Wu Yuan start to devour it. Immediately, Wu Yuan exuded billowing ash mengmeng breath, Wrap this Qingtian tower in the void, devouring it continuously.

Wu Yuan only needs to devour a half-immortal treasure, or an immortal treasure, and then he can grow continuously. He was no match for the Mieling Shuttle, so every piece of half-immortal treasure or immortal treasure he devoured was very important to Wu Yuan.

The Sky Tower trembled constantly, as if it knew its own destiny, so it kept struggling, but how could it get out of Wu Yuan's restraint, so after a while, Wu Yuan swallowed the entire Sky Tower Now, Wu Yuan's power is also constantly increasing, at least Yang Yi can feel that the witch energy in Wu Yuan has increased a lot.


Putting Wu Yuan away, Yang Yi looked at the Mie Lingshuo in the void and the body of Immortal Yulong surrounded by the Mieling Shuttle. Today is the corpse of Immortal Yulong Only then did Yang Yi turn defeat into victory.

The power of the Mie Ling Shuo is also very powerful, even stronger than the current Wu Yuan, and it also has the power bestowed by the Immortal King on it. It is indeed a rare fairy treasure, but this Mie Ling Shuo Yang He also has self-knowledge, he knows that with his current strength, he can't control the Mieling Shuttle at all, and he doesn't have any tokens, even manipulating it is impossible, the only thing he can control is the corpse of Immortal Yulong .

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