blood record

Chapter 55 1 Sword Out of Heaven and Earth Transformation

Ouyang Xin's indifferent expression did not change at all, and his figure was like a whirlwind, quickly approaching the black hedgehog king.


The black hedgehog king felt angry, and the fierce light in his eyes became stronger, and the poisonous spikes all over his body were like sharp arrows, shooting out fiercely.

"whoosh whoosh"

The spikes all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, no matter how good your body is, you can't dodge it. [

At least, Yang Yi thought he couldn't avoid it.

But at this moment, in front of Ouyang Xin was a silver-white long sword. The long sword shone with silver-white brilliance. It was cold but sharp. This was the magic treasure Zang Jianfeng.

"Hidden sword in the world, show your sharpness, kill!"

Ouyang Xin raised his long sword and slashed down fiercely.


A bright ray of light shines out, just like the ray of the scorching sun, it cannot be looked directly at, and a sharp breath permeates the whole world.

The surrounding air seemed to be shaking, the entire Zhenlong Pagoda was shaking, and even the space was shaking, as if it was about to shatter.

Outside, these shape-changing masters changed their minds, and then they saw waves of ripples and ripples appearing on the square and stable mirror surface, and they couldn't help trembling.

The host of the Dragon Transformation Contest, Lei Tianming, a master of transformation, grabbed forward fiercely, and roared in a low voice: "No, Ouyang Xin actually used the hidden sword edge, damn it, that's a magic weapon, even In terms of grade, they are only slightly lower than the square mirror."

Lei Tianming shouted loudly, and then a ray of light flew out from between his brows, directly stabilizing the trembling square mirror.


The square mirror gradually stabilized, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior Brother Lei, although we all know the hidden sword edge in Ouyang Xin's hand, who made the hidden sword edge? At that moment just now, we can feel the terrifying power even through the square mirror. Sharpness." One of the transformation masters asked.

Lei Tianming revealed a strange look in his eyes and said lightly: "Zang Jianfeng was a master swordsman who ruled the world back then. Believe his name, you should all have heard of him. His name is Sword Demon!"

"What? Sword Demon? is this possible? Isn't it said that the Sword Demon has torn apart the void and entered the fairy world?"

These metamorphosis masters were shocked inexplicably, because the name of the sword demon back then was too terrifying. With a sword in hand, the gods and demons changed, destroying the world, and beheading the masters of the sky is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

"Yes, no one knows whether the sword demon tore through the void and ascended to the fairyland or has fallen. But when he showed his edge for the first time, he used this hidden sword edge."

Lei Tianming's words made many people think of something different.

"Senior Brother Lei, do you mean that Ouyang Xin has acquired the orthodoxy left by the Sword Demon, and even... even the wealth left by the Sword Demon?"[

As soon as these words came out, many transformation masters were shocked. You must know that although this Hidden Sword Edge is a middle-grade magic weapon, it is nothing. But it is not uncommon.However, if Ouyang Xin really got the Taoism of the Sword Demon, or the wealth left by the Sword Demon, it would be a big deal, because the Sword Demon ruled the world back then, relying on a set of half-immortal swords in his hand Array.

This set of sword formations is called the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and it consists of four half-immortal treasures, namely Zhuxian, Juexian, Trapping Immortal, and Killing Immortal. These four half-immortal treasures form a sword formation. Slaughter God, terrifying.

Lei Tianming glanced at these transformation masters, and said lightly: "Whether Ouyang Xin gets it or not, no one knows. But whether he gets it or not, he will be my disciple of Hualong Palace from now on, and his strength will grow stronger and stronger." Strong, the greater the adventure, the luck of my Hualong Palace."

This is the spirit of the big faction, no matter how many adventures you have, you will not be jealous, because you are all disciples of the Hualong Palace, and the stronger the disciples, the stronger the faction, robbing treasures, killing chickens to get eggs, Hualong Palace will not do.

As Lei Tianming gradually stabilized the square mirror, the entire mirror surface became clear, and everyone could continue to watch the picture inside.

But in the picture at this time, Ouyang Xin's sword light has disappeared, and the black hedgehog king lying on the ground is dead.

These transformation masters didn't see the scene just now, but Yang Yi saw it clearly.

That sword was magnificent, shining in the world, earth-shattering, and shocking.

Fengyun turned into a shining sword light, as if everything in the world had disappeared, and in Yang Yi's eyes, there was only this sword light.

This sword is simply unimaginable, it seems to be impeccable, all attacks, all powers, all techniques and martial arts are so ridiculous in front of this sword light.

What's more, Yang Yi had the feeling that not to mention the fifth level of blood coagulation, even the existence of the sixth level of blood coagulation, or even the existence of the [-]th level condensed into a virtual core, could not resist this sword.

The power of the magic weapon is so powerful that Si.

Ouyang Xin's sword has long been missing. This magic weapon is called Hidden Sword Edge, so people don't know where the sword is, when to draw it, let alone where to draw it.

The Black Hedgehog King had no resistance at all, deep wounds were cut all over his body, and those spikes were cut into several pieces by the horse's sword energy.

Ouyang Xin only glanced at Yang Yi indifferently, and then stepped into the sixth floor. Until now, Yang Yi also understands why No.1 is already occupied this time.

An existence like Ouyang Xin probably only appeared in tens of thousands of years. Even if the lords and mansion lords are not opponents, he won the first place, and no one complained.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, and quickly calmed down his mood. He was only slightly shocked, but not discouraged. He had grown from a hunter to the present level, and he had already reached the height that several people could only dream of. What a pity.

Two hours before the end of the qualifying match, Yang Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, taking pills to slowly restore the injured viscera. He knew himself, and knew that the guardian beast on the fifth floor, the Black Hedgehog King, was the one he had now. His strength is simply looking for death. To deal with the Black Hedgehog King, all his methods have been overwhelmed, so he simply practiced silently here to restore his strength.

As time passed bit by bit, Yang Yi's whole body had been recuperated to be alive and well, and a little damage in his internal organs also quickly recovered under the conditioning of these pills.

"Drip, the hour is over, everyone returns to Hualong Pagoda, five, four, three, two, one..."

The sound of the square mirror appeared in everyone's ears, and then everyone turned into a white light, and was instantly transferred to the Hualong Pagoda. ! ~!

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