blood record

Chapter 551 The Mysterious Seal

Chapter 550

mysterious seal

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Although Yang Yi's body is the golden body of the Wu Clan, and still has the blood of the Wu Clan, he can be regarded as a nobleman in the Wu Clan, but even so, at such a close distance, he can feel the pain from the scars of the pillar supporting the sky. The ancestor Wu's aura emanating from it still made Yang Yi feel like he was in a storm.

Wu Zu's aura is relatively strong, although it is only a little bit, and it has survived tens of thousands of years, but it is not something that Yang Yisuo can compete with now.Therefore, when he forcibly approached this scar, his body was almost torn to pieces by the terrifying breath, and his mind was constantly shaking, as if he was about to collapse completely in the next instant. [

Yang Yi naturally heard what the Five Elements Golden Spirit said, and he immediately began to function without breaking his body, and began to try to swallow and refine the breath in the scars of the Tianzhu pillar bit by bit.

However, this process is extremely long and needs to be slowly refined bit by bit, and it also needs to be continuously impacted by the ancestor Wu's breath. Yang Yi seems to be in the vast ocean, and he can't grasp this powerful force at all. Wu Zu breath.

However, Yang Yi had time, and he also had a strong enough mind and will, so he began to extend his consciousness into this shocking scar, carefully feeling the terrifying aura of this ancestor Wu.


When Yang Yi's consciousness instantly extended into this scar, Yang Yi saw a pair of incomplete pictures. In this memory picture, there was only a huge palm covering the world, and he couldn't see anything clearly. Just this palm.

The palm of this horse was directly photographed, and the world seemed to tremble for it, and there were horrible residues everywhere.

o, and this huge pillar supporting the sky is the palm of Hebei

o When it reaches a little bit, permanent xng damage is caused, not to mention those remaining

o, and smashed this part of the sky pillar into pieces, leaving shocking scars everywhere.

Yang Yi can imagine how terrifying that palm was at the beginning.

o can cause this huge pillar to support the sky to suffer such heavy damage, this palm Yang Yi also vaguely guessed whose palm it is, it must be the witch Zuzhen summoned by the twelve ancestral witches together. palm of the body.

Only the real body of Wu Zu has such a terrifying power, which is simply unimaginable.

These pictures are just some incomplete memories. Although they are just memories, the shock in them is also touching. Yang Yi is like being in the scene. The impact on the soul is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

"The power of Ancestor Wu's real body is simply resistable, but I don't know how the ancient immortals resisted Ancestor Wu's real body."

A thought suddenly rose in Yang Yi's mind. The Wu Clan in ancient times was so powerful. The Twelve Ancestral Witches even summoned the real body of the Wu Ancestors. Even the pillars supporting the sky were broken by them, and their strength was almost The enemy is defeated, but why is the Wu Clan disappearing now, and the ancient immortals finally defeated the Wu Clan.

Now this question lingers in Yang Yi's mind even more.

This question may take a long time to be answered, but now Yang Yi is immersed in the memory picture over there, and is still working hard to refine the aura of Wu Zu.

A trace of Wuzu's aura can make Yang Zhou's Wuzu unable to get close without breaking the aura, let alone refining, so Yang can only cast the Nine Palace Phantom bit by bit, bit by bit. Refining and devouring the ancestor Wu's breath.

While Yang Yi was trying his best to devour the aura of ancestor witchcraft, in a remote and secret mansion, a man in a green shirt was sitting upright. His face was serious at this time, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Yang Yi, the god must be To let you die in the place of burial” [

This man is Shen Tianyou, he has returned to his secret mansion at this time, and in front of him is a huge corpse, but this corpse is missing a part of its body, which looks rather strange.

On this corpse, there is still an aura of witch clan continuously exuding. This is the corpse of an undead witch clan obtained by Shen Tianyou, and the part of the undead body that he set up to lure Yang Yi into, It was on this corpse. Unfortunately, the game he set up failed. Not only did he fail to kill Yang Yi, but it made him grow stronger, reaching an unbelievable level.

Shen Tianyou returned to the Gong mansion again, and the only thing he relied on now was the corpse of this undead body of the witch clan.

"Damn it, now that Yang Yi has got that part of the undead body, I'm afraid he can become a real undead body just a little bit. The original arrangement that was never lost, but because Yang Yi got the corpse of Immortal Yu Long Failed. This time, Yang Yi's strength has greatly improved, and it will not be so easy to deal with him again."

Shen Tianyou murmured in a low voice, although he left harsh words at the beginning, he knew that it would be extremely difficult to deal with Yang Yi again, unless he found a new way, or obtained Otherwise, relying on his current strength alone, the remaining undead body would be snatched away by Yang Yi.

"Undead body, undead body, I can truly defeat Yang Yi only if I become a master of undead body"

Shen Tianyou's complexion fluctuated, his current body was nothing more than a diamond body, and it would be extremely difficult to cultivate it without breaking it, let alone a more powerful undead body.

But gradually, Shen Tianyou's eyes turned to the undead body of the Wu clan in front of him. If he could swallow it, he might become a master of the undead body immediately.

"This undead body is very weird, and it obviously has some complicated seals on it"

Shen Tianyou frowned. He discovered this Wu Clan undead body when he accidentally discovered this mansion on the spot, but later he gradually discovered that there was actually a seal in this undead Wu Clan body.

This is even more strange, because it is completely unnecessary to seal a corpse, but there are indeed many complicated seals carved on this corpse.

Shen Tianyou didn't destroy these seals when he took away a part of his body, but he felt that these seals were weird and special. After all, they were ancient things, and no one could tell what the purpose of these seals was.

But now, Shen Tianyou is almost facing despair, he is at the end of his life, if he does not temporarily gain powerful strength, he will never be able to surpass Yang Yi, this is a more painful feeling than death for Shen Tianyou .

Gradually, Shen Tianyou seemed to have a longing in his heart, a strong longing, he longed to break the seal on this corpse.

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