blood record

Chapter 553 Fusion

Chapter 550 Three


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Shen Tianyou's body stood quietly in the void, and a terrifying will constantly flickered in his mind. This will was not strong, but it was extremely tenacious, almost unbreakable tenacity.

No matter how strong Samba's will is, it seems impossible to completely destroy it. This is Shen Tianyou's obsession, and if it is only this little obsession, then Shen Tianyou will never be able to resist Samba's will .The main reason is because Shen Tianyou still has a trace of luck left over from the ancient witch clan. Like Yang Yi, Shen Tianyou also has the luck left over from the ancient witch clan. [

After a long while, Samba's voice echoed in Shen Tianyou's mind: "God is blessed, the great Samba is about to be resurrected, your will, you must be annihilated, but your will can be integrated into my will, from now on Regardless of each other, your obsession and regret will be done for you by me."

With the appearance of Samba's voice, Samba's will became more powerful, faintly oppressing Shen Tianyou's will, although Shen Tianyou's will cannot be broken by Samba now, but Samba can choose to give up

By himself, he could choose to give up and devour Shen Tianyou's will, directly destroying Shen Tianyou, in this way, Shen Tianyou would also fall.

Samba thought of doing everything possible to devour or even merge Shen Tianyou's will. This was because he took a fancy to the part of the witch clan's remaining luck in Shen Tianyou. Only by swallowing or melting Shen Tianyou's will, these Qi Fate will be transferred to Samba.

Shen Tianyou's will gradually fell silent, he was very clear about his situation, no matter what he was going to die, but there were different ways to die, if he just fell like this, then he would also feel unwilling.

After a long time, Shen Tianyou made a decision, but his will seemed to be more firm, and he said loudly: "Okay, no matter what, I will die, then I will not let Yang Yi go before I die, as long as you agree , after merging my will, you must kill Yang Yi, then I will take the initiative to integrate into your will."

Shen Tianyou's hatred for Yang Yi is so deep that he really hates it to the marrow. The only obsession in his heart is to kill Yang Yi completely. Therefore, the condition he proposed is that Samba kill Yang Yi .

"Okay, I promise, your will will be integrated into mine. From then on, you will have me, and I will have you. You will become a part of the great Samba, and your obsession will also affect me, Yang One, I will definitely kill him. He is also my enemy. In the world, there is only one great warrior who inherits the luck of my witch clan, and he can only be my Samba."

Samba agreed to Shen Tianyou, and at the same time, Shen Tianyou's will gradually relaxed, and then actively merged into Samba's will.


There is a lot of information in Samba's memory, most of which are the memory information of Shen Tianyou, and these memories will permanently become a part of Samba's memory, because the current Samba is fused with God's will , instead of devouring, which means that in fact, the current Samba is still dominated by Samba's will, but it is already a combination of Shen Tianyou and Samba.

"Yang Yi? Don't worry, I, Samba, will definitely kill you. You are now my Samba's enemy."

A cold light flashed across Shen Tianyou's eyes. The current Shen Tianyou is no longer Shen Tianyou, but the ancient Wu Clan Samba. He has successfully controlled Shen Tianyou's body, and he has merged with Shen Tianyou One day, Shen Tianyou's obsession has also been affecting Samba, making him bound to kill Yang Yi.

God Bless, disappeared completely, there is no God Bless in this world, but there is a powerful Samba


Samba controlled Shen Tianyou's body, and flew directly in front of Samba's real body. There was a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and then bursts of light radiated from Shen Tianyou's body, which was the breath of the witch clan.

Shen Tianyou's body is also the golden body of the witch clan, but it is too weak, it is just a diamond body.But now it is the ancient Wu tribe Samba who controls Shen Tianyou's body, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, the golden light on Shen Tianyou's body became more and more magnificent, and finally reached an unimaginable level .


All of a sudden, Shen Tianyou's whole body turned into a ray of light, and he flew directly onto Samba's real body. His body quickly turned into bursts of light, and gradually merged with Samba's real body , or was directly swallowed by Samba's real body. [


Samba's real body's eyes opened suddenly, and a terrifying savage aura appeared instantly, and this powerful witch finally woke up.

This ancient powerful existence suddenly stood up. On his body, the golden brilliance became more and more magnificent. Originally, a part of his body was incomplete, and a foot was missing, but now it is slowly growing out. It was intact in an instant, very miraculous.

The undead body is extremely difficult to kill. If there is no restraint or too strong power, the undead body is almost an immortal existence. Even if there is only a little body left, it can recover quickly. But it takes a lot of power to lose, and it takes a long time to recover.

Samba looked at his body, felt it for a while, his eyes flickered with jng light, shook his head slightly, and muttered to himself: "The strength is still not fully recovered, and it seems to be still incomplete. His body was set up by Shen Tianyou and obtained by Yang Yi. This Yang Yi is the existence that Shen Tianyou desperately wants to kill. Well, beheading Yang Yi will not only fulfill Shen Tianyou's conditions, Eliminate the incompleteness of my will, and you can completely plunder the remaining luck of the Wu Clan to me. At that time, there will be more hope for the revival of my Wu Clan."

Samba's voice was rather cold, and his body was full of murderous intent, and his body was still changing. In the end, the light gradually faded away, but he found that his face was somewhat similar to Shen Tianyou.

This is because Samba has been completely integrated with Shen Tianyou. As Samba said before, Shen Tianyou has completely become a part of Samba.

Thinking of Yang Yi, Samba felt that his mind was jerking violently. He immediately knew that this was Shen Tianyou's will at work. When he decided to integrate Shen Tianyou into his will, he had already anticipated this kind of situation. Change, Shen Tianyou is not really fallen, he has become a part of Samba, although he cannot dominate Samba, but he can influence Samba everywhere.

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