blood record

Chapter 564 Sealing the Golden Body

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Wu Yuan was originally the treasure of the Wu Clan, although it was just an imitation, but its power was no small matter, the original Chi Ming was even able to kill Immortal Yulong with Wu Yuan.But the current Wu Yuan is no longer the original Wu Yuan, and the current Wu Yuan has not fully recovered, so the power is far from what it was when it was at its peak.

Samba's punch was just the power after being offset by Yang Yi's power, but it was also extremely terrifying, directly hitting Wu Yuan, and the whole Wu Yuan seemed to have cracks, which was shocking.


Samba's power was so tyrannical to the extreme that cracks began to appear in Wu Yuan, and each crack was expanding, as if it was about to be reduced to powder in an instant.

But after a while, the cracks on Wu Yuan stopped spreading, just floating quietly in the void, Wu Yuan successfully resisted Samba's power.

"Okay, Samba, if Yang doesn't die this time, it will be your death in the future!"

Yang Yi didn't care how much Wu Yuan was hurt, he immediately tore open the void, and went directly through the space.Although Samba pinned the space before, but the collision of Samba and Yang Yi's power, the terrifying aftermath directly shattered the confinement, so Yang Yi was able to escape immediately.

Looking at the empty space, Samba's face became more gloomy, and he let Yang Yi escape again and again, his anger had almost reached its peak.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, since you have an undead body, I will keep track of your whereabouts. Let's see where you can escape to?"

Samba wasn't very worried either. With the secret technique taught by Houtu Ancestral Witch, he could sense Yang Yi's undead body all the time, so he could naturally find Yang Yi.


Samba also quickly tore open the space, got into the space directly, and followed the breath of Yang Yi's undead body.

In a vast and empty starry sky, a figure emerged from the space in an instant, it was Yang Yi.

His face was more gloomy, looking into the void, he sneered in a low voice and said: "Okay, very good, Samba, the reason why you were able to find Yang was only by relying on the secret method of the witch clan to search for Yang's wrong It’s just a dead body. Hmph, then Yang will no longer use the undead body now, unless it is absolutely necessary, he must not use the undead body!”

Yang Yi knew very well now that he had to abandon the undead body for a while. Once he used the undead body, Samba would soon find out and track him down. Therefore, the only way now is to temporarily abandon the undead body.

If Yang Yi was really a real Wu Clan in ancient times and only cultivated the Wu Clan Golden Body, then Yang Yi had no choice but to run away without stopping, because he couldn't give up the Wu Clan Golden Body.

But Yang Yi is not a real Wu Clan. Apart from the Wu Clan golden body, he is still his primordial spirit, so fundamentally speaking, Yang Yi is still a monk, but this monk has cultivated more of the Wu Clan golden body. That's all.


Immediately after thinking about it, Yang Yi's primordial spirit escaped from his body in an instant and flew into the starry sky. With the current power of Yang Yi's primordial spirit, even without a body, there is no obstacle. He can spend some time and directly Reshape a body with spiritual veins.

In fact, when one has cultivated to the general state of reaching the sky, the body does not have much effect, and the most important thing is the primordial spirit.

Moreover, Yang Yi's primordial spirit is even more extraordinary. Although his primordial spirit is the Ninth Level Breakthrough Mortal Realm, but because he has swallowed a lot of pure yang energy, he has cultivated into a pure yang primordial spirit. His power is even stronger than many people who have cultivated into pure yang. The master of the body is even more terrifying.

So even if there is no body, just the body formed by the gathering of spiritual veins can still move freely. [


Yang Yi directly grabbed all the spiritual veins from the space, and he patted these spiritual veins lightly with his big hand, and the spiritual veins quickly began to surround Yang Yi's primordial spirit, and it only took a moment for them to completely condense Out of a body.

This body is naturally not stronger than the undead body before, but there is no way now, once the undead body is used, Samba will know that Yang Yi is lucky to be able to escape twice, if it is the third time, Yang Yi will definitely be suspicious .

The first time, as soon as Yang escaped, the Tianhe Star Map and the Tianhe Starfield were destroyed, and the second time, Wu Yuan was severely injured, and it is unknown how many half-immortal treasures he would have to devour to recover.

After the body condensed, Yang Yi looked at the undead body in the void. This undead body just quietly floated in the void. However, Yang Yi had no choice but to seal it up.

"The Disk of Thunder!"

Yang Yi directly summoned the Heavenly Thunder Disk, grabbed it with his big hand, and quickly made several seals on the body of the undead body, and then threw it into the Heavenly Thunder Disk. No matter how powerful Samba was, he still couldn't sense Yang Yi's undead body.

"Hmph, Samba, let's see how you tracked down Yang this time?"

A flash of light flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and then he tore it off with his big hand, and the space burst instantly, and his figure directly got into the space, and traveled through the space in an instant.

In the distant void, a huge figure suddenly appeared from the space, and there was a hint of inconceivable expression in the monk's eyes.

"Disappeared? He actually lost his sense, and Yang Yi couldn't feel his breath at all. What's going on?"

This cultivator is exactly Samba who has been following Yang Yi. He has been sensing the breath of Yang Yi's undead body in the void just now, but now, this feeling has suddenly disappeared. Then how he activated the secret method, There was no trace of Yang Yi's breath, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

And there are only two situations where this happens. One is that Yang Yi has fallen, and even the undead body has been reduced to ashes.However, although this is a possibility, it seems a little unrealistic. With the strength of the undead body, even a real immortal, I am afraid it will be difficult to completely kill the undead body of the Wuzu, let alone now. There is no master.

So while the first possibility has to be ruled out, there is also the second possibility. Yang Yi hid in a peculiar place, which can completely block the breath of the undead witch clan, so Sambafa The exact location of Yang Yi was sensed.

"Hmph, Yang Yi, no matter where you are hiding, you always have to come out, and once you come out, it is your time of death!"

Samba still felt that Yang Yi was the second possibility, hiding in a secret place, so he couldn't sense it.

Samba pondered for a while, but he still definitely went to the last place Yang Yi went to, or, Samba sensed the last place Yang Yi had been to.


When Samba walked out of the space, he saw that it was a vast starry sky, nothing special at all, but in the void, there was still a trace of undead breath.

This breath is very familiar to Samba, it is the breath of Yang Yi's undead body.

"This aura is relatively strong, which means that Yang Yi stayed here for a long time, and then his undead body completely lost its sense, and the aura was completely blocked. Where can he hide?"

Samba frowned and cursed, his eyes looked at the void, he was expecting Yang Yi to show his breath again, but this expectation never appeared, Yang Yi still didn't have a trace of breath. [

Yang Yi didn't know that Samba had fallen into confusion, but even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, Yang Yi could still imagine that Samba would not be able to find Yang Yi without the sense of undead body. Very irritable, but helpful.

For Yang Yi, he can't display the undead body, and the only way to increase his strength is to cultivate to the body of pure yang, cultivate to Dzogchen, or even become a fairy.

Cultivating a body of pure yang is obviously far from enough to deal with Samba. Even if he has cultivated the nine great perfections, he still cannot deal with Samba. Only when he cultivates into an immortal, the highest immortal, may he be able to contend against Samba.

But in the process of cultivation, it seems that there are only a few realms, but once it is cultivated, it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Yang Yi didn't dare to go to the Martial Emperor's Starfield, because Samba fused the memory of Shen Tianyou, it might be possible to know that the Martial Emperor's Starfield was related to Yang Yi. It's a self-inflicted trap.

What's more, there are countless star fields in the vast starry sky, and there are countless masters. There are countless star fields that are stronger than Emperor Wu's star field.

Just like the star field that Yang Yi came to at random, it presents a scene of prosperity.

This star field came from Yang Yi accidentally, and the moment he walked out of the space, he felt the exhaustion of monks.

Yes, there are almost exhausted monks, and there is a lot of people. I don’t know how many monks there are. Compared with the Emperor Wudi Starfield, it seems to be more prosperous, and what is commendable is that the monks here are all very qualified, at least all of them have The cultivation base of the fourth and fifth layers of transformation, as for the realm of reaching the sky, it is even more countless.

Such a prosperous star field, Yang Yi naturally wants to experience it. His current identity is a powerful Ninth Layer monk who breaks the mortal realm. No matter which star field he is in, he is a master and is respected by countless monks. .

So when Yang Yiyi appeared, all the monks here were shocked, and countless monks stepped aside one after another, showing their respect for the nine-fold monks.

"whoosh whoosh"

Countless monks stepped aside one after another, and some of them saluted respectfully when they saw Yang Yi, but Yang Yi flew lightly in the void, only to find that many monks were looking at Yang Yi, with a strange look in their eyes. Some monks were still whispering indistinctly.

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