blood record

Chapter 566 Strong Pure Yang Qi

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This fairy formation made Yang Yi think a lot, but in front of that huge gate, there were many monks coming and going, but every monk flew under the huge gate, and obediently landed on the ground, and then Walking slowly at the slowest speed, it seems that flying is forbidden in this palace.

Yang Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he flew directly to the gate, and then landed on the ground, walking slowly.

After entering the palace, Yang Yi obviously felt that there was no trace of secrets in his body, and there was also a faint trace of depression, which should come from the fairy formation above his head. [

This fairy array can't be empty, it's just that it hasn't been activated by anyone. Once activated, it will explode with terrifying power, and everyone in the palace may not be able to escape.

After walking for a long time, Yang Yi saw densely packed monks in front of him. These monks had a very high level of cultivation, usually reaching the fifth or sixth level of the Heavenly Reaching Layer, and there were even quite a few monks at the level of the Seventh Layer of the Heavenly Reaching Creation Realm.

Of course, the most dazzling ones are those cultivators above the Ninth Level Breaking the Mortal Realm. These monks are all high above the others. .

So when Yang Yi appeared, two men and women with exquisite faces quickly walked out of the group of monks, and they respectfully saluted Yang Xing: "Senior, we are the welcome disciples arranged by the Star Lord, may I ask you this?" What is the name of the senior?"

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "Yang Yi!"

As for the name, Yang Yi did not hide it. No matter how great his reputation is, it is impossible for him to spread to such a distant star field.

"It turned out to be Senior Yang, please come with us, Senior Yang, the Star Lord specially arranged a special position for seniors above Jiuzhong!"

Yang nodded a little. Nine layers of masters look at each other horizontally, and they are very status quo in any sect, so it's nothing to arrange a special position.

Following behind these two people, they quickly walked into the high platform among the crowd. On this high platform, there were dozens of seats. These seats were obviously only qualified to sit by nine-fold masters. Among them, many monks have already sat down.

"Senior, please sit down, and please wait for a while, the Star Lord will come out soon!"

Yang nodded his head, then sat down calmly.


As soon as he sat down, Yang Yi felt a few eyes staring at him firmly, some of which were provocative and vigilant.

Yang Yi raised his eyes, and found that these were all experts who broke the mortal realm at the ninth level, and most of them had young faces and a confident look. You don't need to think about Yang Yi to know that these people all want to become the Taoist partner of Lin Luoxia, the daughter of the Star Lord. Yes, and Yang Yi is their strong competitor.

But Yang Yi didn't care about this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then all the breath in his body was restrained, without the slightest movement.

These ninth-layer masters really didn't attract Yang Yi's interest, he didn't even know how many masters with pure yang bodies had been killed, so he didn't care about these nine-layer masters.

In the distance, there was a handsome Ninth Layer cultivator, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he kept looking at Yang Yi.

Behind him there are two monks in the eighth level of thunder, they are very respectful, it seems that this man is not simple.

"Young master, is there anything unusual about this person?"

As the close people of the young master, they naturally know some familiar movements of the young master. The general nine-fold master, the young master would not pay attention to it, but after this strange nine-fold monk appeared, their young master actually started to pay attention to it. He sized him up and didn't look back for a long time. This is an action that only occurs after someone who the young master thinks is extremely threatening appears.

The handsome young man said in a low voice: "It is indeed a bit unusual. I have never had the impression of this person. He should not be any monk from the thousands of stars around here, or a monk from another star field, or He came up from the stars on the other side of the Xingji Starfield. And he is definitely not an ordinary Ninth Layer cultivator. He was able to completely ignore so many hostile gazes. Such a person is not simple. I felt a threat on my body."

Hearing the young master's words, the two subordinates behind him looked at each other. They couldn't understand their young master very well. They knew that his feelings were very effective, and they were able to make the young master feel If there is a slight threat, then this person must not be simple.

"My lord, this time the Lord Star Lord even handed over the [-] gun to you. With this fairy treasure, I believe that even a master with a body of pure yang will not be able to match you. The Tianxing sword is already in your pocket. gone."

Hearing this, the handsome young master showed a confident smile, and said in a low voice: "Yes, Father, I have long wanted to see Star Lord Lin Chen's Star Sword, but I have always been able to see it, this time , I want to present the imposing hands of the Heavenly Star Sword to my lord father!"

Listening to the words of this handsome young man, he was also full of pride. To be able to be given a fairy treasure, I am afraid that his star master's father is not easy.

Although Yang Yi closed his eyes and didn't even sense it, his primordial spirit far surpassed the general masters with pure yang body, comparable to those monks who have completed the nine majors, so after he scanned it, he found The handsome man opposite him is the most threatening. On him, Yang Yi also felt a faint "immortal" aura. It is very possible that this handsome monk has a half-immortal treasure on him, or even fairy treasure.

But he still didn't take these people to heart. What he cared about most now was the Star Lord Lin Chen and the immortal treasure, the Heavenly Star Sword.Yang Yi was also full of curiosity about what a real living immortal would look like.

After about a few hours, this was really nothing to these monks, and then several monks of the ninth level came one after another. In addition to Yang Yi, the monks of the ninth level came here with a full eighteen There are so many respects, of course, these [-] statues all have their own thoughts, some of them are older than others, and they are not here to compete for the Heavenly Star Sword at all. They may be the best friends of Star Lord Lin Chen, or come to see the Heavenly Star Sword, etc. Wait, there are not many people who really want to fight for the Heavenly Star Sword.

Yang Yi closed his eyes. Although he didn't observe these monks, his eyes moved towards the whole palace.

This palace is extremely huge, vast, and Yang Yi's soul is powerful, so he swept away in a mighty sweep, not letting go of a place at all. The owner can be blamed for finding out.

"Huh? Such a strong pure yang energy, what kind of place is this?"

Suddenly, Yang Yi's heart moved. In his induction, he actually sensed a terrifying pure Yang energy in a palace. The richness of this pure Yang energy is unimaginable, as if it is in a flame, raging burning.

Of course, it is impossible to burn these pure yang qi, but in the monk's induction, such a terrifying and strong pure yang qi is actually burning blazingly. Yang Yi has never seen such a strong pure yang energy before. Qi.

Generally, it is extremely difficult for monks of the ninth level, especially the monks who have cultivated the pure yang primordial spirit, to cultivate a pure yang body, and the root cause lies in the pure yang energy.Ordinary monks can only accumulate pure yang energy day after day and year after year. If such a terrifying pure yang energy, they can't bear it at all, even the soul will be killed by pure yang energy. Yang Qi is burned directly.

But this is an incomparable temptation for Yang Yi. What he lacks most now is pure yang energy. As long as he has enough pure yang energy, he will only need a short period of time to cultivate into a pure yang body. time.

His primordial spirit is not afraid of pure yang energy at all, no matter how powerful the pure yang aura is, it can be easily devoured and refined by Yang Yi's primordial spirit, and then transformed into the power of the primordial spirit.

It was because of Yang Yi's lack of pure yang energy that his cultivation had been stagnant. Originally, he had the ability to extract pure yang energy from the power of the sky thunder, but the power of the sky thunder was also limited, and the pure yang he needed The qi is simply an astronomical number, even if all the power of the thunder sealed in the disk of the sky thunder is separated into the pure yang qi, Yang Yi will not be able to cultivate into a body of pure yang, but the power of the sky thunder will be in the air. Without pure yang energy, it is impossible to baptize the primordial spirit of the disciples of the eighth level of thunder.

Therefore, cultivating with the pure yang energy of the power of thunder will only gain more than the loss.

However, now that Yang Yi found so much pure Yang energy here, Yang Yi was naturally overjoyed.


When Yang Yi's induction was about to enter this hall, suddenly a tyrannical will swept over, which contained a huge "immortal" aura, and directly blasted Yang Yi's will out with a thunderous force. [

The strength of this will is incomparable, but fortunately, Yang had already seen the stronger will of Samba early on, so he didn't have too much fear. What's more, this will only drove him away. But there was no murderous intent.


Yang Yi's eyes opened suddenly, he vaguely already knew who the will was just now, it is very likely that it is the owner of this palace, Lin Chen Xingzhu.

The mighty "immortal" breath in the will shows the identity of the master of the will, and the palace full of strong pure yang energy must be an important place for Star Lord Lin Chen.

Yang Yi became more and more curious about this Star Lord Lin Chen. He took out a real fairy treasure, and there is such a mysterious place in the palace with strong pure Yang energy. He is determined to win, and he even wants to use the palace with the pure yang energy to cultivate a pure yang body.

At this moment, Yang Yi suddenly felt a strong "immortal" aura, not only Yang Yi, but other people also obviously felt it, their eyes were all sharp and sharp, and they looked into the high void .

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