blood record

Chapter 580

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Yang Yi's big hand slapped down, as if covering Zhou Tian, ​​Dong Hua felt a destructive force, it was Yang Yi who wanted to kill him completely.Dong Hua's face became paler than before, he laughed sharply and said: "Yang Yi, you bastard, since you don't want me to live, then you have to die for me, explode!"

Dong Hua didn't want to die, but seeing that Yang Yi was determined to kill him, at this moment, he was completely desperate, and finally wanted to explode himself.

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth showed a hint of cunning, and he sneered and said, "Explode yourself? Hmph, if you had this determination before you were caught by Yang, maybe you could still cause me some trouble, but now? Do you think you still Is there a chance to self-destruct? Wu Yuan, suppress it for me!" [

Dong Hua's primordial spirit was already inflated crazily, even Yang Yi's undead body couldn't suppress it, but as soon as Wu Yuan appeared, he directly shot out a suppressive force, and Dong Hua's primordial spirit was imprisoned forcibly Stopped, Dong Hua's eyes were full of despair, quietly waiting for death to come.

"I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, I have practiced for nearly ten thousand years, I am not reconciled..."

Dong Hua kept screaming miserably, but the miserably shouting could not save his life. Yang Yi's palm finally hit Dong Hua's primordial spirit. His undead body was comparable to that of an immortal. The pinnacle is even more comparable in terms of pure strength. This palm completely smashed Dong Hua's primordial spirit, truly dissipated in the world, and truly fell.

Shock, the fall of a living immortal is definitely a big shock, even Star Lord Lin Chen, who is protected by the dragon shield, his face at this time is extremely ugly.Star Lord Lin Chen knows that after Dong Hua's fall, it will be his turn next. Even though he has the Heavenly Dragon Shield, he will definitely not be able to resist for long.

Thinking of this, Star Lord Lin Chen hastily said loudly: "Yang Yi, there is no deep hatred between you and me. You can take the Heavenly Star Sword away, and I won't pursue it any further."

"Don't pursue it? Your killing two birds with one stone is easy to plot, but you shouldn't plot against Yang. Anyone who plots against Yang will die!"

Yang Yi didn't let Star Lord Lin Chen's plans go. In fact, the more important thing was the celestial dragon hood. The celestial dragon hood was much stronger than the Heavenly Star Sword and Wuxu Spear. Once Wu Yuan swallowed the celestial dragon hood, Wu Yuan would still I don't know how far to improve, this is Yang Yi's purpose.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the entire space, as if the entire space was trembling, and an aura that seemed to come from ancient times, which was almost the same as Yang Yi, suddenly appeared.


The space was shattered, and a tall figure jumped out of the space. Zhou Shen exuded a terrifying aura like an ancient fierce god.

Yang Yi's face changed slightly after seeing this figure, but he was not too surprised, it was Samba!

In fact, when Yang Yi was about to use the golden body of the witch clan, he already knew that Samba would appear. This Samba had only disappeared for a few years, and his strength seemed to have recovered a little, and the aura around him changed. The more ferocious, only Yang Yi, who is also a witch, knows this.

As soon as Samba stepped out, it was as if he stepped into Yang Yi's mind, and made a huge sound, which was more shocking.As soon as Samba appeared, there was an oppressive force immediately.

But this time, when Samba saw Yang Yi, he didn't yell to fight and kill immediately, but looked at Yang Yi quietly, as if he was sizing Yang Yi carefully.

"Yang Yi, you are fine, you have escaped my pursuit twice, and it seems that you have completely mastered the power of the undead body, and it seems that the broken Wu Yuan has also been restored by you. But these are still not enough, far from enough, you know? In the past few years, my strength has recovered [-]%, [-]%, enough to kill you, no matter how fast your strength increases, it will have no effect , you can never escape from my grasp!"

Samba's words are full of confidence. This time, he will not let Yang Yi escape again, because he has recovered [-]% of his heyday. Perhaps this [-]% of the power is really nothing in ancient times, but now, Thirty percent of his power is the terrifying power of the enemy.

"Thirty percent?"

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, of course he knew how terrifying this Samba could be, perhaps even stronger than the power of Chi Ming from the Wu clan he obtained from Wu Yuan. There is only one supreme witch warrior under the command of an ancestor witch.And Samba is the strongest fighter under the command of Houtu Zuzu Wu, far surpassing the general Wu clan masters, and his strength is overwhelming.

Yang Yi didn't know why Samba would come back to life suddenly, but these are not important now, the important thing is that he must escape from Samba's pursuit. [

At this moment, Lin Chen Xingzhu's thoughts changed sharply. When he first saw Samba appearing, his whole body was icy cold. Samba's aura was so terrifying that it was as turbulent as the sea, which made his mind unable to elevate. With a thought of resistance, he knew that Samba was a more terrifying existence than Yang Yi, but that aura was the same as Yang Yi's, and it was also a witch clan.

Star Lord Lin Chen couldn't help but be a little horrified. How could the Wu clan, which had been completely wiped out, suddenly appear, and there were still two of them when they appeared.But he has an exquisite mind, knowing that Samba is also chasing and killing Yang Yi, so he quietly stays aside, keeping his face, he is looking for opportunities to escape.

But at this moment, Samba's eyes swept over fiercely, a strong murderous intent flashed across his body, and he said coldly: "Hmph, immortal, immortal, I hate immortals the most, all immortals will die, Die for me!"

Samba didn't let Star Lord Lin Chen go. When he saw Star Lord Lin Chen, his murderous intent was even more crazy, and he killed as soon as he said it. When he slapped his big hand, it was like a giant palm holding up the sky, covering the world and slamming it fiercely. Take a beat down.

Star Lord Lin Chen's face changed drastically. He never expected that this new terrifying witch clan would kill him directly, and the power was still so terrifying.

"Sky Dragon Cover!"

Waves of dragon chant came out, resounding in the void, but Samba's palm was far from what Yang Yi could compare to. He directly smashed the sky dragon cover, and the aura on the sky dragon cover It flickered continuously, and then it became dim.


Seeing the celestial dragon cover, he was directly photographed by Samba as if it was paper. The star master Lin Chen's eyes seemed a little unbelievable, but his body was instantly crushed by this palm. Not only that, but The tyrannical force directly bombarded the primordial spirit of Star Lord Lin Chen.

Star Lord Lin Chen opened his eyes wide, and with just one slap, he was already killed. At this time, he realized how terrifying the witch clan in front of him was, beyond imagination, because such power had surpassed Fan Xian, this is an Earth Immortal who belongs only to Mortal Immortals, even Celestial Immortals!

In the realm of immortals, each level has a gap that can be bridged. It is almost impossible to challenge beyond the next level. Therefore, even an earth immortal can kill Star Lord Lin Chen in an instant.

Yang Yi looked very calm at this time. Seeing that Samba seemed to kill Star Lord Lin Chen easily, he knew that this was his most dangerous time, and Samba was indeed not what it used to be. He has really recovered a little bit of his terrifying prestige of dominating the world.

"Immortal, one day, I will kill the Immortal Realm and revive the prestige of my witch clan!"

Samba roared in a low voice. He looked into the high void, his eyes seemed to pass through the layers of space and descended into the illusory fairyland.

Regarding the hatred between the Wu Clan and the ancient immortals, Yang Yi didn't have any intuitive feelings, but he also knew that the Wu Clan and the immortals were incompatible, otherwise, Samba would not have met Lin Chen at the first moment. He killed Star Lord Lin Chen.

After killing Star Lord Lin Chen, Samba looked at Yang Yi again, and said calmly: "Okay, now you are completely clean. You have the great luck left by the witch clan. I don't know why these luck It will come to you, but these lucks are all mine. Only I can restore the glory of the ancient times to my witch clan. Therefore, you must die and swallow your undead body, and my power will quickly disappear. Recovery, you are considered to be half of the witch clan now, you should feel honored!"

Samba's voice seemed to carry some kind of bewitching power, but the bewitching power had no effect on Yang Yi.

"Honour? Hmph, stop talking nonsense, Samba, since the luck of the Wu Clan can befall me, Yang Yi, it means that I am the successor of the Wu Clan, and you are just my growing painstaking effort." It’s just a knife and stone, one day, you will be swallowed by me, and you will completely fulfill me!”

In terms of eloquence, ten sambas are no match for Yang Yi. Yang is eloquent and eloquent, which is simply not what sambas can match.

As soon as Yang finished speaking, Samba fell silent, but his eyes flickered with murderous intent. As soon as Yang knew, it was Samba who was about to make a move. Only the Wuzu knew about the Wuzu.


As expected by Yang Yi, Samba made a move. As soon as he made a move, the entire void seemed to be shaking, he became a god-like existence, and the sky and the earth shook with every move. [

This is only [-]% of the power, if it is restored to its full strength, what kind of horror will it reach?Yang Yi couldn't imagine it anymore, but at the same time, a sense of poverty rose in his heart. One day, he will reach this level, and even surpass Samba to obtain even stronger power.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi didn't dare to be negligent, and directly displayed his strongest power. The 36 figures overlapped fiercely in the void, bursting out with 36 times the power in an instant, as if even the sky, earth and sky were about to be pierced through, and they blasted fiercely. To Samba.

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