blood record

Chapter 586

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Each of the eight immortals felt the horror of the curse. Their primordial spirits kept shrinking, and they couldn't be effectively stopped at all, and their bodies were still changing, and began to disappear bit by bit.

This is the horror of the curse technique, even immortals are cursed to death.

"What a powerful curse technique. Samba, as a real witch in ancient times, is really much more proficient in mastering curse techniques than me!" [

In a secret place, Yang Yi said in a low voice. At this time, he had completely put the undead body into the Thunder Disk, and Samba couldn't feel his aura, so even if he hid beside him, Samba couldn't feel it. law found.

He is also very familiar with the curse technique, but seeing Samba curse the eight immortals to death, no one can save them at all. These eight immortals are destined to suffer slowly and die under the curse. fall.But Yang Yi knew that Samba didn't burn much lifespan. If Yang Yi came to use it, to achieve this level, the burned lifespan would be at least twice as long as Samba.

This is the extent of his understanding of the curse technique, and his research on undead bodies still needs to be deepened slowly.

After about a while, an immortal couldn't bear it anymore, his primordial spirit was annihilated, his breath could no longer be felt, and a majestic immortal fell.

Seeing that this celestial being really fell, the other seven celestial beings really panicked, their expressions were extremely ferocious, and they almost became crazy.

Death and fall, one after another, no one can stop them. In just a short moment, five immortals fell. This is the horror of the curse of the witch clan.

In the ancient and ancient times, the Wu clan was powerful enough to compete with the ancient immortals, how could it be trivial?This curse technique caused many ancient immortals to fall because of it.

"Bold devil!"

At this moment, a terrifying aura came, and an old man with a fairy-like appearance stepped forward.


An imaginary finger appeared in front of Samba in an instant, and even Samba couldn't react, and directly touched Samba's body.


The bones in Samba's body were directly broken. This is the first time that Samba has been attacked by monks here and received such heavy damage. His undead body is already strong enough to pass through the hardness of the undead body and kill him. Injured in the body, the strength of this old man is so strong that he has at least reached the peak of the earth immortal.

The power of the witch clan around Samba circulated slightly, and then recovered. The power of the undead body is far beyond what ordinary monks can imagine.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to have such an expert like you in the mortal world. Heavenly Immortal, well, even in the Immortal World, you can be considered a master. A heavenly immortal can be called a master. Next time, I will come again!"

After Samba finished speaking, the whole person disappeared into the void instantly.

Yang Yi's eyes were also shining with bursts of light, and he didn't want to stay any longer, he knew that there must be a master in this Xingji Starfield, but he didn't expect this master to be so terrifying, he was actually a terrifying fairy , This is ten times and a hundred times stronger than the earth immortal master, and it is no wonder that even Samba left directly.


Yang Yi didn't stay any longer either, because it's no small matter to be an immortal master, and he was also afraid of being discovered, so he immediately traveled through the space and left. [

"Taoist Jiexu, why don't you leave this devil behind?"

Suddenly, two old men burst out of the void, and the aura around the two old men was unexpectedly comparable to that of Taoist Jiexu, and they seemed to be masters of heaven.In the mortal world where the chaotic energy is so barren, it is really unbelievable to be able to cultivate into a celestial being. The difficulties involved are unknown, but one thing is, once an existence that can cultivate into a celestial being in the mortal world, once it enters the fairy world, it can definitely be called a god. For genius.

The two old men came to Taoist Jiexu and said coldly.

Taoist Jiexu took a look at the two old men, shook his head slightly and said, "Elder Yiyuan and Master Tongxing, although the three of you and I are all gods and possess powerful immortal treasures, this old man can conclude that even if you and I Even if the three of them work together, they can't suppress the devil, let alone kill him."

Tong Xingzhu frowned slightly. As the upper Xingzhu in the Xingji Starfield, he already owned dozens of stars. In the past few years, no one could do anything to him except Taoist Xu and Elder Yiyuan. What kind of threat did they cause, but now Taoist Jiexu said that the three of them would not be able to keep the devil together, so he didn't believe it.

"Hmph, Taoist Jiexu, didn't you get stunned by the demon as soon as you made a move without capturing it? A demon whose strength is only equivalent to that of the peak of the Earth Immortal, this star master can capture him by himself!"

The Tongxing Master said confidently, indeed, as a Heavenly Immortal, it seems natural to deal with an Earth Immortal. No matter how powerful the Earth Immortal is, it is almost impossible for the Tongxing Master to be able to compete against the Tongxing Master.

Even Elder Yiyuan nodded and said: "That's right, I also want to ask Taoist Jiexu to clarify my doubts. What is the origin of this devil? Even Taoist Jiexu has a little bit of fear."

Taoist Jiexu looked at Master Tongxing, and said with a cold smile: "Hmph, Master Tongxing, can you capture this demon? If the old man's prediction is correct, this demon will come again in the future, please come to me when the time comes." Let the star master go and capture it."

Taoist Jiexu didn't pay any attention to these two people, and went directly through the space.

Only Master Tongxing and Elder Yiyuan were left here. They looked at each other and looked at each other. Taoist Jiexu, who had always been prudent, was so calm this time. They all took this devil seriously.


At this time, there were still three immortals who had not fallen, but now they could no longer bear the power of the terrifying curse, and fell one after another.Elder Yiyuan and Master Tongxing were startled, and they realized that the demon had just beheaded eight terrifying immortals in one fell swoop.

"I'm afraid this matter is really serious, I'd better ask Taoist Jie Xu!"

Elder Yiyuan and Master Tongxing also nodded slightly. In the Xingji Starfield, Taoist Jiexu has the widest knowledge. He knows many secrets. He must also know about the devil this time. If there are some clues, otherwise he wouldn't act like this.

Immediately, Master Tong Xing and Elder Yiyuan shuttled through the space one after another, and shuttled directly towards Taoist Jiexu's star.

Taoist Jiexu is an undisciplined person in the Xingji star field. He did not occupy a star, nor did he become a star master. Some other monks came to practice, so this star seemed very lively.

Master Tong Xing and Elder Yi Yuan quickly flew to Taoist Jiexu's cave. Taoist Jie Xu looked a little unhappy at this time, but he just sat on the futon quietly. Seeing Master Tong Xing and Elder Yi Yuan coming Nothing is indicated.

Elder Yi Yuan stepped forward and said with a slight smile: "Fellow Taoist Jiexu, you are the most knowledgeable person in Xingji Star Region, you must know the details of this devil, and I hope fellow Taoists will see it on the face of many monks in Xingji Star Region." , let me tell the details of this devil, so that I can make some preparations later."

Taoist Jiexu sighed slightly after a long while: "This devil is really a big deal. If he is annoyed, my Xingji Starfield will have a peaceful day in the future! You should have heard of the Wu Clan in ancient times, right?"

"The Witch Clan? That's right. In the ancient times, the Witch Clan was a powerful force. It is rumored that their bodies were extremely terrifying. They were immortal and extremely terrifying. After fighting for thousands of years with the ancient immortals, they were finally He was gradually beheaded by the ancient immortals, and finally disappeared completely. Taoist Jiexu, why are you asking this witch clan? Is this demon head related to the witch clan?"

Elder Yiyuan, as the supreme elder of the star palace of the largest sect in Xingji Starfield, naturally knows a lot more. [

Taoist Jiexu also nodded slightly and said: "That's right, this demon is indeed related to the Wu Clan, and it's not just an ordinary relationship. The old man can now be sure that this demon is a real powerful Wu Clan, and according to those According to the division of strength among the witch clan, he has already reached the level of undead."

"What? Witch Clan? This demon is a Witch Clan. How is that possible?"

Both Elder Yiyuan and Master Tongxing felt a little unbelievable. After all, the Wu Clan only existed in some ancient books. In the tens of thousands of years, there has never been a real Wu Clan.

What's more, the horror of the Wu Clan is clearly described in ancient books. They are immortal, and their bodies are so hard that they cannot be killed easily. There is no way to really kill a witch.

Although they didn't know what method the ancient immortals used to defeat the Wu clan, even if the ancient immortals had a way to deal with the Wu clan, it was beyond their grasp.

So when they thought that this demon was from the witch clan, they felt that this matter was indeed serious.

Taoist Jiexu nodded solemnly and said: "That's right, this demon must be from the Witch Clan. The tyranny of his body, the old man has already realized just now. Even if he is smashed into powder, he can instantly fuse and reunite. This is the undead body! Once the Wu Clan has cultivated the undead body, if you want to kill them, I am afraid that only the ancient immortals can do it."

Taoist Jiexu's words revealed a dignified look. Elder Yiyuan and Master Tongxing really felt a sense of crisis at this time. The Wu Clan, which only existed in legends, has now appeared alive, and they are about to Facing the revenge of a terrifying witch clan master, thinking of this, the three heavenly masters all felt very difficult.

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